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Forever Amber

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Forever Amber

Amber St Clair, orphaned during the English Civil War and raised by a family of farmers, aspires to be a lady of high society; when a group of cavaliers ride into town, she sneaks away with them to London to achieve her dreams.

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Release : 1947
Rating : 6.5
Studio : 20th Century Fox, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Set Decoration, 
Cast : Linda Darnell Cornel Wilde Richard Greene George Sanders Glenn Langan
Genre : Drama History Romance

Cast List

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Thanks for the memories!


As Good As It Gets


Absolutely Fantastic

Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

Mark Turner

Personal tastes can affect the way you watch a movie or decide what it is you will watch. But it's also nice to extend yourself past the sort of movies you favor to see what else is out there. Such was the case when I received my copy of FOREVER AMBER. In reading the synopsis I could tell it wasn't my normal type of film to enjoy. But I watched it anyone determined to see if I would enjoy it or not. The end result was a mixed bag.The movie is based on the best-selling novel, considered scandalous at the time it was released and banned in several cities. It tells the story of a young woman named Amber St. Clair (Linda Darnell), raised by puritans, who leaves her home behind after meeting an adventurer named Bruce Carlton (Cornel Wilde). Carlton romances Amber but then leaves her behind to go off to the new world. He leaves her with some money but she is soon taken advantage of and thrown into prison.Unfortunately for Amber she discovers she is pregnant with Bruce's child. She meets a highwayman when the prison guards pimp out the female prisoners who helps her escape and sets her up in his place. But as the movie moves forward you begin to see that a pattern develops with Amber. This new beau is killed during a scam the pair have concocted and she ends up with another man who wants to marry her, never realizing she continues to pine for Bruce with the intent to marry him.Bruce continues to come and go into Amber's life. Her son grows from infant to child. And eventually she finds herself in the King's favor, King Charles II (George Sanders). But even when she finally achieves the status and social position she thinks will win her the favor of Carlton she brings ruin to her plans. It isn't until the end of the film that you discover if she succeeds or not. And even that is left up in the air when you learn that the company that released the film changed the ending.The movie runs longer than one would think at over 2 hours, long for a movie that was released in 1947. And to be honest it felt like it ran long too. That isn't to say it isn't a good movie or that the story doesn't keep you watching, but it feels repetitious at times. The acting is superb with both Darnell and Wilde giving it their all. Sanders dry way of playing the king also is worth noting.Fans of night time soaps or costume dramas will find this film to their liking. Others will be able to enjoy it but won't make an effort to seek it out. On the whole it was a nice movie with an interesting story but for me the melodrama became a bit much. Then again I'd just finished watching WUTHERING HEIGHTS before putting this one in so that may not have helped.Twilight Time has provided the cleanest version of the film to ever be offered but what would one expect from them by now? They always do a tremendous job an don't fail to do so here. Extras include an isolated music track, a featurette entitled LINDA DARNELL: HOLLYWOOD'S FALLEN ANGEL and writings by film historian Julie Kirgo. As with all Twilight Time titles this one is limited to just 3,000 copies so if interested pick yours up before they're gone.


A lengthy(138 min.) costume drama, based upon the popular very lengthy novel of the same name. Most of the story is set during the early reign of Charles II of England. However, the very brief beginning is set in 1644, during the English Civil War between the Royalists and Parliamentarians. During this earlier time, a coach containing Loyalists is being chased by Parliamentarians. The coach stops long enough to deposit an infant girl on a cottage step. A little later, the horsemen catch the coach and kill all those inside.Abruptly, the screenplay moves forward to when this girl is 16 years old, and itching to escape the confines of her life as a farmer's daughter. Perhaps it's that royal blood that she presumably was born with. In any case, she thinks she's pretty enough to turn the heads of many a young, as well as old, gentleman. Against everyone's advice, she sets off by herself for London, where she meets two gentlemen she got acquainted with in the village tavern. She decides she very much likes one of them: Bruce Carlton. The two are home from a voyage, looking for a charter to serve as privateers. Clearly, Bruce is not yet ready to tie himself down with a wife and children. He prefers an adventurous life to that of court intrigue. Nonetheless, Amber persists at trying to throw herself at him. Bruce gets his permission from the King and goes off on another voyage, leaving Amber with some money for living expenses. But she loses most of it from a pair of swindlers. She's thrown into prison as a debtor , and escapes, thanks to the influence of a highwayman: Black Jack, who uses her to lure fops into an alley, where they are robbed. Eventually, Black Jack is killed in one of these heists. Amber has a child fathered by Bruce, and then proceeds to form romantic relationships with several men. She nurses Bruce back to health when he comes down with plague and defends him against a thieving woman, while sick. He then has to fight a rapier duel over her. Given Bruce's indifference, she marries an elderly earl, as a kept woman, becoming a countess. He dies by fowl play in the great London fire, which consumes his mansion. Amber next attracts the attention of King Charles, becoming his mistress. Unfortunately, Bruce again arrives, this time from a plantation in Virginia. He has a wife this time, and Amber tries to tarnish her reputation. But it backfires, and the King dismisses her as his mistress, concluding that she cared more for Bruce than for him. She is opposed to Bruce's pleading that he take Bruce Jr. back with him to Virginia. However, Bruce Jr. says he wants to experience the adventure of the New World, so she gives him up. She has lost those she loves most, as well as her position with Charles. She's still a countess, but has no clue what to do with the rest of her life.Linda Darnell is OK in the title role. The various featured men are good in their roles, except that Cornel Wilde, as Bruce, should have been more animated and likable. Too bad Errol Flynn couldn't have his part. Vincent Price had played Charles II in "Hudson's Bay", and was the original choice for this role here. But, George Sanders did a good job.Although Amber was infatuated with Bruce, the opposite didn't seem to be true. Unfortunately, their preferred lifestyles weren't very compatible. Bruce wanted an adventurous life, and Amber wanted a courtly life. In his new life as a Virginia planter, he definitely needed a wife, and preferably, a growing boy such as Bruce Jr, Amber had already shown she wasn't interested in a rural life, especially in farming. Much of the film appears to have been shot in semi-darkness, or occasionally, fog. At this time, shooting in color required strong lights for indoor shots. Or, perhaps they wanted a more realistic lighting. Also, the copy I saw wasn't a vibrant Technicolor.


This movie has always been a favorite of mine, BUT I hadn't seen it in over 20 years... so that should say something about my maturity level. Recently, I viewed it two different times. Each time I got something new from it, but it was still hard to follow and boring.My main objective here is in trying to find out where they got the beautiful dogs that King Charles had. They are King Charles Spaniels... as they are named after the king. However, for 1947 I am amazed at how beautiful these dogs looked. Truthfully, these dogs were the highlight of my purpose for viewing this movie. Any comments about the background of these dogs would be appreciated.


I had not seen Forever Amber since I saw it in a theater as a young girl and was completely captivated by the intrigue and the flash and dash of it all.Seeing it now as a MUCH older woman, I see the holes, mostly in the lighting which is quite dim even when it should be bright. Perhaps the set designer was trying to give the effect of period lighting.I was struck by how much the story follows the bare-bones of Gone With The Wind, in particular the way it ends and the glamorous and enigmatic Baron Carlton- Cornell Wilde, walk away with the child while Amber watches from the window. A perfect opening for the sequel that never came.Forever Amber doesn't even pretend to be a GREAT film, but it is a good one with good acting and some wonderful touches, especially George Sanders' terrific "Snidley Whiplash" aka James II. as he calls his brace of King Charles spaniels "children".Linda Darnell is lovely but not as accomplished an actress as Vivian Leigh (or as beautiful). Cornell Wilde is NOT Clark Gable-but who was? Still, both manager to give satisfactory performances.Wilde's best scenes are with the child who looks very much like him. There is a warmth and humor about Wilde when he is interacting with the child that is charming. His Baron Carlton is aloof and something of a snob with everyone else. He is aware of his station in life and unable to break his code of behavior even for Amber. I have no doubt he likes her, but I don't think he ever loved her in the same way she loved him. He never really seems to empathize with her struggles, but is genuinely grateful to her for saving his life and delighted with his young son. He is an puzzle wrapped in a conundrum.Amber is all surface. She has the depth of a parking-lot puddle and I find myself wishing Maureen O'Hara had been cast. Then REAL sparks would fly. In Darnell's Amber we get a smudge-pot. Oh well.The glimpses of the court and old London, the plague and the fire are interesting and, in general the film is FUN.My one REAL regret is that we never see enough of Wilde fencing. He was a National fencing champion and on the 1936 Olympic Fencing team, but his fencing scene in Amber is shot through fog so dense you can hardly see him. That's a shame!!Enjoy that barn-burner for what it is, not what it could have been!

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