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The Swap

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The Swap

Vito gets out of jail after serving ten years and tries to find out who killed his younger brother.

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Release : 1979
Rating : 3.2
Studio : Cannon Group,  January Films, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Costume Design, 
Cast : Robert De Niro Jennifer Warren Anthony Charnota Lisa Blount Sybil Danning
Genre : Drama Crime

Cast List


Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one


A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


In 1969, Sam Nicoletti (Robert de Niro) is a film editor. He gets killed by a mysterious stranger. Ten years later, Sam's brother Vito gets out of prison. He starts investigating Sam's death as De Niro appears in flashbacks.In 1969, an unknown Robert De Niro starred in a little movie called Sam's Song. It is little seen. Director Jordan Leondopoulos uses footage from that movie to incorporate into his new movie. He obviously couldn't get De Niro or anybody from the first movie. This is a jumble mess. I would love to watch a young De Niro in a nothing movie like Sam's Song. This is watching snippets of disjointed sections of that movie. I couldn't follow Sam's story and Vito's story is horribly stiff. Sam's Song looks like a bad indie and the new footage looks infinitely worst. Other than seeing a younger De Niro, this is not worth the effort.


One of Robert De Niro's earliest films was a bad and forgettable film called "Sam's Song". A decade after its release, some unscrupulous boobs decided to integrate a few tiny clips of him from this film into a new film in order to capitalize on his recent successes such as "The Godfather" films as well as "Taxi Driver". And, to further exploit his fame, they gave him top billing even though he's barely in "The Swap" at all! Apart from the intro and a few tiny clips used here and there, he isn't even in the film!As for the plot, it is also a rip-off. Clearly it's a reworking of the excellent Michael Caine film, "Get Carter". In both, a guy is in prison when his younger brother is killed--and he's determined to find and punish those responsible. Caine's film is a classic--this other version features wooden acting, terrible editing of the old and new film footage and almost zero energy. Overall, it's an awful little film that is better forgotten.


Vinnie gets out of jail after serving 10 years and tries to find out who killed his younger brother - played by a young Robert de Niro.Some plot.DeNiro is VERY young in this movie that looks like it was financed with mob money.In fact, his scenes are taken from a 1969 movie called Sam's Song!!!And when I say scenes, DeNiro is literally in the movie 90 seconds despite getting top billing!!!!The crazy director went on to teach at City University in NY. Sybil Danning has blue hair. Why? We never find out. A couple scenes later it's brown.The movie is pretty bad.


Incorporates scenes from the 1969 film "Sam's Song" of Robert DeNiro (as Sam) playing an aspiring director who meets a couple (Warren and Mickey) and an apparently single woman (Crawford) with whom he develops mutual bonds over one party-filled weekend at the beach. But when he's murdered, his fiercely protective brother (Charnotta) vows to avenge his death and ten years' later upon his release from gaol, he pieces together Sam's final days to seek retribution.Neither DeNiro nor Warren - whose stars had risen in the intervening years between the 1969 footage and this 1979 re-edit - appear in the subsequently shot scenes, though naturally much is made of their names in the credits for marquee value. Both Mickey and Crawford reprise their roles, but Charnotta is essentially the central character here, his interrogations abetted by Lisa Blount as his frustrated chauffeur who once 'worked' for his brother. James Brown has a couple of scenes as a detective warning Charnotta not to dig too deeply into his brother's murder, and the sultry Sybil Danning playing the modern-day Warren role is entirely wasted sitting behind a desk.Tedious attempt at a film noir, bereft of action and suspense, just a dreary series of one-on-one conversations interspersed with flashbacks of the melodramatic romantic quartet, making the most out of DeNiro's scant, unrelated footage. Though there's an occasional promise of something entertaining, it never eventuates. Even the film's climax is a non-event, hampered by a shoestring budget that teases, but fails to deliver.

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