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A Glimpse of Hell

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A Glimpse of Hell

A Navy officer tries to set the record straight after the Navy blames a 1989 explosion aboard the USS Iowa on a homosexual affair between two sailors.

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Release : 2001
Rating : 6.1
Studio : 20th Century Fox Television, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Production Design, 
Cast : James Caan Robert Sean Leonard Daniel Roebuck Jamie Harrold John Doman
Genre : Drama TV Movie

Cast List



Such a frustrating disappointment


it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.

Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.


I just saw this for the first time last night on a cable movie channel, and I was amazed to see that it was originally a TV-movie, which means a budget the tenth of what a feature would have cost. The production values looked like a studio had spent some fairly serious money to make it. Much more important, the tone kept me thinking of "A Few Good Men" from beginning to end. I agree with all the good things other reviewers have written, and rate it one notch higher at eight.If I have a quibble, it's with the title, which, thanks to IMDb, I now know is the title of the book the film's based on. It refers to a certain scene and God knows it's appropriate, but I might never have clicked the remote to record it if the menu hadn't had a sentence telling me it was about the USS Iowa incident. Otherwise, I would have thought it was about a concentration camp, a Mexican prison, or, worst of all, some woman's especially awful marriage on Lifetime. There's some discussion on the message board about the word "hell" in the title, referring to that scene, but it also occurred to me that, like "Fair Game" did with the Valerie Plame case, it could also refer to what The Power Structure will put you through if you stand up to it.


Enjoyed this film because it clearly shows the American public that all Military Forces have a slogan, which is simply: CYA in more ways than one. In this film there had to be a fall guy for a problem of this magnitude, where many lives were lost, and the gay sailors took the brunt of all the blame and were not able to defend themselves. In the picture a Navy Officer clearly pointed out the many problems that existed; the sailors in the gunnery section were taking parts from one place to repair another problem. The Navy was not allocating any funds for these old Battleships from World War II. James Caan,(Capt. Fred Moosally did an outstanding acting role and stood up for all the enlisted Naval Personnel and made the stink go away. However, the big wigs in the Naval Department in Washington still stood their own ground. The American public cannot be fooled any long by such incidents and the truth will come out today without any cover ups. Great picture, but very graphic and maybe it needed to be shown.


I was stationed on the USS New Jersey (BB-62) sister ship of the IOWA. Not only drinking beer on a Navy ship is prohibited, having it onboard is against the UCMJ.(Uniform Code of Military Justice). Since when does a First Class Petty Officer berth in a stateroom? These are just a couple of items which discredit this movie. I think the producers did well with the plot but know little about Navy life in general.

Michael O'Keefe

This is a morality tale of investigating a military cover up. An explosion aboard an aging battleship is covered up to save face for the Navy. Captain Fred Moosally(James Caan) agrees with his superiors that the fatal explosion that killed 47 is to be blamed on a homosexual rift between two sailors. LTJG Dan Meyer(Robert Sean Leonard)struggles to convince his captain that faulty equipment an gunpowder on board was the real cause of the tragedy. Meyer was considered disloyal until a congressional hearing forced the Navy to revise its findings.Well scripted and kudos to director Mikael Salomon. This true life drama packs a punch. Special effects were a bit gruesome, but very essential focal point for the story.Also in the cast are: Andrew MacVicar, James Bulliard and Jamie Harrold.

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