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The Legend of Sasquatch

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The Legend of Sasquatch

The Davis Family - John, Khristy and Maggie - move in to a secluded log cabin in the mountains above Seattle. They soon discover a family of Bigfoot hiding nearby. When the Bigfoot and Ranger Steve ask the Davis family for help the adventure of a lifetime begins.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 4.1
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Animation, 
Cast : William Hurt John Rhys-Davies Joe Alaskey
Genre : Animation Family

Cast List



It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.


A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.


One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.


I'm watching it now. I feel it's my moral duty to warn off other parents from spending money buying or hiring the film. We're watching it on Prime so it's free. I can only describe it as akin to a cartoon pretending to be an full blown animation, but without upbeat tempo tunes, a good storyline or quality animators. I'm not entirely sure it has a storyline either. I should have switched off ages ago. It's sending my kids to sleep, which means I can extract myself from the sofa to make a cup of tea, so it gets 2 marks for that at least. I'm really surprised my children haven't asked me to switch channels.Apart from that it's brilliant.


I can see why this movie won the "Best Feature Film - Animation" award at the International Family Film Festival; little kids would enjoy this movie. However, if you're not a young child, then this movie probably won't be that awesome to you. The animation in this movie isn't very good; it's kind of choppy, and the two girls in it will take five seconds just to blink. The walk cycles are really weird, too. And yes, that big hairball on the movie poster is the "Sasquatch." The voice acting in this movie wasn't pulled off very well either; the voice actors of the main characters especially don't really have any expression in their voices. They just sound like they're reading a script. William Hurt voices the girls' father, and he whispers and speaks softly at inappropriate times. Yeah, I can't believe this is an actual movie. It looks more like a film by a college/animation student. I only gave this movie a two rather than a one because as terrible as this movie is, they somehow got award-winning actors like William Hurt, June Foray, and John Rhys-Davies to voice-act.


I could say all of my thoughts about the bad things of this movie first so you just walk away and never see this trash, but I'll start with what I liked.OK, that's all the good things (Yes, everything is there.) now the bad things.The animation is terrible and why there were celebrity voices, I do not know, but I'm pretty sure that they did not expect something so bad! If you are not 4 or under do not watch this movie! This is the worst movie I have ever experienced, it has a weak plot, bad graphics, and Pine Cones that look worse than dinosaur eggs!If you want to, watch it if it's free but do not buy it if you have not watched and checked if you like it because there is a high chance of you regretting it. You have been warned!


Not a huge fan of the animation, but the story is sweet. Not much conflict, and I like that the family is helping the Sasquatch. Only one real complaint: The dead mother. Why do the makers of kid's films find that so appealing? This movie reminds me a whole lot of My Neighbor Totoro. The animation in that movie is so much better, as are the actors. Both sweet movies about respecting nature and helping out. I like movies with strong female characters for my 2.5 year old to watch, and it's so hard to find them. I am glad my husband stumbled across this movie on Fios.

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