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Don't Go in the House

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Don't Go in the House

As a child, Donald was tormented by his mother who used fire as a punishment. Now a deranged adult, Donald stalks women at clubs, then takes them home where he kills them with a flamethrower.

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Release : 1980
Rating : 5.6
Studio : Film Ventures International,  Turbine Films Inc., 
Crew : Art Direction,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Dan Grimaldi Charles Bonet Darcy Shean
Genre : Horror

Cast List

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Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;


By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


I like this movie, it grew on me a lot since I first ever saw it. The story is very blunt and straightforward and isn't what you'd call super-complex, but I found it to be a very focused direction and I ultimately found it a very solid and satisfying psychological horror movie and I think it might be one of the more underrated gritty gems from the "Video Nasties" era. I loved the starkness and the whole dingy and dull cinematic quality that it had that gave it a certain consistent feeling of unease throughout without there ever being a single drop of blood in it. It creates a strong sense of dread by letting the audience know early on that the main character is a complete batsh*t schizoid crazy who's fully intent on taking women back to his dead mother's mansion and roasting them alive in a specially made boiler room. The first burning of the beautiful flower shop woman, which is the only one that you really see, is the most horrific part of the movie for sure and is still quite shocking because it's so prolonged and shot in such a stark unflinching fashion that really puts you on edge. The visual effect is frighteningly convincing, it looks like she's really burned alive. The house that he lives in was such a fantastic setting, very grand and decayed, and it looked so striking from the outside, very similar to the domain of Norman Bates! And to say that fire is his method of killing the place looked noticeably freezing, a lot of the time you can see the actor's breath. Dan Grimaldi was very good and effective, his character kind of talked like an overgrown bashful kid and at first he's pitiable, but for me any sympathy towards him goes right out the window after he starts burning innocent women. At that point he's nothing but a heartless murderer who doesn't deserve to live a normal life and does very much deserve to rot in the hell that he's made for himself and to be dragged down into the fire by charred phantoms of his own making... I like the odd interlude where the film takes a pause and tries out a little levity when he goes to get a disco suit with some pointers from a flamboyant tailor! I didn't like all the schlocky disco crap though, not at all, even if it does kind of add to the charm in its way. The obnoxious excuse for a song that plays over the end credits is incredibly inappropriate! Speaking of bad impressions, they really should have stuck with "The Burning" for a title, "Don't Go in the House" is a silly-sounding lame B-movie title.. I wouldn't call it a slasher at all, it's not a roller coaster 'hold me I'm scared' popcorn type of picture, it's meant to be a sad disturbing character study of a man's sad descent, one that has some horrifically effective, especially for a low budget movie, fire effects. It doesn't glorify the violence like the Freddy or Friday the 13th movies do, and it doesn't create a power figure, he can't pick people up or stab them through a door - this person isn't fun to watch in action, he's a very sick twisted individual who has been tormented. Who would want to be this man? I know he's insane but the evil whispering voices made me wonder if there was meant to be some kind of supernatural element to the story, particularly at the end when they speak to another young child with an abusive mother, and potentially starting it all over again. But of course it's more likely just a statement on the nature of abuse and how violence can beget violence, and how monsters are always made by other monsters, and that's a pretty chilling message. Anyway it's not a very nice or uplifting movie but to me it's certainly a good one that has its place in time and deserves to be seen. Not burned but nicely toasted and very well done.


It turned out I've seen this one before, but I'd completely forgotten the title. I decided to watch it again anyway, since I wanted to see those 'burn'-scenes again to check if they were still as awesome as I remembered them... for a b-movie, they are still pretty darn good!The house to which the title refers is a beauty and is thus almost a character on its own. The story starts out intriguing and has its moments later on, but mostly it falls apart with the awful over-the-top interpretation of mama's boy (man) Donny Kohler by Dan Grimaldi. He should have played it way more understated, but also the director should have understood that as well.Now I'm stuck with a b-slasher with some original and well executed elements, a story that for the greater part only has potential and a lot of poor, poor acting by pretty much the whole cast^. Still, the pros almost outweigh the cons, so a lenient 5 out of 10 is in order.^ To clarify: poor acting can mean added fun, but here it really doesn't; this could / should have been a realistic shocker in the vein of a 'Henry: portrait of a serial killer'.


I'm sure Don't Go In The House wasn't a very good film back in its time and it certainly isn't one by today's standards, but it is a reminder of how much more interesting and worthwhile horror movies were before they became like pornography.Donny Kohler (Dan Grimaldi) is a sick, sick man. Horribly abused as a child, Donny developed a fascination with fire. When his abusive mother dies, that fascination ignites into murderous insanity. Donny creates an "oven room" in his mother's house where he burns kidnapped woman alive, then dresses up the torched corpses and leaves them sitting around so he can yell at them. Donny turns to his priest (Ralph B. Bowman) for help in stopping his deranged obsession but after a night at the disco with his only friend Bobby (Robert Osth) turns into a brutal disaster, Donny returns to his murderous ways and is eventually consumed by his own madness.Everything about this movie is primitively simple. The writing, the acting, the direction and the moral are all things you might see today from a very bright middle school student who makes a film with his family's old video camera and his friends from school. It may have had some shock value in the late 70s, but is tame by modern standards of violence and gore. There are a few moments that are still unnerving, but that's due to the difference between Don't Go In The House and what the horror genre has mutated into.Most modern horror films have a tinge of pornography to them. Their violence, depravity and gore are meant more to titillate and excite than to disgust or horrify. The audience isn't meant to identify with the victims. They're not even meant to identify with the killer. They're just meant to react to the acts of brutality on screen. Don't Go In The House predates that mindset. The violence in this movie isn't meant to be cool or entertaining. A scene of female nudity isn't meant to entice, but to emphasize how awful a situation is. This film doesn't want to thrill you. It wants to disturb you.Another way it departs from the roller-coaster approach to horror movies is that Donny Kholer isn't some unknowable, unreachable monster. He's a human being terribly twisted by childhood trauma, yet he still has all the normal feelings and needs of a human being. Donny is meant to elicit both revulsion and sympathy as the film raises the idea that people who do awful things are just repeating the awful things that were done to them. That's a much more nuanced take on evil than you generally get from any film, let alone a low-budget horror movie from 1979.Don't Go In The House isn't much as entertainment goes. Most of its frightening elements are dated and its pacing is flabby and flaccid. As a piece of cinematic anthropology, it's slightly interesting as a contrast to the modern horror film. If that sort of intellectual take on the genre appeals to you, give it a watch. Otherwise, I'm not sure it would be worth your time or money.


Don't go in the house is one hell of a tedious viewing experience,for many reasons. It blatantly emulates Psycho every chance it gets. The house is similar to the one in Psycho,the ending is similar to Psycho,hell even the plot and music score is similar to Psycho. It Doesen't shock you in a good way either,most of the time it's just nasty in every way possible,with only one infamous scene that sticks out,that being where Donny burns,a woman to death with a flame thrower. It's just a vile little film that's honestly repulsing to watch. I have seen plenty of Video nasties,plenty of controversial films,but Don't Go In The House made me wanna wash the filth off of me,after viewing this. The main problem with this movie is,there are endless shots of Donny walking around the house,getting all paranoid or having hallucinations,it just gets so boring to watch after a while. There's no suspense,no scares,it's just a grim experience overall that I never want to experience again any time soon.At about the Hour mark,DGITH has this incredibly boring disco sequence that literally almost put me to sleep,I understand the director was influenced by Psycho,but all he does is rip it off completely while making an incredibly poor impression.Performances. Dan Grimaldi is laughable. Hard to believe this guy went on to star in Soprano's,because he Doesen't show even a glimpse of talent here.Botton Line. Don't Go In this house whatever you do. It won't cause you problems,all it will do is cause the most boring stay anywhere around. There are much better shocking Horror films out there,no need to see this one,thank god I found this online instead of paying a fee for it. Avoid.2/10

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