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The film tells a story of two scrap pickers - the title hero Edi and his friend Jureczek. Edi is wrongly accused of having raped the girl whose brothers have got the control over one of the city areas. Edi is severely punished for that but he accepts his fate taking care of the girl's child.

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Release : 2002
Rating : 7.4
Studio : Opus Film,  SPI International, 
Crew : Cinematography,  Director, 
Cast : Henryk Gołębiewski Jacek Braciak Jacek Lenartowicz Grzegorz Stelmaszewski Aleksandra Kisio
Genre : Drama

Cast List



Sorry, this movie sucks


Just what I expected


Awesome Movie


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


There are two film communities that carry special expectations for me. One of them is Polish film. Its probably not fair, but Kieslowski and Polanksi seem to be more than film geniuses. They seem to reflect a certain manifest spirit of the people that is coherent and close to the surface. One gets the illusion that Poland is a place where ordinary motions and lives are easily revealed as lovely, wound with an attractive, unornamented motion.So any Polish film comes to me with the expectation that it will be special. I have just the opposite expectation for Czech and Hungarian films for instance. I expect them to simply struggle. This is a film that let me down for the only reason that it is Polish. If you do not know it, there are events that don't quite matter. The thing is a sort of meditation on the perfection of placement within flows of hopelessness. Its all about grace in motion, and does some superb work in conveying the story cinematically. For instance, there are many high overhead shots of our two junkpickers moving gracefully, usually through dank urban residue. These are complemented by similar drifting shots from the side, many with portals and revealing planes.So the man with the eye surely know what he was doing; and he is successful in giving us pure visual language that gets to the heart of the thing. Its not nuanced, woven in any way, so after a bit you wonder if this is all: a canvas with no paint. So its the guy with the pen that seems to have decided that a simple tone is good enough. So what you end up with is something not worthy of Poland, an art film that can serve as a date movie is your date isn't deep enough to be interesting.There are some story knots: the ex-girlfriend and his brother; the tales of a past untold; the small laughs about junk. But it could have been a film that mattered.Ted's Evaluation -- 3 of 3: Worth watching.


"Edi" has lost a lot thanks to the medial attention given to it. The viewers of the film that are watching it today expect no-one-knows-what while they are just going to get a film about the simplicity of life. That's it and that's a lot.A story about a homeless philosopher - that sound like an idea for a problematical story filled with a lot of cynical opinions about the feeling of guilt. And somehow Piotr Trzaskalski managed to make a film both simple and wise, without being to pretentious. It isn't important that Henryk Gołębiewski starring in the leading role is sometimes a bit overwhelmed by the outstanding supporting performance by Jacek Braciak. It isn't important that the main character's quotes sound a bit fake. "Edi" gives a feeling that the film is honest, sincere and quite unusual for the Polish cinema. It is "artistic" but not pretentious and absolutely understandable. It is situated in one of the saddest surroundings but is not filled with depression. Even the criminals aren't presented as tough gangsters, but as little wise guys which is more closer to the truth about Polish criminal world. And whatsmore the film is optimistic and without a fakely glued happy end.


i went to see this film based primarily on the reviews of people on imdb. someone compared it to american beauty, which i loved. others talked about how it was poignant, depressing, touching.were we watching the same film? the film i saw was so mind-bogglingly stupid that i HOPED for the death and disfigurement of every character in it! perhaps it was subtitled by someone whose only vocabulary came from a traveler's guide. maybe in its native language it had something meaningful to say which was lost in the translation. it's possible for films to have little dialogue or very simplistic dialogue and still be intelligent, poignant, etc. unfortunately, this was not one of those.i rarely walk out of a theater. my belief is that if you've paid for a film, you may as well stay through until the end and hope it gets better. however, after an hour of this crap, it was clear that the only way things would improve would be if we got up and left.


That's an amazing story. Too bad, Edi has a few drawbacks, that disqualify that picture from the "The best movies ever made pantheon". What I mean ?-the gangster brother's team was rather funny than sad and scarry, it doesn't fit to the rest of the film -the story with a girl was to literate and infantile -some clever words spoken by the main character, paradoxically, were too trivial and too childishThe main thing that was spoiled in this movie is the difficulty of keeping all the scenes in the same climate, the same track. This film is unequal, irregular. It has amazing moments worth the Oscar, and some really bad and weak moments.There was so close to an amazing, really amazing movie... actually it's "only" very, very good.But, let's say the truth, with all the today crap like all (most, sorry) of the brain less Hollywood movies - Edi shines like a diamond in the sun. Anyway, it's a must see !

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