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An Irish Exorcism

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An Irish Exorcism

In her final year at school, Anthropology student Lorraine decides to film her final project - the subject of exorcism within the Catholic Church. Recording interviews with priests from the local diocese, she stumbles upon Fr. Byrne, an older priest who is currently helping a young mother whose daughter is apparently possessed by a demonic force. The curiosity of Lorraine, along with her camera operator, Cathal, leads them down a dark path of discovering the terrifying truth, and things go from strange to worse as all involved become entangled into a frightful journey to save a little girl's life.

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Release : 2013
Rating : 4.6
Studio : Frame It Films, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Brian Fortune
Genre : Drama Horror

Cast List



Best movie ever!


The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.

Abbigail Bush

what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.


Just what the world needs. Another wobbly camera adventure, a mysterious house and one very distressed damsel. That was my first reaction when I heard the description however this flick came highly recommended so I pressed on with caution. I love when a movie surprises me and this one delivered. There are a lot of exorcism movies and the reason people keep makin em is simply because they are fascinating. The story here feels real and that in itself is pretty dam scary. The lead actors are very convincing which helps faten up the creepy factor. Ireland is the perfect location for this sort of religion born supernaturalness. I was engrossed in this movie until the end credits, when like all good Horrors it spat me back out to reality feeling bewildered and a little uncomfortable.... Job done! Fellow Horror Fans....Get Watching.


I watched this movie the other day and in an age where films are being remade and regurgitated it was good to see someone throwing a new angle on the exorcist genre. I liked this movie. It kept me watching and thinking from start to end as to how it would unfold in the end.I'm not a film critic and would find it very difficult to see the cracks in how it was made/shot/written etc. , obviously though on a budget but this gives it an extra edge more than anything else.It's really worth a watch if you get the chance.I'm not being a biased Irishman on that.The acting especially from Paddy Courtney is very good.The whole concept was well thought out.I'd like to think in future more people in the higher end of Hollywood would use more imagination like what I saw here.

Joey Justiss

What is the difference between an Irish exorcism and any other exorcism? The Irish exorcism is completely frustrating! There is nothing brilliant about this piece of digital movie making. Whoever rated this movie above a 1 was possibly possessed of some evil entity. It was evil to portray this movie in the likeness of a competent coherent found footage piece. The only redemption for this film is the nagging college student who finally shut the up! Horrible premise! Horrible script! Horrible acting (if you want to classify this dribble as acting)! Despicable camera work! Audio - bad! Editing - beyond bad! There is nothing scary about this film except that someone, somewhere, and I am guessing here, wants an audience to take this "poppy-cock" seriously! Quit film school strictly for the sakes of any other human soul experiencing having to plow through a crappy compilation not worthy of even a Razzie Award! I wanted the devil to claw my eyes out! I would have sold my soul just to have been relinquished of my despair in renting this piece of aborted film "work!" Don't waste your time! Jesus save us all! Especially those who made this film...because one would have to have an evil spirit to think this was anything other than hatred for your fellow man! Serial killers are kinder than anyone who contributed to the production of this film!!! I'll even go back to church if this director and actors promise they will never make another film! I truly will!!

Nigel Holt

I saw an Irish Exorcism at this year's New Mexico Fright Fest. I wasn't expecting anything very special. However, the resulting movie was a great surprise. The movie is presented as a documentary film made by an Anthropology student investigating exorcism. Although a 'found footage' movie, the movie feels more like a thriller, it's mood is very claustrophobic and the acting is all round good, however some actors are outstanding particularly the female lead Aislinn Ní Uallacháin, but Brian Fortune and Paddy C. Courtney also put in great performances.The mood of the film is underpinned by the Irish countryside who is almost a character itself in the movie.The story is very believable and suggests that the research is good. The writing is smart, engaging and knows it's onions. The viewer is treated to a movie that understands genre and understands economic use of story telling. It could be argued that Catholics make the best horror movies. There are frights but there is also a good intelligent story, this is more The Exorcist than The Heretic. Check this film out, it's cool

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