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The Entertainer

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The Entertainer

Archie Rice, an old-time British vaudeville performer sinking into final defeat, schemes to stay in show business.

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Release : 1960
Rating : 7.1
Studio : Woodfall Film Productions,  Continental, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Assistant Art Director, 
Cast : Laurence Olivier Brenda De Banzie Roger Livesey Joan Plowright Alan Bates
Genre : Drama

Cast List

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Fresh and Exciting

Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

Cheese Hoven

This once admired film has not aged well. Like so many other British films of the period, it is a bleak depressing "slice of life" kitchen sink drama. The main family, as always in these things, is deeply unhappy and held together by reasons other than love. Such things make pieces beloved of critics but are such a reduction of human relationships. There is something dissatisfying about watching a group of miserable people live miserably.The role of Archie Rice is a somewhat iconic one for Olivier. His performance is very good. Archie completely dominates this and as usual with Osbourne he seems to be a cipher for Osbourne himself. Very self- centred. Other characters are rather under developed, particularly Archie's young love interest who seems to be introduced simply so she could appear in the movie poster, a misleading piece of fake news of the time to try and persuade potential movie goers that the film is more interesting than it actually is. The girl disappears very quickly and is never seen again.Ultimately this is like watching a long episode of East Enders, only more depressing.


This is a film about Archie Rice,"The Entertainer" who is a variety artist at the time music halls were becoming extinct and television had virtually destroyed that way of life.Archie Rice wants to find backers for his show at what becomes a tragic price. He wants to support his family and getting this show together is a last ditch attempt.Billy his father played by Roger Livesey was a very successful star in his day wants to help in anyway he can.Archie Rice as played by Laurence Olivier has not had the success of his father and the stench of failure is never far away. His son Mick is soldier and he is involved in the Suez crisis -- Olivier strongly conveys his concern for his son as he immediately switches on the radio for news.His performance as Archie is staggeringly brilliant -- there is no sentimentality or self pity -- just someone having protective layers stripped away.He is not a nice man and his "dead behind the eyes" description is accurate though he pays in spades for his ruthlessly opportunistic behaviour.As with Jimmy Porter, John Osborne created another unforgettable character.


The underlying theme of this movie is the end of the British empire, played out in allegory with the end of a not very talented "entertainer". The poet John Mansfield a few decades before this movie was made gave Britons an inkling of what was coming. Two wars and a softness grown out of a century of milking its colonies finally had to come to end. This film is not what the average movie viewer wants, much less understands when the creators of this project reveal to the audience what lies ahead. When Archie is yanked off the stage, it is the symbolic end of Great Britan as a great power. The Suez war and Archies's son as a relic of Britan's once dominant power are a backdrop to political and military events when this film was in production. The Suez war was not backed by the US. The British learned that the day was over when it could exert influence let alone dominant military actions without US backing. Catch the line in the beginning of the film when Archie's daughter is being asked to leave" a dying country". That line establishes the events to follow, for Archie and England.

Andy (film-critic)

This was a very strange film developed in the 1960s. The dark themes of love, money, greed, and overall the protagonist's dream of being the next big sensation were chilling. This film was a perfect example of a very depressing story that never had a glimmer of light. Sure, there are several times we think that Archie will taste success, but before he is able to put the symbolic spoon into the bowl, he is shot down harder and faster than before. There is never a big break for Archie. He represents the human in even the smallest entertainer. As I read my local paper and see that Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg stopped at a local DQ earlier in the month, I can't help but realize the fact that this film is trying to show. They are human. While they may have more money and seen by more people, they are still human and have to deal with the human drama that we cope with daily. Archie is no exemption, and his struggles with love, money, family, and success are just stronger realizations of his human element. Add to this mix Archie's father and you see the true element of which I speak. Archie's father represents a dying breed of actors that do not live grandiose lifestyles, but somehow live on just their name alone. They have spent their money and rely on the kindness of strangers for favors. This is where Archie lacks. His kindness is only to women, and they continually hurt him in the long run.Outside of the 'human entertainer' concept, this is a very flat and shallow film. From the opening scene until the end, we are never quite given the big picture of this family or our surroundings. I never quite understood the scenes. Where were we? Why were we here? Who are the people that do visit Archie's shows? This builds a horrible background for our characters to live within. Without the proper structure behind our characters this forces them to crumble with the slightest bit of force. Archie's daughter Jean, the self-appointed narrator of the family, never seems to fit into her role. Plowright never seems comfortable with her character and is constantly giving off the wrong emotion during the scene. There was one part when I swore I saw her laughing. She is a distraction and a downfall for this film. Secondly, Olivier needed to contain his character a bit. I know that he was to portray an entertainer on the edge of reality, but it never showed. He needed more control over his emotions and really build a human element to his character. He was neither believable nor enjoyable to watch.From the beginning of this film I never once felt like he could be successful, and when he is the character we are trying to rejoice over, we need to feel that sensation. I needed to feel like he could really make this show work, instead of constantly being pulled deeper into his depression. This goes with Archie's father as well. It is possible to play too senile, and this is a perfect example. The entire cake scene (when you see it you will see) was laughable instead of emotional. The only character that worked decently well in this film was Phoebe. She had a touch character to grapple with and it felt like Brenda De Banzie was the only one carrying her weight in this film. Her emotion and power made some of the scenes worth watching instead of completely unbearable.Finally, I would like to say that with the background taking second fiddle to the actors, and the actors taking second fiddle to the background, this band needed longer hours practicing. Not only was this film confusing, but it also only allowed us to see one segment of the story. I needed more pre-story information or possibly a better ending to really allow me to connection with Archie. There was nothing forcing me to feel sympathy for the main character. I didn't know enough about him, nor did I really feel comfortable with the family dynamics between him and Phoebe. What was their relationship? Plutonic? Who knows? All I do know is that director Tony Richardson did not have control over this film. He seemed to slip between what his star player of the film (Laurence Olivier) and a developed story. I do not see why Laurence was nominated for an Oscar for this role. There was nothing spectacular.Overall, maybe I missed the boat on this film. Perhaps I was expecting my first Laurence Olivier film to blow me out of the water, but instead all I found was a jumbled mess of papers. I understand that the world of entertainment is not as glamorous as we think it is, but it is not as depressing as Richardson shows in this film. I needed a stronger balance and a better cast to make this film work for me. I needed to see some reason for me to attach myself to Archie, but sadly there was nothing. This film failed for me, but I will not give up on Olivier, I think he can prevail.On a side note, maybe it is just me, but I thought that Olivier in this film resembled Robin Williams in not only the way that he spoke, but also the facial mannerisms. Odd, maybe it is just me…Grade: ** out of *****

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