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Dirty Hands

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Dirty Hands

Towing a submerged torpedo in the wake of their battered fishing boat, a desperate fisherman and a naive kid embark on a journey trafficking millions of dollars worth of cocaine. Shot entirely on location along the Pacific coast of Colombia—in areas that bear the indelible scars of the drug trade—Manos Sucias refuses to glamorize the drug trade but rather seeks to offer a rare glimpse of its devastating effects.

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Release : 2014
Rating : 7.2
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Executive Producer, 
Cast :
Genre : Drama Thriller

Cast List



Absolutely Fantastic


A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.


This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.


As a Colombian, I saw this movie with skepticism and enthusiasm. Because many other movies about the drug trade and the violence of my country never really tried to show, why this really happened? I mean, what are the motivations of an individual to deal with drugs? In the other hand "Dirty Hands" achieve to present what is going on, in the mind of a person that does such things without demonizing them. In the title of this review I put in the word "fine", the reason is that this film is not as violent as it could actually be ... as the ghettos of that city actually are. As said, it does not focus on the demons, it just explain, why a young man without an education start smuggling drugs, and director Kubota Wladyka do that from a very fine perspective.Besides the sociological reasons to watch this movie, there are also musical reasons, and photographical ones. The music is the salsa and pacific rap written compose in Valle del Cauca, songs like "Buenaventura y Caney", are its soundtrack.And you, the viewer will be able to watch the circumstances of a really poor city, which peoples potential and natural wealth has been wasted by corrupted politicians.


Manos Sucias (or "Dirty Hands" in English) is a neat, little crime drama produced mainly by Spike Lee. It's the debut feature of Josef Kubota Wladyka whose protagonists are Delio (Cristian James Abvincula) and Jacobo (Jarlin Javier Martinez), drug runners from the Colombian town of Buenaventura.Jacobo is in his 30s, the older brother of Delio, 19, but the two have not seen each other in quite a long time, even though they live in the same town. When we're first introduced to Delio, it's a little confusing, since he's with a friend who disappears for the rest of the narrative. Delio is chosen to accompany Jacobo in a motorboat equipped with an old, rusty torpedo shell containing kilos of cocaine. They travel up the Pacific west coast accompanied by Miguel, a surly, racist, light-skinned drug gang member who disparages Jacobo and Delio for their admiration of Pele, the famed soccer player, simply because he's black.The contrast between the personalities of Jacobo and Delio is etched in high relief. Jacobo is sullen and haunted by the death of his young son at the hands of paramilitaries—and now after his wife has left him, seeks to move to Bogota, the Colombian capital, to make a new life. Delio, on the other hand, is boisterous and hopes to bring his girlfriend and new son, a measure of material comforts, from their share of the drug sales.The plot really picks up first when Jacobo is forced to kill Miguel after Miguel shoots an innocent child unknowingly playing on top of the drug torpedo. Things become even more exciting when the brothers' drug stash is stolen by a young vendor who earlier had sold Delio some coconuts during a lull in their trip up the Pacific. Jacobo and Delio, knowing that if they don't recover the drugs they will be killed, proceed inland and hitch a ride in a motorcycle sidecar powered by engines running on an abandoned train track. Using a GPS tracker, they finally find the "torpedo" but the drugs are missing. Somehow (and it seems a bit unbelievable), the brothers are able to locate the thief at a nearby house where he's taking care of his ailing grandmother.Jacobo threatens to kill the grandmother so the vendor agrees to show them where he hid the drugs. Again they travel down the tracks in the sidecar and almost are discovered by paramilitary soldiers who are proceeding in the other direction. After eluding the soldiers, the vendor escapes but is shot by Delio on the beach. This is the point where the "dirty hands" come in. Out of bullets, Delio is forced to strangle the young drug thief with his bare hands. The tragedy of course is that the two brothers are decent guys who get involved in nefarious activities in order to escape their impoverished economic situation. Both neophyte actors give excellent performances as the beleaguered drug runners. Jarlin Javier Martinez as Jacobo is particularly impressive, especially in the scene where he breaks down recounting the death of his young son. Cristian James Abvincula as Delio also adroitly conveys his deep anguish when he reluctantly must commit murder.During "down time" while on the boat, Jacobo and Delio's conversations give us an additional peak into their lives outside of their dark "profession." Often there's talk about the racial disparities of their social milieu (we become aware that it's extremely difficult for black Colombians to become successful in the "white man's world"). The film's soundtrack, featuring punchy local pop songs, adds to the overall flavor of the brothers' peripatetic world.Manos Sucias is filmed occasionally in a cinema verité style particularly during the action scenes. This is where less of the use of a shaky, hand-held camera, would have been more effective.While I often feel Spike Lee's own films are a hit or miss affair, he seems to have a real talent for picking winners as a producer. Manos Sucias is an example of one of them—impressive in its on the mark verisimilitude.


While there have certainly been many films created over the last 3 decades dealing with the drug-smuggling trade, nothing comes close to this film in showing a day in the life of a "foot soldier". All too often, we see the almost glorified portrayals of the dealers (Scarface, Blow etc) becoming super-rich overnight. Yet this film gives us the point of view from one of the hundreds of thousands of small-time workers that comprise the drug-empires of today. It would be easy to demonize anyone working in the drug-trade, but this film takes the viewer into the motivations, mind-set and environments which entice or force everyday struggling people into this world. With incredible scenery, cultural symbolism and harsh reality throughout, "Manos Sucias" is most likely one of the best films I have seen that gives relevance and insight into how the drug-world operates and the impact it has on the people involved.


This movie is simply great. Perhaps I am biased, as I conduct research in epidemiology in the same geographic area in which this movie develops. I can attest that this movie is faithful to the complex social dynamics in the Colombian Pacific coast, and does so in a way that does not detract from the tragedy of their misery. "There are no black people in Bogota" is a sentence repeated several times in the movie, and it has a profound meaning: the disparity in development between rural and urban areas is enormous. Buenaventura, where the story begins, processes 70% of the cargo that enters Colombia, but this economic activity leaves very little behind. The lack of jobs, services, security, opportunities is inferred from this movie as the cause for the ordeal of the protagonists, but the movie avoids stereotypes and simplistic political interpretations. Character development is superb. Manos Sucias is a lesson in contemporary history.

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