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Without Words

The story depict the love between the musician, Kit and the mute girl, Snow. Although Snow cannot talk, she is a sunshine girl that lives her ordinary life happily with her fiancé. One morning, As Snow puts on her slippers; she pulls out her left foot and sees an engagement ring on the toe that corresponds to her ring finger. Kit asks her to marry him. A week before their wedding day, Snow gets into an accident and dies, but a sympathetic angel-in-training named Michael, who wears a bright orange shirt, brings her back to life and gives her three days for the wedding. The day before she has to leave Kit, Kit falls asleep while watching TV and Snow whispers into his ear: I love you so much. I want to be with you forever, but I must leave tomorrow night. A couple hours later, Kit wakes up and tells her that he had the strangest dream where she spoke with a husky and sexy voice, but she said she had to go somewhere and promises her that he'll be there with her, no matter what.

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Release : 2006
Rating : 6.8
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast : Ella Koon Lawrence Chou Sheren Tang
Genre : Drama Romance

Cast List



The Age of Commercialism


Memorable, crazy movie


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.


This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.


Surprisingly good!Once in a well, some random movies pop up at my door step that I either never heard or never expect to see. Some of them become some piece of gem – Love Battlefield and some quite frankly a piece of crap – Silly Kung Fu Family. Without Words, certainly isn't an art house film, but the good news is that it isn't totally commercial and it stars Neo's favourite – Ella Koon! Ella Koon looks like a cute little duck, but her acting range shows much promise without distracting from the fact that she is damn hot! Yes, Neo is bias when it comes to stuff like that, but in many ways, I was expecting a pretty crap movie, but what turned out to be more meaningful and cliché that I ever imagined. In that way, it is good news, as it turns out to be a pretty surprisingly good heck of a film. Then again, there is Ella and there is a dog, how can that possibly go wrong.Without Words isn't exactly anything new, but what it does well is using cliché to portray something that touches the audience. While the movie isn't on the same level as Love Battlefield, Cousin Mak is a director of much promise. In many ways the movie may seem to be a mixture of a variety of Korean movies and stuff we have all seen before, but the process is peaceful and definitely feels good. Mak uses adequate camera angles without being showy and the scenery of the sea provides a sense of hope in a rather sad movie. The story of the Little Tide is touchingly memorable about those who left will remain in our hearts forever.Ella Koon puts in a credible debut leading performance and while her range is still questionable; her performance here is brilliant and easing to endure. The scene where she keeps saying "I love you" is memorable to endure and pleasing to remember. A touching performance nonetheless which definitely show Ella as an actress with much promise. Lawrence once again shows exactly why he is a worthy talent and continues to improve from underrated performances in AV and Eye 10. In another twist, Eric Tsang's son – continues to appear in movies at the rate of Chapman To, like his father, he seems to be heading towards a good supporting career.Without Words isn't exactly the freshest movie of 2006, but the overall feel of the movie is seemingly touching and worthwhile. There are movies that you watch and at the credits one would feel wasted and regretful, but Without Words, uses cliché to trick the audience into a feel good mode. While Mak doesn't reach the heights of Derek Yee's romantic dramas, but given the low budget and less commercial voltage, Without Words is better than it should have been. In the state of HK cinema right now, a movie that surprises the audience is deemed to be a good one and under any circumstances Without Words is a damn good movie. While it is probably something like a collection of films we have all seen before, this film succeeds at being just that – simple yet deep, touching without being emotional and Ella without being bias. All in all, Without Words sum the theme up well and by the end, Neo himself is without words…and thinking…I rate it 8/


This is a great movie. I saw it the other day at home it made me cry. Itz about a girl named Suet and she got into an accident and her guardian angel said she can live for 5 days. She is a mute girl and in a relationship with a musician who she's gonna marry. She doesn't seem to talk but use hand signing to talk to him. But she doesn't tell him that she's going to die soon. So she just spends a lot of time with him doing things like fishing. And he tells her a story about the 'little surf.' The last night she has with him she tells him she loves him when he's asleep. The next morning he wakes up and see her sleeping next to him and he tells her that he had a dream that she spoken to him. He then goes to work the next day and his worker, Eva, tell him that she loves him very much. And she would gladly be his mistress. He declines saying he loves Suet very much and that she's an orphan and he doesn't have any feeling for Eva. He then goes home and he finds a notebook that she made for him. He then flip to the end of the notebook and see a disc which she sang to him. He then gets a phone call from his worker, Eva, that Suet went to her and she said she's going to die. You then see her at a cemetery and she making a speech about her death. He then finds her and they hug. He then married her after that with her guardian angel as the priest. When they both say,'I do' they have a long kiss and then she slowly dies in his arms. At the very end you see him at the dock throwing her ashes.

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