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After a bull is killed in a bullfight, its body parts are transported across Spain, France, Italy and Belgium. The bull's parts fall into the wide variety of people, including: an Italian actress selling the bones in a supermarket promotion, a Spanish woman who dines on its steaks, a little girl in France who imagines a world where animals are much larger than humans, and a taxidermist whose wife is simultaneously giving birth to quintuplets.

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Release : 2002
Rating : 6.1
Studio :
Crew : Production Design,  Set Decoration, 
Cast : Chiara Mastroianni Ángela Molina Lio Maryline Even Clovis Cornillac
Genre : Drama

Cast List

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Really Surprised!


Lack of good storyline.


A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.


The movie really just wants to entertain people.


Every now and then a film crosses my screen that deserves being lauded or decried. This one is for the latter category. This film begs the question - who cares? Who cares about any of the superficially and unrealistically drawn characters? Each one is eccentric to the point of silliness, and yet the director assumes the viewer will follow each story with some degree of emotional connectedness. The format is Altman-ish without the brilliance. People who's lives could not be any more different have a thread of a connection through a dead toro. And as the characters utter sentences that could be provocative, it seems more like dead-pan humor than anything else. Its a shame that the script with its "trying too hard to be deep" awkwardness never amounts to anything more than a mild freak show, including real burn victims made to sing a song about being burned. This film felt as though the director was trying to make it provocative without the benefit of substance.


This movie freaked me out at times. It really made me think about how people from all over the world interconnect. I liked how it switches from one character to the next, each time giving a little information about them. Each character is a little weird and at times seems...unbelievable. I like how everything starts at a Bull's death and as it moves around the world the characters reveal themselves more and more. Overall I liked this movie for its gritty feel and all the thought put into it unlike many other films I have seen recently. This movie is worth seeing at least once, for me many times. It is a great example of film making and a creative screenplay.


For those that enjoy films that give us glimpses into people's lives and let us be passersby to their experiences, then Carnage is an absorbing feature. Liking this film doesn't make one snooty at all, some of us just don't always require direct plot nor overwhelmingly "beautiful" people to be entertained. Like the brilliant 2001 film Bug, it connects different people to one incident, and how their lives interconnect even if they don't realize it's happened.In this case, it's the death of a bull after a bullfight. The bull is butchered and the different parts go out to people in different European countries. That part is really incidental, as the main concern is how these folks' lives interconnect and lives are lost, saved, secrets revealed, and friendships made. I confess I was slightly confused by some of the conversations and revelations, but that did not wreck the experience for me, it just meant I had to go back and view it again at some point to absorb the story better.The actors in Carnage were quite refreshing to see, they seemed like real people instead of pristine mega-stars. I must disagree strongly with a reviewer here who kept insisting, for instance, that the naked people in the primal scream therapy scenes were all fat and not ones you'd want to see naked. Take a closer look at that scene, buddy. Different shapes and sizes. Look around you and you'll see 99% of people are not beautiful models, and to just have naked beautiful models in the pool would have made the entire scene unbelievable. These were intended to be REAL people, and frankly it's real people that I find to be more attractive instead of fit, shaved "hotties!" Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...I'm sure there are plenty who found the folks in the pool just fine -- Clovis Cornilla as Alexis and 'Mr. Beard' seemed quite masculine indeed, and the women were beautiful each in their own way. Those that criticise how these actors look should take a good look in the mirror at themselves and wake up.My only discomfort with Carnage are the scenes of the bullfighting. I abhor any abuse of animals, and seeing the poor bulls being slowly killed to the delight of a crowd upset me. I don't know for certain if the bullfighting scenes were real in the manner that the bulls were actually harmed, but I have to understand the fact that this was considered a sport in Spain and I try to focus on the stories of the characters' lives.It's quite alright if you don't find this film interesting enough. I agree it's an acquired taste. But hey, if there weren't all kinds of different films out there this world would be a boring place, and I enjoyed the lives I got to know in the realm of Carnage. It was an unsettling and beautiful place all at once in my eyes...

max von meyerling

SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERSCARNAGE is a bad film made by an untalented director. Still some people strongly liked this film. It was very controversial when shown in Cannes.Viewers either loved it or hated it. I hated it.Carnages begins with a toreador getting dressed (etc.). Instant Chekhov- if you show a toreador getting dressed then you will see him, sooner or later, getting gored and carried out of the arena feet first. This time it was very much sooner.Different story- a schoolteacher in Lille is worried because one of her students, a 5 year old girl, draws pictures in which the animals are bigger than the people. Teacher flies off to be with her parents in Spain. The little girl is subject to epileptic seizures and lives with a giant Great Dane. She is watching a bull fight on television when she sees the toreador being gored and carried out of the ring. The teacher arrives and is met at the airport by her mother who drives her home, partially following the truck bearing the bull's carcass.The bull is cut up with the eyes going to a hospital researcher in Brussels. He finds that the bull was blind in one eye and brings the eyes home with him. His wife is very pregnant.An Italian actress who has been been auditioning and working at small jobs in Lille attends sensitivity classes which take place in the nude in a municipal swimming pool featuring people you wouldn't want to see naked except the actress, who is played by Chiaria Mastroianni, who, having been born really, really rich, doesn't have to show her breasts in movies. She gets a job, in costume, at the local hypermarche selling meat from Spain. She sells a huge bone marked Romeo (the name of the recently deceased bull) to the family with the epileptic daughter and the Great Dane. While loading their car their shopping cart goes astray and hits the actress's wreck of a car. This is witnessed by a suicidal ice skater/philosopher who waits until the actress comes out of the shop to tell her he saw who did it. He knows their name and address from a bottle of Valium left at the scene.The actress and the ice skater confront the family just as they give the bone to the dog which goes into immediate convulsions and dies. Meanwhile the researcher with the pregnant wife for some reason agrees to look after a neighbors bratty kid. Soon he is in the fridge playing with the bulls eyes. The researcher catches him at it and retrieves one from under the sofa where it has rolled. There he finds his wife's ultra sound which he discovers has five fetuses visible. (This is actually getting tiring just to recount.)There is also a taxidermist (!) who lives closely with his retarded mother (!!) in a trailer. Really they are even closer than the limited space of the trailer would normally allow. She gives him a pair of bull horns (Romeo again) for his birthday which he loves. They go around selling his handiwork beside the road and at flea markets. A deaf mute man wants to buy the horns but he promised his mother that he won't sell them. Eventually, using information given him by his mother, he determines that the deaf mute must be his father. He goes to see the old man and accidentally gores himself while hugging his father. He returns home to find his mother dead and rabbits and white doves streaming out of the trailer.Meanwhile the teacher has returned from Spain with her mother and they go out to a restaurant where the mother is served a dish made from the bull (Toro in red wine sauce) that should have gone to another patron. The other man comes over to the table and discovers that he once knew the mother but calls her by a different name. She tells him he is mistaken. The women leave the restaurant where she suddenly steps in front of a van and is struck and killed. She is taken to a hospital where her liver is donated to the dying matador. The father comes to the hospital and tells his daughter that her mother did go by another name but changed it after murdering her best friend/female lover. The researcher's wife has to be carried out of their walk up apartment by pizza delivery guys and has five babies in the hospital. The actress and the ice skater attend nude sensitivity classes classes together and work up an ice skating act. The matador gets the liver and survives and his nurse has a baby in her womb which already likes him. I forgot what happens next. If this is your idea of a movie then be my guest. Instead of mentioning how it was done, how it was played, how it was shot, I'll just leave the plot lying around here because it expresses completely what's wrong with this film. Some people might read this and think 'that sounds interesting' and go see the film. Go in good health I say. Mind you though, it's quintuplets. Five. An overbearing retarded mother and a deaf mute father. A liver transplant and a murderous lesbian secret past. Fat naked people in a swimming pool doing sensitivity exercises while a snooty actress plays coy. A dead Great Dane. An epileptic five year old. And five babies. Some people loved it. It won awards.

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