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Decay follows several students that discover that the maintenance crew of the Large Hadron Collider have been transformed into zombies after the particle accelerator malfunctions. The students must try to evade the zombies while running through CERN's maintenance tunnels.

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Release : 2012
Rating : 3.8
Studio : H2ZZ Productions, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Co-Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List

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Excellent, Without a doubt!!


Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay

Lucia Ayala

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.


what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

Paul Magne Haakonsen

"Decay" is a movie that tries wholeheartedly, but fails to fully step up to the plate. Directors Luke Thompson and Michael Mazur had the best of interests but their ideas were killed by the classic zombie mistakes.And those mistakes are of course bad zombie make-up, running zombies and bad acting. Yes, "Decay" made that far too-common mistake of having zombie make-up on the face, but forgetting about the neck and ears. It just looks ridiculously bad. The running zombies? No! Simply no. And as for the bad acting, well it was in particular Zoë Hatherell who dragged the movie down with her absentminded acting.Oh, and the story is incredibly slow paced. You need to get 27 minutes into the movie before anything of any importance or interest happens. And even then it never mounts up to anything extraordinary.The cast, most of them at least, were doing adequate jobs with their given roles and characters.For a zombie movie then "Decay" fails to stand out and leave a lasting bitemark, pardon the pun. And as such, it just fades into the vast amount of less than mediocre zombie movies."Decay" is a weak addition to the British zombie catalogue. Nothing much to see here, and I would suggest that you get your zombie cravings sated elsewhere, because "Decay" is less than mediocre.


First off, you need to know that Dadatuuexx has no idea what he's talking about to a worrying degree, in fact he appears to be personifying the same ignorance and fear of science that Decay (clever title - both people and particles decay - geddit?) is attempting to satirise in the first place. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should" and all that nonsense. The LHC, stem cell research, Bruce Banner, Mary Shelley, it's been going on forever. What it comes down to is ignorance versus rationality and I know which side I'd rather be on. But then again this is a zombie film, and obviously zombies aren't real, couldn't be real. Bad science and THE BEST science coexist here and the contrast is I think intentionally obvious, the effect of which highlights just how silly all the death-by-a-thousand-black-holes and similar theories patently are. But people do believe them, and that's a problem.But anyway, that's about the extent of the satire as far as I can tell. The next thing I need to mention is the filmmakers could not have wished for a better location. The LHC is incredibly impressive to look at, and we see more of it here than I've seen in any of the documentaries about it. Not only does it look amazing, and it's HUEG, but the weight of its importance, and the genius not only of its architecture but of what it does, is constant, it makes you proud to be a human in the 21st century. Atmospheric.The acting is - not always - but sometimes - a bit dodgy, and a few scenes lack the emotional depth and sense of urgency they could have done with. But these are physicists, not actors, and anyway what's cooler, pretending to be someone else for an hour or FINDING OUT HOW THE UNIVERSE WORKS? (The clue's in the caps.) A scientist would deck an actor nine times out of ten.Okay okay, actually, yes they're physicists, which would make you think they'd get the physics of a pipe through a skull or a hand through an abdomen a bit more...right. Both these things were done with seemingly little effort and no resistance (but the technique they use is potentially a smart one). Also the state of severed limbs and stuff like that reminds you that they're not biologists. Which is a slight shame, but it's still nice to see a pipe going through a skull and a hand going through an abdomen. And severed limbs.We spend quite a lot of time looking at computer screens, and it would be nice if one day we'll get a proper representation of what a computer screen actually looks like in situations like this - but saying that, it was a lot better than we've come to expect. Yes there's green-text-on-black-background flashing around for no reason, text bleeps as it's displayed (that would be my vote for the main thing to sort out, the first thing I do when I install a new OS is to stop it making annoying noises unless I tell it to), and on one occasion a character's username flashes for no other reason than to tell us to look at it. But it's fine, they're using Bash v3.95 Beta and I'm using v4.2.45 and I don't even have an LHC so I'm happy. The joys of the fourth dimension.They made the right choice leaving it at 75 minutes, it may have started to wear its welcome by the 90-minute mark, but overall I really enjoyed the film, I watched most of it with a smile on my face, so well done, you lot, seriously.


Remember this movie was made by physicists, not movie makers. The CERN backdrop adds a new dimension for zombie story that almost makes the idea of walking zombies plausible. Does the script drift at times, are there bad gaps in some areas, etc? Sure. But who cares. If you watched any made for SyFy movie there is a good chance this one is actually better than most of those. In fact, it would be great if this online distributed film could make the jump to cable with a home on SyFy. Despite the geeky nature of the premise it is still interesting enough for a much wider audience.It will be very interesting to see if these PhD students find a career in science or in film -- or perhaps get lucky enough to continue what they seem to be doing here and somehow have both.


Well, If you have a chance to catch this film,and have a bit of time,check it out.If you like a movie that inspires thought,you,ll most likely think its decent.However,if your into zombie flicks that have lots of cool effects,lots of the red stuff,action,and big names,please move on to the next Resident Evil installment.First of all,as i said before,this movie will get you thinking about science gone astray,and mankind opening doors that should be left closed,AND locked !. The super colliders that those evil white-coats have been working on(atom smashers to us non-involved) are fairly known to most these days,yet little is known about the down-side of one that go,s wrong.It has been said that if one fails,it most likely will create an artificial black hole,or throw the planet of its gravitational poles.yes,that,s what i said,and i,m not joking.the cast does a good job,and the camera work is fair.Nothing wild,just o.k. .There,s a bit of gore,and for what was spent on making this movie,i think they deserve a thumbs up.For myself,its sort of fizzled out at the end,but ,hey,what the heck,its a zombie movie ! Watch it with an open mind,and remember, some things are best left alone,and should,nt be messed with.Personally,i think atom-smashing is a HUGE waste of money,and time.Very dangerous,and what good is it anyway.

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