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Back Soon

Back Soon is a story of love, loss, identity and hope. It follows the relationship between aspiring actor Logan Foster and reformed drug dealer Gil Ramirez, two men who find themselves inexplicably drawn together despite their disparate backgrounds, and the fact that they both regarded themselves as straight. However, their bond is soon threatened by Gil's mysterious past and a startling revelation about the true nature of their connection. Neither man is prepared for this, nor the impact it will have on their lives.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 5.3
Studio : TLA Releasing, 
Crew : Set Decoration,  Makeup Artist, 
Cast : Matthew Montgomery Maggie McCollester Artie O'Daly Jake Christian Kelly Keaton
Genre : Drama Comedy Romance

Cast List



Just perfect...


Best movie of this year hands down!

Blake Rivera

If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.


The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.


After reading the reviews for this movie, I was really hesitant to watch. Once again I proved to myself, sometimes you just have to see/do some things for yourself.First off, is the writing, directing and acting as bad as some have said? No it's not - nor is it Oscar-worthy either. You must remember that this is an indie film with a limited budget so the director doesn't have 30-40 takes each scene to find the hidden gem. Some scenes are better than others, no doubt. But the sum of this movie is definitely better than a few of its parts.There were several references to the movie's "supernatural tendencies" and "unbelievability". I found the story really interesting and fresh. If you're looking for the typical gay indie film that focuses on random hookups and erotic sex scenes, yeah you're going to be disappointed to actually find a STORY here that you need to follow. I wonder if Gil were a woman, would the other reviews have been so pointed? All in all, good effort and interesting story. I'd recommend it.


I couldn't even finish this film. Once they got into the fact why they were drawn to each, it became unbelievable. The main character's dead wife died the same day his lover did. It's one thing if a "straight" man fools around just for the sex, but it's really a stretch if you try to bring the supernatural into the picture to explain why he switched to guys practically over night! Give me a break who wrote this crap! I've been out of the closet for nineteen years and I've lived in San Francisco for fifteen. I've never met a guy that suddenly has an "awakening" and he just starts sleeping with guys. This is some writers fantasy of finding the perfect guy that doesn't have a history and is pure as the driven snow. I find this film to be a bit homophobic, showing the other homosexuals as one dimensional and the new ones as caring and deep. The writer clearly has issues about his own sexuality and can't even accept his own kind. Let's face it, if you're a gay man and you get married to a straight woman in the beginning of your life, sex with another man is always in the back of your mind! Written from someone with lots of experience!!!!!


This is a strange film and I can't give a vote, I can't really say if it's good or not. Better, this film isn't good, but it has some points that make me enjoy it. The best part is the begging, when it describes the two main characters falling in love for each other. The acting was good enough and the atmosphere represented looks sweet and delicate (the is the best point of the movie in my opinion).A part from that, the rest of the film is quite an insult to the viewers' intelligence and the mystic/supernatural tone neither is necessary to the development of the storyline nor makes any sense.In the end, my suggestion is: the film isn't a masterpiece, still it might be worth seeing, if you don't have anything better to do and you aren't too disappointed by the unbelievable supernatural elements in the plot. Otherwise avoid it!


I'll confess I have a thing for the movies I've seen Matthew Montgomery in over the last few years. Gone but Not Forgotten, while not brilliantly acted, is such a strong story, with heart-felt acting, that it is difficult to not love. Part of what makes that movie so engaging is the character M.M. plays as the man with no memory running from his former life. He carries it off brilliantly, and strengthens the rest of the movie with his effort. (I also think that Aaron Orr does a great job - both actors seem to suffer from less-than-optimal writing and some limited directing.) So it is difficult then to watch Matthew and his co-star Windham Beacham struggle through both Long-Term Relationship and Back Soon. Both stories should work (although Back Soon is too willing to explain things not needing explanation.) Both actors (whatever else you've read here in the reviews for Back Soon) are solid, even gifted actors. But in both films they seem to, at points, limp along, again (I assume) crippled by directing issues and some dialogue problems.Which is not to say that I don't respect Rob Williams for his story-creating skills! As stated, both movies should work. It feels like (to this indie and gay-themed movie fan) that Mr. Williams doesn't always trust what should "gel" and what shouldn't in a movie. Both actors, in both movies, needed more fire, more energy, more passion for their characters. I would argue that Matthew Montgomery is better in Back Soon than Long-Term Relationship precisely for (a great deal of the movie)this reason: he is more involved, more "wearing the head" of his character.Bottom-line: watch all 3 movies. See the interesting stories, grieve for the lagging moments, and wish for vehicles and directors that will give these actors and these kinds of stories the platform to achieve lift-off. Looking forward to both men's future work. And to Rob Williams too!

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