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The Cube

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The Cube

An unnamed man, simply called "The Man" is trapped in a cubical white room where anyone else can enter and leave, but which he himself apparently cannot leave. A stool is brought in covered in strawberry jam, the furniture changes throughout the play. The main character, is subjected to an increasingly puzzling and frustrating series of encounters, as a variety of people come through various hidden doors. But, as many remind him, he can only leave through his own door, so he must find it to leave. Originally airing on NBC's weekly anthology television show NBC Experiment in Television in 1969, the production was produced and directed by puppeteer and filmmaker Jim Henson, and was one of several experiments with the live-action film medium which he conducted in the 1960s, before focusing entirely on The Muppets and other puppet works.

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Release : 1969
Rating : 7.5
Studio : Henson Associates, Inc., 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Richard Schaal Rex Sevenoaks Jerry Nelson Claude Rae Don McGill
Genre : Drama Horror Comedy

Cast List



Good movie but grossly overrated


Absolutely Fantastic


I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible


Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.


I haven't personally bought it, but there IS an internet company supposedly offering copies for sale at $11.99. The website is As for myself, I also have memories of seeing this as a child and having it stuck in my head and wondering all this time if it was just a nagging old dream. Amazing! It's almost as if it was some bizarre cultural experiment by Henson to see if he could get some program in your brain that won't go away. There's something about the idea of being in a small "room" that allows visitors to enter and exit, but NOT the occupant, that is so oddly frightening, yet thought-provoking, that young minds (I was eight-years-old at the time) buying into the fantasy can never forget it. It's an early brush with the frustrating world of Kafka. I'm tempted to buy the DVD and watch it again, but maybe knowing it WASN'T a dream and could be simply a silly old TV program might ruin the sense memory. Then again, maybe that website is lying and the film truly ISN'T available, thus keeping 'The Cube' as fittingly out of reach as getting out of the cube was to the occupant!

David Edward Martin

On February 23,1969, a Sunday afternoon, the anthology show NBC EXPERIMENT IN TELEVISION aired a one-hour teleplay by Jim Henson, then best known for being the man behind "Ralph the Dog" on the JIMMY DEAN SHOW. This unique film, titled simply THE CUBE, starred Richard Schaal as a man trapped in a white cubical room. He had no idea how he got there or where it was. And although anyone could enter, he couldn't leave....In 2002 I posted the original IMDb comment on THE CUBE and started the long struggle to expand the credits on this long-lost, long-forgotten classic. Soon other IMDb users were regaining their memories of this odd but invasive show. After a few months of this it seemed a good idea to create a common place to share thoughts, memories, and discoveries about THE CUBE.And another place online where you can show people and go AH-HAH! SEE! I TOLD YOU IT EXISTED!!!!Location: the three years of existence, we've gone from the barest of information online to full cast lists and a reconstructed script. Next, actual screen images from THE CUBE. Come join us! Feel free to add anything you want, anything you can find, from personal thoughts to actual files and images!-------Postscript, 29July2008------- Six years later and we've accomplished much of our goals. The biggest success was bringing out of hiding both BW and COLOR copies of this lost masterpiece. Those copies are now available online, both for free and in the form of pirate copies others have made. We're still hoping that Henson's kids will bring out a legit, newly-remastered edition.... In the mean time, we've reconstructed the original script, collected a mass of screen caps, and seen the creation of TWO stage versions (one in US, one in Germany).--David


I remember the show ending with the main character being escorted down the corridor, as the previous reviewer stated. Once in the office the man was given a fountain pen to sign some forms before being discharged. He accidently cuts his finger, and when he sucks the cut he tastes not blood but .... strawberry jam. The office then dissolves into ... the white cube. Fade to white.I too can't believe I finally found other people who have seen this show.


I have been searching for this for years. I remember seeing it as a kid as well on TV during the sixties. The only reference I had seen for it was in Vincenzo Natali's "Cube". I actually saw it a few times late at night and even ran across it as a cult movie in a theatre during the 80's. The previous summary is fairly accurate. Obviously, the cube is a metaphor for life in an existential sense. One can sense and test the boundaries of our Self, but can't actually get out. Which is obviously very frustrating for even a small amount of self-awareness. It brings into question such subjects as the metaphysical "Who am I?", free will and interactions between what we perceive to be our Self and others. This is a really cool little film. It had a lasting impression an me. To my knowledge it has never been put on video.

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