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Lake Noir

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Lake Noir

A group of friends head off for a secluded getaway and encounter more than they bargained for. "Nothing good happens at this lake, " warns Ol' Mr. McAvoy to a group of unsuspecting campers looking forward to a sex and alcohol fueled romp at a secluded lake. Little do they know the lake's sordid past, horrible atrocities, and the resident of the lake who does not take kindly to visitors.

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Release : 2011
Rating : 2.5
Studio : Brain Damage Films, 
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Drama Horror

Cast List



Simply A Masterpiece


Good movie but grossly overrated


A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

Maleeha Vincent

It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.


I've seen a ton of indy horror flicks and this one ranks pretty low. You don't expect much out of most low budget films, but there is just no tension in this movie. There is seriously nothing happening for the first hour and ten minutes of this hour and a half film. No one dies, the "creature" (for lack of a better word) doesn't show up, nothing. Just a bunch of people talking about... well, nothing. It's as if you spied on a group of campers and listened in on their conversation for an hour or so. It goes nowhere. Just a bunch of talk about sex, food and booze. I can't imagine that there was an actual script because the dialog sounded made up and didn't even push the story along or help you understand anything beyond the surface of the cliched characters. There are so many plot holes and questions that make you wonder why the filmmakers never even tried to address any them. For example, why does a virgin girl clearly in her thirties need her mother's permission to go to the lake with her forty year old boyfriend? Why is this "creature" just killing random people, what's his motive? Why is everybody so cryptic and avoid just coming out and telling people why they shouldn't go to the lake, even when they're asked a direct question? And lastly, why are there multiple close up shots of the generic beers they're drinking? This was a film that might have been good if it was cut down to a 10-15 minute short. There's just not enough story or character development for a feature. A few boob shots and ten minutes of killing at the end isn't worth the hour and a half running time.


I like indie flicks.This is, without a doubt, the most awful movie I have ever experienced.HOLY HELL. I am compelled to mail the actors, writers, and production crew and plead for the hour back of my life. WOW.The girls are pretty,and show boobs....mostly sub par boobs....but boobs nonetheless. The acting was atrocious. Calling it acting is an insult to actors. YES i know it is low budget.NO, that does not excuse it.DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. Public advisory.

james carradine

a good film that does leave me feeling a little short but a good film to sit at home and take it for what it is. I felt as if it were a low budget film I would not give give a film like this a 10 if it were a studio picture but for low budget indie it had the nudity,and awesome monster makeup I have seen studio films that did not have as good a look as this it had all the elements even if they did not work perfectly definitely worth a rental. I have done shorts and films over the years so I understand the effort that goes into just getting a film made. most critics have never made a film let alone a short so I do get a little annoyed with hypercritical people but when you make a film thats what you sign up for. hope you guys keep making films , next time I will expect more though ;)


I enjoyed this film and it was slow but enjoyed the characters and quality of FX makeup and image quality and production value was impressive for a low budget. I could pick it apart but clearly they did what they could with what they had.I will leave the overly critical reviews to the haters with a hyperactive sense of self importance. This is the type of movie to crack a beer kick back and relax with. I bought this film and saw there is going to be a sequel I look forward to see what these guys can do with more of a budget. There is some graphic nudity , sex and violence but that comes with the territory. Cheers :)

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