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Jane Eyre

After living a miserable life with her aunt, orphaned Jane Eyre is sent to Lowood, a residential school for children of limited means. Jane takes the advice of her friend and over many years takes her studies seriously, eventually advertising for a position as a governess. She obtains a position in the home of Edward Rochester, where his ward, Adele, has recently come to live. She soon realizes that there is something odd in the house and she regularly sees shadowy figures in windows or hears voices. No one will admit to their being anyone else in the house, however. As she and her new employers develop a deep affection for one another, the secret of the Rochester household threatens to keep them apart.

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Release : 1983
Rating : 8
Studio : BBC, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : James Marcus Timothy Dalton Eve Matheson Damien Thomas Colin Jeavons
Genre : Drama Romance

Cast List



Too many fans seem to be blown away


Strong and Moving!


If you don't like this, we can't be friends.

Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.


After seeing about 7 different adaptations of JANE EYRE, I always find myself coming back to this one. If you're protective of the novel, as I am, and desire to see a film that is very faithful to it, THIS one is the BEST.Best is not perfect, but it is pretty darn close. You can watch this mini-series with the novel on your lap and practically follow along scene for scene.Let's talk about the fabulousness that is Timothy Dalton.He was born to play Mr. Rochester. Physically, emotionally, the highs and lows of his personality--all done with sheer excellence. Every scene he's in becomes his own. Every word spoken is perfection. Sometimes he is handsome, other times not, sometimes he's amiable, other times not. It is that changeability that makes the viewer constantly deciding, "Do I like Rochester? Or do I not?" Jane never knows which version of Rochester to expect and neither does the viewer.When I was younger and first read the book and then saw this mini-series, I did not like Zelah Clarke's portrayal of Jane. Years later I have new appreciation for her. Timothy Dalton has a very strong presence as Rochester. Many actresses would be overshadowed by him, but Zelah Clarke holds her own in every scene they share.Aside from the excellent acting, which stays true to the novel's characters' personalities, this version paces itself out extremely well. I love that the hilarious "gypsy scene" is included. I love that you see the real development of the relationship between Jane and Rochester. But mostly, I love that the ending is not rushed. The novel's ending is one of the best ever written and this adaptation does it terrific justice.


In one person's review it was mentioned that in this version the lighting was very dark i.e. esp in the gypsy scene but one has to remember that in the Victorian era they didn't have bright electric lights like we do now. it did get dark and they only had candles to work with and then naturally when it was day time they had the natural sunlight. Plus the whole dark atmosphere works with the whole Gothic theme of the novel and atmosphere of thornfield, it is not supposed to be bright and cheery...I love this adaptation of jane eyre and consider it the best one. I won't bother mentioning why because many ppl here have expressed why it is so yeah:)


Yes, it has it's flaws: the camera work is bad, make-up too visible, bad lighting and sound, no fancy scenery and colors. Obviously, the budget was tight. But those are all small and unimportant details, because they all disappear once characters appear on the screen. Clarke and Dalton are the ultimate Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester for me, that's how I pictured them, when I read the book for the first time at the age of 11. And still do. They capture the essence of the book, the spirit and soul of the two main characters. When I look at them, I believe they are soul-mates, two pieces of one that have found each other. Also, I LOVE that they kept the dialogues, that is how Bronte wrote and meant them, and that is how they should be presented. The best adaptation ever made!


Jane Eyre is dramatised by Alexander Baron, is based on the novel by Charlotte Bronte and stars Timothy Dalton, Zelah Clarke and Mary Tamm.There have been many adaptations of Bronte's novel but this series is by far the best. Practically everything from the book is here, including original dialogue and you really feel the growing emotional connection between Jane and Rochester.What really makes this so good is the casting of the two lead actors. Timothy Dalton is perfect as Rochester, brooding and playful,while Zelah Clarke is the perfect combination of strength,courage,shyness and gentleness as Jane. The pair have wonderful chemistry, which is a great help during their romantic scenes.The young Jane Eyre( Zelah Clarke) is a teacher at a charity school for girls in the 1800's, she advertises her services as a governess in the newspapers.Jane is offered the post of governess at Thornfield Hall to tutor Adele who is the young ward of the halls mysterious owner Mr Rochester(Timothy Dalton.) As the months go on he falls in love with Jane and puts into effect a few situations to try and see if she is as madly in love with him as he is with her.However, there is a secret still waiting to be discovered at Thornfield Hall and when it is it's effects are devastating.This is a moving and well acted drama, highly recommended especially for fans of the book. When I want to watch an adaptation of Bronte's novel this is the one I usually turn to.

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