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Dr. Decker returns from Africa after a year, presumed dead. In that year, he discovered a way of growing plants and animals to an enormous size. He brings back a baby chimpanzee to test out his theory. As he has many enemies at home, he decides to use his chimp, 'Konga', to 'get rid of them'. Then Konga grows to gigantic proportions and wreaks havoc all over London!

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Release : 1961
Rating : 4.5
Studio : Merton Park Studios,  American International Pictures,  Anglo-Amalgamated, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast : Michael Gough Margo Johns Jess Conrad Claire Gordon Austin Trevor
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List

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I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much


Touches You


Redundant and unnecessary.


Excellent but underrated film


Silly, but sadly dull, story about a mad scientist who performs growth experiments on plants and animals, and eventually on his chimpanzee, Konga (you know, Konga/Kong, as in King Kong), who then grows to an enormous size to kill the scientist's enemies and eventually wreaking havoc on London. This could have been a fun low budget monster film along the lines of "Them" or "Tarantula," but it's mostly just boring and didn't even entertain me on a camp level.


If you don't take KONGA too seriously then you might just enjoy it as much as I did. It's a cheap rip-off of the KING KONG tale with a low budget and, best of all, it's British! Add to the mixture a demented scientist in the form of Michael Gough (HORRORS OF THE BLACK MUSEUM) and this is one film you'll be glad you watched. A light atmosphere makes this one extremely easy to sit through, indeed it flies by, and I enjoyed every minute.One of the best scenes is early on in the film where Gough is making a serum using the extracts from the dodgy plants he found. His saucepan bubbles over (the Bunsen burner must have been too hot!) and his pet cat drinks some of the spilt liquid. Gough immediately shoots the poor feline, claiming that it would have turned into a tiger. From this moment on we know the film is going to be cheap, cheerful and cheesy, with tongue firmly in cheek.The special effects in this film are remarkably poor, but this only adds to the unintentional hilarity. The exotic plants are obviously made of rubber and wood (in one you can clearly see the flap), and the transformation sequences where Konga grows bigger and bigger occur behind a mysterious mist which materialises before the camera just at these moments. It's easy to see that all of the explosions and transformations are super-imposed or back-projected on to the picture, but all of these downfalls help to make a "so bad it's good" feel to the film.Gough overacts shamelessly and copes with ridiculously bleached hair (in order to make him look older), the trendy teenagers are amusing (pop star Jess Conrad has a small role), and altogether this film is an entertaining and endearingly British slant on the KING KONG theme. This is an example of why I love the monster movie genre so much. In fact I would say that this is one of the most enjoyable monster films I've ever seen. Watch it and see why!


A cute baby chimp becomes the pawn in a mad scientist's game, turning larger and larger with assistance from the greenery of meat-eating plants. As the chimp grows, so does his species, as by the time he's man-sized, he looks more like a gorilla. Even the cutest baby gorilla looks nothing like a chimpanzee baby, no matter how close they are in relation. That is my only complaint in this above average science fiction thriller that has some genuine frights and some truly wonderfully over-the-top performances.Michael Gough is the mad scientist/professor, having been somehow mentally changed after a plane crash in Africa stranded him in the jungle for a year. Learning about man-eating plants and rescuing the baby chimp, Gough returns to his old job at the London England college and immediately makes waves with the dean who meets a violent end at the hands of the enlarged primate. His aging but beautiful assistant/lover (Marjo Johns) is at first horrified by what he's doing, but desperate to be in love, she stands by him, ultimately going mad by his interest in a young student assistant (Claire Gordon) who gets her own little introduction to one of Gough's experiments while fighting him off after he makes an unwanted pass. Of course, like "King Kong" (which utilized in different versions the Empire State Building and original World Trade Centers), there's a last minute interruption with the giant creature hanging outside the Tower of London looking on almost child-like at the gathering crowd.There's almost a sadness towards the treatment of the baby chimpanzee, obviously dependent on both Gough and Johns for affection and life's necessities, and the final moment is almost tear-jerking. The frights don't come from the chimp/gorilla's attacks on the victims (audiences were used to those from such films as "White Pongo", "Bride of the Gorilla" and "Gorilla at Large") but from the scenes in Gough's lab with the meat-eating plants. For that matter, there's no revelation of what happened with Gordon at the end of the film, so the audience is left wondering if she turned into Ellen Greene from "Little Shop of Horrors" or one of the arriving firemen managed to rescue her from a certain fate worse than death. Still, this does remain consistently entertaining even though the special effects showing Konga's sudden growths are less than adequate.


This film is unintentionally funny.The plot is that Alfred from the Batman movies comes back from Africa with some insect eating plants and a baby Chimp, and uses the extract from the plant to cause the Chimp to grow into a man in a bad gorilla suit. The gorilla then proceeds to kill the mad scientists enemies, as he makes a play for a young co-ed. His jilted spinster housekeeper then give the ape another dose of the extract, causing it to grow to giant size and rampage about the city. The co-ed gets her hand caught in a Venus Fly trap, and we never really find out what happened to her. (Seriously, did the Fly trap spend the next five days munching on her, or did she chew her arm off like a coyote and get away.)What I love about British horror from the 1950's is how totally nonchalant everyone is. Oh, a giant monster is rampaging in downtown London. Well, no need to get excited like the Japanese would. The professor is obviously completely nuts? Well, no cause for alarm.

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