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The Shelter

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The Shelter

On a star-filled night, homeless Thomas seeks warm shelter. Still grieving his late wife, ruined and desperate, he comes across a vast house with the lights on and an inviting open front door. But the next morning, the premises will not let him leave. Destiny has brought Thomas to this place and now he must survive a very personal ordeal. For what appeared a safe haven turns out to be something far more malevolent. From Arrow in The Head blogger, writer and director John Fallon, a psychological horror show tapping into fears of the mind, body and soul.

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Release : 2015
Rating : 3.5
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Michael Paré Lauren Alexandra Rachel G. Whittle Amy Wickenheiser
Genre : Drama Horror Thriller

Cast List



How sad is this?


Absolutely Fantastic

Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


I've been a Michael Pare' fan since he was in The Greatest American Hero starting back in 1981. I also enjoy Indie movies. Most times I enjoy Indie movies more than the big budget flicks. I also like northern European television shows and movies. This seemed to be a low-key, big time, gritty northern European-style flick. I thought it had great possibilities and looked forward to watching it.About twenty minutes into it, I thought, "Well, it's started kind of slow but will probably pick up a bit." No, it did NOT pick up. As I watched it, I soon realized that his would be more effective torture than waterboarding. I kept watching it and I just wanted to make it stop. But, I couldn't. I had to see it through to the end. I thought that maybe I had missed something along the way so I'd rewind it here and there. It didn't help. It only prolonged the agony.It just droned on and on and in so many places there was no explanation for the events. It was disjointed, it was slower than pond water and it really possesses no endearing qualities. Sometimes, like with "Napoleon Dynamite", I'll maybe not get the premise of the movie so I might watch it again and find that the second time, I actually liked the movie. There is no way in hell that I'll watch this movie again. I could not wait for it to end. I wanted to quit watching so many times but I kept hoping some of the events in the movie would be explained. Didn't happen. Someone said that this was a "Christian" movie. Well, if so, then Christian movies are boring as hell. This is not an "in-depth character study." It's the experience of drowning and waiting... and waiting... and waiting for the end to come.The end, much like my first marriage, couldn't come quick enough.Rarely will I give a movie simply one star. I tend to see the good in movies, if nothing else, if I can understand the time and acting investment in a movie and appreciate it for that, even if it doesn't gel.I couldn't do that with this movie. I can see nothing in it. Nothing at all. I want that 76 minutes of my life back... Really I want 228 minutes of my life back because I feel that that movie was three times as long as it actually was.

Waldo Mcfenians

I was not prepared for this kind of journey! yes, it is not a big action movie, not a blockbuster. so, if you're looking for a typical Hollywood style movie, you may prefer not to bother to watch it. but if you're open minded enough, you're in for a treat for the mind. that's what The Shelter is: a real treat for the mind. it is intense, brilliant, intelligent, and full of emotion... real human emotion. nothing is superficial. Paré is very good. probably his greatest role ever. The Shelter explores the effect of the death on a man mind, who can't deal with the loss of his wife who committed suicide while she was pregnant. He find shelter in a strange empty house, only to face his judgment day. The Shelter is a great movie about death, and its consequences on others.

Jeremy Jones

The precedent titling here may seem incongruous to what is at first billed as a horror/thriller, but there are nuances not immediately evident in both the film's direction and in Pare's performance. I can understand the back and forth in reactions conveyed in the reviews en masse as I think a very particular mindset and perhaps even a set of life experiences to correlate bring out a very different takeaway with this film. For me, I found that I began watching it as a film but reflected on it thereafter as an exploration that left me in a state of reevaluation of my life, my attitude. Thomas is not an inherently likable guy, but you can tell (spoilers, maybe?) he knows that and, given the chance, would take measures to amend that. Ultimately though, such opportunities will never truly come, as you'll see herein, and that may be the most horrifying lesson to learn.


I will admit I had to watch "The Shelter" twice because the first time, I wasn't that interested--at first. As the movie progressed, I began thinking that it sure was nice to watch a horror film that wasn't so clichéd, so trite, so hackneyed, and so predictable. As it came to its ending, I knew I needed to watch again and this time pay attention.The movie opens and we are introduced to Thomas, superbly played by Michael Pare. He is a womanizing, booze-guzzling, canker sore on the backside of humanity. I've known many like him in my life, but I digress. Thomas is also homeless. It seems he has lost his wife and child (for reasons that will be later revealed). He happens upon this very sterile empty building--complete with all the bells and whistles anyone could ask for--and decides to hole up there. Big mistake. You see, try as he might, Thomas cannot escape from this "shelter." I won't reveal any more of the plot because I don't want to ruin this for anyone.The cinematography, art direction, and (regular) direction here are top-notch. The movie has a definite creepy look to it and this is definitely more character driven. Nobody is hiding with an ax, machete, big knife, pitchfork, drill, or chainsaw. This is one total mind- **ck. Rated "R" for adult situations, violence, and language, check out "The Shelter."

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