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The Nazis - A Warning From History

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The Nazis - A Warning From History

An examination of how a cultured people could have allowed Hitler's rise to power.

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Release : 1997
Rating : 8.7
Studio : BBC,  A+E Studios, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Screenplay, 
Cast : Samuel West
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Beautiful, moving film.


I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.


A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

Dalbert Pringle

.... A Warning From History (!?) When it comes to being honestly and thoroughly educated about the reality of the "Holocaust" - I'd say - Forget about watching Spielberg's "Schindler's List", and, instead, focus your full attention on this riveting and, yes, chilling 1997 documentary from the BBC, titled (what else?) "The Nazis".Through interviews with Holocaust survivors, witnesses, participants, and even close associates of Hitler's, along with plenty of excellent vintage, newsreel footage - This 6-chapter, 4-hour documentary will undoubtedly give you a much better understanding as to why something as horrific as the Holocaust actually happened.I mean, it's certainly mind-boggling to believe that so many millions of intelligent people were, in fact, duped and seduced by the likes of Adolf Hitler, a quirky, carpet-chewing, tantrum-throwing, evil-eyed misfit/scoundrel if there ever was one..... Was it all done "For The Love Of Thy Fuhrer" (??) - See for yourself.

Michael O'Keefe

A brilliant episodic chronicle delving into the rise and collapse of the Third Reich. Archival footage and conversations with unrepentant Nazis and survivors of the atrocities ordered by Adolph Hitler. It seemed the German people wanted a strong man offering something to fear. Hitler himself endured a process that made him the voice of a nation. Slowly but surely brutality spawned respect, but who knew about the eventual mechanized extinction of an entire race? Jews of several nations suffered squalor, poverty, humiliation and death during the rein of Hitler. Light is shed on how ordinary people became murdering minions. Order became disorder within the German army during the darkest hours of defeat. 70-year-old men and pre-teen boys were armed and commanded to fight to the end. Small children were put to work making hand grenades. This comprehensive documentary brings to light little known facts about the war and propensity of a mad man; the wiles of a mass murderer.


I second what a lot of other reviewers have said, but only add this. Ruthless, authoritarian governments are often portrayed as being "efficient" - one of Mussolinis mottos was that he would "keep the trains running on time." The Nazi propaganda machine pushed this image of the efficiency of fascism so well it persists to this day. This documentary show the reality - the Nazi's were grossly incompetent as cronyism very quickly set in, as it does in all such tyrannical states. I'm also tired of this myth that the Nazis "almost won" - they did not only not "almost win" WW2, they got completely obliterated and got their own country destroyed.


I've seen my fair share of documentaries about World War II and Nazism. Some were good and some downright awful. But this one gets at some issues that are often addressed poorly by other investigations.One question this six-part series attempts to answer is how did Germany fall under Hitler's spell? How was it possible? Perhaps one of the best moments is in laying the ground work for answering this complex question by detailing the circumstances and climate of the time. It certainly solved some mysteries for me concerning the hatred of Germans toward communism and Bolshevism.The interviews themselves are hard hitting. I am amazed that some of these former Nazis agreed to be interviewed and unblinkingly told why they acted as they did. Some give excuses but many simply state if daring anyone to deny them their right to feel that way. It is simply amazing and stunning to watch. And to realize that even in the light of how horrific their actions were, they still would have acted in such a manner. It defies description.The series' creators seem to understand that in no way can they tackle all the issues of Nazism so they pick their issues with care. I especially appreciated hearing how the ethnic Germans returned to their newly expanded homeland, causing the SS to have to throw out the Poles living there. It was an aspect of the annexation I knew nothing about until now.My only complaint was that there was so much I am sure they had to leave out. But what is included is first-rate, well done and definitely skillfully pieced together. The graphics are also top notch. I must also applaud the creators for choosing original music or period music and not the usual synthesizer overdubs one hears in most documentaries.Kudos, too, to narrator Sam West, who does a top-notch job.

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