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Zombie 108

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Zombie 108

A virus gets loose in Taipei Army and SWAT teams oversee evacuation but in Ximending the gangs don't want the police They attack the military but when both find themselves under attack by zombies there is an alliance as they try and escape.

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Release : 2012
Rating : 3.3
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Producer, 
Cast : Tai Bo Jack Kao Yu-Hang To Liu Geng-Hong Jackson Liu
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List


Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


To begin, I am pretty surprised by the number of topless scenes in the film. Hmm, in my humble opinion it didn't go too well with the zombies film. The plot is shallow and lacked conviction. The zombies are turned in split seconds which is kind of fast, isn't it? The zombies make-up are sub standard. The speed the zombies are rotting, guess it wouldn't last a day; should see more skeletons instead.I watched it in theater and I feel I didn't get my $$ worth. Kinda low budget production film. Nevertheless, it's a good zombie start for Mandarin films. Hope it gets better on the next zombie film and no sequel please.Wait for DVD, I would recommend.


There have been an increasing number of cheesy, low budget zombie films made in recent years, such as THE ZOMBIE DIARIES and APOCALYPSE OF THE DEAD, films which offer their own minuscule-priced takes on the classics but often falling down due to the poor expertise of the crew members making them. ZOMBIE 108 is no different, and in its defence it attempts to rip off not just one genre but instead three distinct ones, with generally poor effects.Firstly, it's clear that somebody watched and enjoyed THE RAID before they made this, because half of the characters are SWAT team members whose long-running feud with some ugly gang members provides a backdrop to the zombie action. Then we have the zombies themselves, the usual bunch of shuffling, entrail-grabbing monsters, who always seem to appear in badly-edited montages. This effect may be utilised to hide the rubbish nature of the zombie makeup.Finally, if that wasn't enough, writer/director Joe Chien throws in a flesh-masked pervert who keeps a dungeon full of chained naked girls and uses zombies to power his own electricity generator! The Texas CHAINSAW influence is clear, but it means that, tonally, the movie is all over the place, ranging from the ridiculous to the repulsive. One moment we're sitting through another hackneyed zombie attack and the next we're watching this slobbering rapist having his way with a naked and nubile young woman. It's pretty nasty.Thankfully, the film is so poorly made that none of it means much, and even the sicker moments are amusing rather than disturbing. Joe Chien acts like an overactive child when directing, with his irritating jumpy editing and choice of death metal to irradiate the ears of sensitive viewers. The film is littered with amusing errors, like somebody turning into a zombie complete with decayed makeup in the space of two minutes, and more bad acting than you can shake a stick at. My favourite character is the black guy, a wannabe Parkour expert who does these little jumps over tables and the like in a bid to convince us of his athletic abilities; such moments are truly hilarious.The novelty factor is that this is Taiwan's first zombie movie, but unfortunately it lacks any cultural awareness or difference to the bog-standard low grade horror film from any country on this earth: people running around aimlessly and doing very little. It's a bore.


This was an awesome Asian Zombie movie. A Zombie plague has taken over and the TV warns everybody to evacuate the city. The Local gang-members don't watch the news, so when they see the cops storm-trooping down the street with full battle-rattle it's game on! And in the middle of the shoot-out here comes the un-dead. In the opening scene they borrow from 28days later, and Zombie land. The serial killer who does well in the zombie Apocalypse with his dungeon is from "COLLIN". "Big-Budget Zombie Film" film that borrowed from "Lil-budget Zombie Films". But borrowing is part of the Zombie Genre the problem is they didn't expand on it, and they had the money, casts, extras, and rolling sets to do so. I would've loved for the Cops to be in full Zombie elimination not Evacuate the city mode. The Cops and Gang-members join up to defeat the Zombies has been done to un-death (Horde, Gangs of the Dead, etc, etc,) it would've been nice instead of joining forces had they went there separate ways. Seeing how the discipline SWAT team moves against the Zombies, or a tactical peel retreat. And the Gangsters with their wild undisciplined strongest bravest style. Then see how both sides come to the realization that you have to shoot the Zombies in the head. In this film even the onslaught could have been choreographed better sprinkle them in then mob, all scenes were the same. Whether in the sewer, the slums, pent-house, or parking lot, all ill-used sets.

Paul Magne Haakonsen

Well I must say that I was also riding along on the hype-wave about this being Taiwan's first zombie movie, so I had put up some big hopes and expectations for the movie, especially as I was really surprised by "Juan of the Dead" ("Juan de los Muertos") from Cuba. So these movies just go to prove that you don't need a massive backing up from Hollywood in order to make a good zombie movie.And now having seen "Z108" I will say that I wasn't surprised, and I think that they actually managed to pull it off nicely enough. Sure there were some mistakes here and there, but in overall, I think that Joe Chein managed to make an impressive movie, so Taiwan can now be ticked off on the zombie world map.The story in "Z108" is about a scientist who had discovered a new gene, but the gene caused unforeseen changes and mutations. With a couple of disasters striking his life, the material gets unleashed upon a part of Taipei, and we find ourselves along with a SWAT group, as they strike down upon the infected area. But in the middle of the chaos is a local gang, totally unaware of the chaos that is unfolding around them. The two groups, SWAT and gang members, have to unite and put aside their differences in order to overcome the common threat of the ravenous zombies.Yeah, the storyline itself was fairly average for a zombie movie, and it wasn't really anything that you hadn't seen before in other movies of this genre. But still, it was entertaining enough.The zombie make-up and effects were actually quite good, although it wasn't as gore-filled as some of the Western or Japanese zombie movies can be. But there was a decent enough amount of blood and mayhem, and I was kept entertained by it, though I could have wished for a bit more.As for the acting, well I think that people were doing good enough jobs with their roles. It wasn't really anything outstanding or overly impressive, but it was above low-budget standards. And I wasn't familiar with anyone in the movie, as I haven't really had much chance to watch Taiwanese movies in general, so it was nice to see a movie with all new faces and not have any prior idea of their acting and previous characters associated with their faces.There were a couple of things that didn't fall into my personal liking in this movie. The first was the speed of which people turned into zombies, it took less than a couple of minutes; but to make matters worse, then for some reason, newly deceased people that came back as zombies had decaying and mangled faces, even though prior to dying their faces were intact. That was just a tad too stupid. The second thing was the rip off of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" with the human flesh-leathery facial mask that the 'pervert' was wearing, it was so unnecessary, and it really brought the movie down a bit in originality. And finally I wasn't overly impressed with the death metal music in the movie. Yeah, I listen to metal myself every day, and nothing much aside from metal, but the metal music in this movie was so misplaced and out of touch with the rest of the movie, plus it just wasn't that great to listen to anyway.Aside from these small irritations, then "Z108" was actually a good movie in itself, and a well worthy addition to the DVD collection of any zombie aficionado. And for it being Taiwan's first zombie movie, then way to go! Thumbs up.

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