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Dead Wood

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Dead Wood

Four friends escape the grime of the city and head out into the woods for a peaceful, relaxing weekend...

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Release : 2007
Rating : 3.4
Studio : Menan Films, 
Crew : Still Photographer,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Absolutely Fantastic


A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


synopsis: a group of friends go to the forest to camp and are preyed upon by an evil force born from the forest. well it does what it says on the tin. if you watch this expecting a classic then you have the wrong mindset for it. this was never meant to be a classic, this was never meant to be the godfather, just a fun little trip for the viewers. the scripting, dialogue and acting aren't very good at all but it can all be taken in fun as the film expands it's throwaway characters and the one's we're supposed to care about. this isn't done well but somehow i couldn't help but care what happened to them. the camera-work is basic at best with the director assuming a half 'last house on the left' gritty realism and half 'the Blair with project' uber realism feel. it works in places and falls short at others. saying that, it doesn't detract from the basic experience of the film. no arty, film school camera tricks here. i read in fangoria that the film was shot on 35mm and considering, it's a good transfer. colours are bright and there are only a small selection of blurry frames. the transfer is quite pleasing to the eye with a wealth of colour and brightness to feast your eyes on. i do recommend turning both the colour and brightness on your TV down to enjoy the supple tones of the transfer. the score is typically suspenseful and if i am honest quite typical of a genre film. it didn't really do much for me at all. good composure but ultimately too formulaic to bring tension. this is the kind of film which you should go into expecting nothing more than cheap thrills. if you are looking for more then i could recommend a lot of films but if you just want to watch a horror film which provides the basic needs of a horror fan then go for this. you won't remember it and you won't talk about it but in my opinion it's not a waste of 90 minutes so much as a giving away.


Four young morons go for a camping trip in the English woods. But instead of having undisturbed fun with the ol' in-out (during which they can enrich the world with even more moronic offspring), they end up becoming trees. Tolkien would have protested vehemently.Human-tree mergers in cinema have always fascinated me. From a very young age - indeed since I was a very young tree-spotting boy - the idea of having Oriental wood-witches turn horny young couples into semi-retarded, mute pseudo-Ents had tickled my fancy like no other floral or even non-floral concept. My imagination ran wild as I pictured myself becoming a plant - much like Sean Penn has been since his birth. What would it be like just to sit there and not ever have to think or eat food (much like Nicole Ritchie)? In particular was I interested how these bored magical forest women do this with the aid of cheesy CGI. Naturally, there was no CGI when I was growing up, but then again why should this IMDb comment have any more logic than this unique little British horror flick? The Oriental witch, played by the rather cute bad actress Nina Kwok, springs out of nowhere one day, informing the two bad-acting white couples that "her boyfriend had disappeared" and that she is cold and hungry. Someone suggests - quite foolishly! - that they call the police, but because most horror-film couples are rather brave morons, this strange notion of informing authorities of the disappearance of a person in the middle of nowhere gets quickly discarded and pooh-poohed upon by the majority. Hooray for horror-movie democracy. Apparently, Common Sense 101 and Wanting To Survive Forrest Demons 500 are courses that are never taught to horror-film couples.One of the characters is called "Milk". Don't ask me why. My intellect is too small to comprehend the limitless depths of profundity that is to be found in every pore of this tree-based horror-fest.Naturally, the fact that Kwok lost her entire boyfriend (all parts of him, including the only copy of the movie's script, which was stapled to his derrière) doesn't cause too much distress in our merry band of bad young actors. Soon enough, the missing boyfriend is as passé as bell-bottoms and punk music, and no-one gives him (or his obvious questionable existence) half a thought anymore. Hence it's time for the non-nerdy guy to go skinny-dipping with the grief-stricken-yet-casually-flirtatious Kwok, while his very blond girlfriend watches them with very mild contempt (bordering on disinterest). Hmm… Funnily enough, one of the skinny-dips ends up with the TOTALLY UNEXPECTED drowning of the blond's beau. The blond being a movie blond, she does not suspect at all that Kwok might have had something to do with the death of her boyfriend: after all, Kwok was only a meter away from him when he was last seen alive. At this point, the other unintelligent, sex-starved couple rejoins the group, and someone yet again comes up with the utterly silly idea of leaving the forest and searching for the police. Two boyfriends are already missing, but this doesn't seem to phase our underpaid (or overpaid?) dilettante thespians. Nothing can ruin their cheerful optimism: they're happy just to be in a movie.Eventually Kwok tires of playing games with such low-IQ campers (it's just not fun playing with your food when it's this daft), and starts turning them into trees. "Dead Wood". Get it? Dead wood. Wood is sort of dead, the bad actors are nearly all dead, hence their CGI merger with the trees means they're "dead wood". Plus, of course, the paper on which this movie's script was hurriedly written is made out of dead wood, and the ideas contained in the script itself are just as dead as the paper they were written on – which is wood-based, as I mentioned earlier.I can well imagine that the trees aren't too happy about having to accommodate such morons into their "dead wood", but the movie - though deep as it undoubtedly is intellectually - does not address this matter at all. Kwok never asks any of the trees if they'd volunteer to let humans become part of their trunks. There is a tree-hugging environmentalist message that could have been pursued here, and I think it would have made the movie a masterpiece. Alas, as it is, we only have a brilliant movie on our hands here, but not one good enough to quite compete with the likes of "The Godfather" or "Star Wars".Am looking forward to the sequel. "Dead Wood 2: Not Worth The Dead Paper It's Written On".


Group of people go camping. They get lost, hit a deer and end up more lost. The run into a girl looking for her boyfriend who's missing, and who we saw in the opening minutes come on (where a several foot high drop to a stream became a several story drop to a stream depending upon which shot you see. The film is full of mismatched shot like that). We eventually find out that the girl is possessed by some forest spirit who kills them...and loggers who show up in the coda for transgressing into the sacred wood, or some similar nonsense. Its not really worth going into, trust me. Somewhere down the road you'll that me that you've just saved 80 minutes of your life by not seeing the film and reading this review instead.


I just saw this at the Phantasmagoria film festival and it was one of my two favourite films of the whole festival. It's a terrific horror film with excellent production values and some real scares in there. I was also impressed with the quality of the acting and the script as well. You really identify with the main characters and feel for them as they go through Hell in the woods. There are a few good laughs in there too including a funny and quite touching sex scene. The terrific atmosphere is cultivated with some excellent music and the imagery of the film throughout, including some quite splendid wildlife photography. There are some awesome special effects too but I don't want to spoil any of the best moments. Suffice it to say I was mightily impressed with the film, and it stands a good chance of being hailed as a cult movie. If you are a horror fan it is well worth a watch.

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