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The Awakening

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The Awakening

A high school student falls asleep while sitting in class. When he wakes up, all time is frozen, except for him.

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Release : 1990
Rating : 5.6
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Director, 
Cast : Nacho Cerdá
Genre : Fantasy Drama Mystery

Cast List



Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.


The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one


Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.


A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.


This is one of those strange little films that's actually better the longer you leave it if I had written this review i like the majority of people would have given this a 4 rather than a 7 and that 4 would have been based solely on the technical aspects of the short. Now a couple years after having seen it images from this film haunt me (and not in the way Aftermath does). This isn't so much a film as it is a series of beautiful fantastic images that occasionally make you question the basest of things. All in all a gem if you realize not to take it at face value or look at it simply for plot. One of Cerda's more approachable pieces of work and really a great spring board for anyone's career.


A struggling student falls asleep in class, whilst staring at the pyramid on a dollar bill. When he wakes up, he finds that time has stood still; the other students and the teacher remain motionless, as the teenager wanders around the classroom, confused by his bizarre predicament.An early 8 minute black and white short by Spanish director Nacho Cerdà, Awakening, with its confident direction and interesting imagery, certainly shows that its creator has talent. However, it is not a completely successful venture due to a few unanswered questions (the relevance of the pyramid is never explained), a rather predictable ending (that has been used many times before in other movies), and less than stellar acting from its lead.Cerdà does manage to create a nice creepy and surreal atmosphere, and his handling of the 'frozen in time' scenes are extremely well done, but I really wish that the story had been on a par with the film's technical aspects.

Tim Hayes

Nacho Cerda's first film is an effective little 8 min piece. It tells of a student who falls asleep in class only to awaken and find that everything and everyone around him has come to a complete stop and is frozen in time. There are some very effective scenes in this film and the black and white cinematography lends it a very old school Carnival Of Souls feel. What brings the film down, however, is the lack of exposition, a problem that plagues many short films. Before he falls asleep, the student is staring at a bill, and more importantly the symbol of the all seeing eye atop the temple. The eye and temple become a recurring theme throughout the short but what they have to do with the proceedings is left completely unexplained. There is also some random imagery after he awakens that is never returned to or elaborated upon. All in all, this is a good film but it would perhaps have been better served as a longer short, perhaps an episode of Twilight Zone.


A not-so-bright highschool student falls asleep in class after receiving a failing test grade. When he wakes up, all time has frozen-- except for him. All clocks are stopped, and everyone around him remains stuck in the position they were in when this event occurred. This clever little movie is superbly acted and directed, but it neglects to explain things required to know in order to fully appreciate it. Still, the film's whole creepy freeze-frame atmosphere was portrayed very effectively.

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