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After seeing a UFO, a man and his skeptical wife are forced to confront their relationship issues.

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Release : 2016
Rating : 4
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Taylor Negron
Genre : Drama Thriller Science Fiction

Cast List



Highly Overrated But Still Good


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.


This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.


This film is pretty intense. Its not at all a feel-good movie. Its better. Its an honest movie. The way we sometimes don't even consider our partner's feelings is sometimes scary. At the same time, Paige could have been a little more supportive. I won't give way the end but those that saw it know why. This is why I think we should always respect each other's feelings. The language may be a little harsh for some. Especially the fights because they can get intense and verbose. But this kept me interested. It wasn't just some stupid alien movie. It was about way more than that. Thanks for not insulting our intelligence.

Typhaine GADOUD

Saw this film at the Sun and Sand Mississippi Film Festival and I really liked it. For me this whole experience was surreal because it was Taylor Negron's last performance. I don't want to give anything away but it was kind of a strange coincidence that this was his last movie. George Katt as Nate blew me away. What an underrated actor! And Jen Burry showed the world why she has already won Best Actress for this performance. It could not have been easy to have such a balanced performance when Katt kept pushing all of her buttons in nearly every scene. These 2 actors had great chemistry and so did Katt and Negron! The script had some of the best dialogue I have seen in an indie film in years. Very well done by the writer. My only problem with the film was ow slow it moved in the 1st half. But for those that like a slow burn you will have no problem, with the pacing like I did. It is slow for a average movie goer but no problem for those that like character based movies instead of expensive special effects popcorn fests.


I loved this movie. It is not your typical sci fi theme film but it is still very interesting. I felt that the film is interested in more than just traditional science fiction themes. It is more about our lives in relation to potentially catastrophic events. The film made me ponder - "in the grand scheme of things, what is really important?" Certainly not the problems we create for ourselves. Similar to Woody Allen's Manhattan (though a completely different type of film), it asks us about more than just aliens and spacecrafts. Taylor Negron was really interesting. His character Griffin is like an all-knowing sage who knows more than it seems. This was an eerie performance from Negron, who seemed to understand that life and death is more important than our own self importance. It really made me think.

Mark Spalding

From the very first conversation between the main characters to the final scenes I was captivated. The dialogue is dense and full of meaning. Nate and Paige's back and forth was like watching a car wreck in slow motion. You always figure the next flip will be the last, but then it keeps going. I would say that this is the main reason I'm giving it a 7/10. There are no "big" special effects except for a few here and there throughout. The draw for this movie is how real and visceral the conversations/arguments are in light of the events going on around them.Those who aren't married or who haven't been in a truly committed relationship may find the dialogue to be a bit much. But this is what relationships can become when two people start to lose respect for one another. If I could make an analogy to this, it would probably be the movie Ransom with Mel Gibson. I couldn't really get how crazy he was acting because, at the time, I had no children. But now that I do I have a whole new appreciation for that movie.TLDR: If you love movies with dense, rich dialogue that dive head first into relationship struggles and perils, watch this. If you're looking for a popcorn shoot 'em up then wait for the next Transformers mess.

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