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Forever's End

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Forever's End

Six years after an apocalyptic event killed her family and seemingly everyone else on earth, a lone girl on the verge of insanity is forced to question everything she has ever known when a strange man suddenly appears at her door. The last girl on earth... is not alone.

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Release : 2013
Rating : 4.7
Studio : Star Com Productions, 
Crew : Director,  Executive Producer, 
Cast : Lili Reinhart
Genre : Drama Thriller

Cast List

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Pretty Good


A Disappointing Continuation


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

Donald Seymour

This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


I can understand how some might think this movie is boring, incoherent and a let down because it really is not a post apocalyptic movie..but thatis because they don't fully understand the movie. The apocalypse was a delusion of Sarah's in her insane mind which separated her from society after seeing her father murdered. I believe the entire movie really took place in an institution and her home in the country was part of Sarah's delusion as was Lily and Ryan. I believe Ryan represented Sarah's psychological therapist who came from the city to help her with her ptsd. He drew a picture of her before meeting her when he first learned of her traumatic situation..and he really couldn't stopthinking about her..but not because he was in love with her but because she represented a case he really wanted to work with. The love affair was part of Sarah's delusion. I watched it there times and the second and third times I watched it from the point of view that Ryan was her therapist helping her return to society. At first notice it seems that he is aware of Lily but a closer look reveals that he never sees Lily as actually being there but comes to learn that Sarah created her as part of her delusion. At some point he acts as if he sees Lily but for Sarah's sake and follows Sarah's eyes to know where Lily is. I believe Lily represents the part of Sarah thatwants to shut herself away from society. Ryan, on his first night sees Sarah sneaking around and goes to find out whatshe's up to. If you understand that they're really in the institution you can understand why he was "going out for a walk". Lily also represents therapy sessions although doctor and patient are often reversed. For example when they go outside to scream away their frustrations..they're probably in a padded quiet room where such screaming is allowed and encouraged by the doctors. Sarah really seems to be a therapistduring this scene especially when she says, "Damn" in response to Lily's yelling. During the time when Sarah and Lily are fighting each other there is a point when Lily is sitting in a chair with a notebook on her lap. The notebook says "Sarah White" on it and it is not Sarah's journal but rather it is a therapist's notebook. When Sarah shoots Ryan, again she is in a therapy session where the doctor encourages the patient to role-play to figuratively shoot the man who killed her father. We see everything from the point of view of Sarah's delusion. If you rewatch the movie from the point of view that they're actually in therapy sessions at some intuition and understand the insanity that Sarah is living with it will all make sense and you will realize just how profound the movie is. When Sarah thought she killed a man outside her home, she figuratively killed her father (same boots) because she felt guilty for not saving his life. "Don't look away" seems to be more on the idea of "Don't! Look away!" Two sentences meant to save her life by looking away so she couldn't identify the killer..even though he was wearing a mask. The apocalypse, Lily and Ryan were all part of Sarah's delusion. 6 years did not pass. Coming to the city at the end symbolized her willingness to try and to rejoin society. There are so many little nuances that point to this which would otherwise go down as poor acting, poor filming and poor plot. For example, when she tells Ryan that she's been alone since the apocalyptic event, she is hesitant to actually say the words because she knows down inside that there was no such event and/or that she'd be ridiculed or called insane for saying such. I think the chandelier was really broken..both in her delusion and in the institution and it represents the fireworks that distracted her on the night her father was killed..distracted her so much that she lost her dad and had to go back to find him. Perhaps she is feeling guilty for leaving him but she definitely feels guilty for not having saved him. I don't think she really had a gun on that night but when she fired it at Ryan she symbolically killed the man who killed her father. That was the breakthrough that Ryan was hoping for when she finally allowed herself to truly remember and relive that night. The romantic relationship between Ryan and Sarah was kept professional from Ryan's point of view but was perceived as a love affair from Sarah's..I think..although I can see a true romantic relationship happening between the two as many happen between doctor and patient. This movie definitely is not a flimsy boring drama about two girls who survive an apocalyptic event. There is way much more than meets the eye. Bravo to all who were involved in making this film!


What a waste of time. Complete aimless ambling albeit with good acting and cinematography crap fest. I agree wholeheartedly with the down votes on this god-awful waste of time and money. Someone somewhere was either paid off for a good review or have some other incentive connected for giving this thing other than a 1. Because I have to write ten lines to submit this I'll add the following: The plot lacks anything close to a plot, the story meanders here and there with no clear definition, characterizations are hollow at best, you will be lost throughout and unfortunately still lost when it ends.Can I have please have the time back that I wasted on this dog? Please?I could have spent that time watching something worthwhile.

Jay Reed

Whatever else you may think of Forever's End, it is an undeniably beautiful movie, due both to the excellent cinematography and the gorgeous environment and tone established by the filmmaker. This lends to a rather unsettling feeling when combined with a story that is anything but beautiful and gorgeous. The lead actress does an admirable job of carrying the weight of the world (and the entire movie) on her shoulders, and the other characters work well with her to create a very eerie vibe that is a staple of this story. This was certainly not the movie I was expecting going in, but the twist ending definitely gives you something to think about several days later.

Other View

This movie reminded me of when my Jack Russell first saw himself in a mirror.The first thing he did was lunge at the reflected Jack, loudly bonking his nose on the cold glass. He stepped back, shook his head and then decided to see if he could get to the trespassing dog from behind the mirror. Rushing around the back of the thing (several times) he was completely stumped by the fact that there was nothing behind it.This movie is the same thing. It starts with an interesting "whodunit"which grabs your attention. However, as you "walk around the mirror" it dawns on you that there is absolutely nothing there. In fact, it takes quite a bit of time for any characterization to develop at all. When it finally does, you realize they are boring, unlikeable and unimpressive characters. The movie itself wanders from scene to scene with little cohesiveness and little or no suspense.They would like you to think that once you get to the end, all is known and everything will fit neatly and cleverly in place. Unfortunately, by the end of the movie you couldn't care less about it, the characters or the lame plot. It's too bad because the actors and cinematography weren't horrid and if applied to writing with an actual plot, might have made a nifty little suspense movie.I'm always amused by the so-called "critics" with their effusive praise for movies like this. Most of the time, their bubbly praise is indicative of an association with the film itself (e.g. somebody's brother, brother-in-law, sister, investor, girlfriend, dog walker, etc). These are easy to spot due to the constant name dropping of the director, the actors and even a grip or two.A good movie doesn't require any froofy prose from a self-impressed reviewer to convey its value. Just a straightforward description of style, plot, characterization, production values and any exceptional features. When the reviewer starts babbling about esoteric schmaltz it's a fair bet you'll be asleep in under 20 minutes! Regards, The Other View

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