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The Happy Film

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The Happy Film

New York designer Stefan Sagmeister lives in the city of his dreams, and creates work for the likes of the Rolling Stones and Jay-Z. Business is good, creative juices are flowing, and yet he suspects there must be more to life. Sagmeister takes on the daunting project of changing his personality by trying to figure out the causes of happiness. On the advice of a trusted psychologist Sagmeister experiments with three different approaches: meditation, therapy, and drugs. The Happy Film follows his pursuit, and all that he encounters along the way: joy, ecstasy, heartbreak, change, love, and death.

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Release : 2017
Rating : 7.4
Studio :
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast : Stefan Sagmeister Ben Nabors
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



So much average


best movie i've ever seen.


This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.


I thought this was a self-involved navel-gazing atrocity. I'm not even trying to be mean, just realistic. You cannot make a film about the self like this. Considering they're a design firm, their transitions are nice, however, this doesn't warrant making a movie. Graphic design doesn't translate to cinema. He just seems like a serial womanizer with unrealistic expectations. This could have been reduced to a good short on YouTube. He's pretty affluent and has nothing at all to be sad about. Champagne problems. The only place I can really see this being seriously screened is in a dentist's waiting room.

Alison Weber

The Happy Film is painfully beautiful. Design legend Stefan Sagmeister has a distinct history of offering himself up for public consumption, and his first documentary is exceptional on the merits of artistic stimulation and voyeuristic thrill alone. But the most extraordinary part of the story lies in watching him struggle with whether happiness can be constructed, and if he can find the heart of something in its dissected parts. Sagmeister fans will appreciate how truly naked and starkly present he is, and those who struggle with emotions, chemicals, love, or life will see pieces of themselves everywhere in this film. I loved it. It truly must be seen.


I saw the exhibition in MAK museum by accident, without knowing who Stefan is, what is he doing or what's about, but it confused me nicely and it stayed in me long after I exited the museum. It touched me.. After a year or so, now I've seen the movie. And.. I still have butterflies in my stomach.. :) It's easy and hard and minimal and not.. And the soundtrack is amazing.. I can't get it out of my head.. A must watch..

Niki Ernst

The question about happiness is something crucial to mankind and yet profane to answer. I would not want to have a general answer, but after watching the happy film, I felt enriched with new questions to find my own answer to this question.I have been at Stefans Happy Show in Vienna, several times, at it was so clear to me. It gave me clear and convertable inspiration on my own path to happiness. I did not leave the show with a question and I was purely happy, already.With the film, I learned that no one can give me a path to my own happiness, although everything from the show still made a lot of sense, the film added the important questions to stay on the track towards happiness, because happiness is never a status to achieve longer than temporarily but always a status worth chasing long term.Thank you, Stefan, for producing this. I feel empathetic about how many sets of emotions you must have gone through when re-living every scene of your life a hundred times.

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