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The Cutting Room

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The Cutting Room

Students Raz, Charlie and Jess embark on their end of year Media Studies project unaware of the horrific and unspeakable fate that awaits them. What starts as a seemingly simple mystery soon turns into a claustrophobic and hellish nightmare.

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Release : 2015
Rating : 3.5
Studio : Itchy Fish Film, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Makeup Artist, 
Cast : Parry Glasspool Lucy-Jane Quinlan Andromeda Godfrey
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List

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Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.

Hayden Kane

There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.


Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.


The film opens up with a real old song I'm In The Mood For Food playing, while some masked dude is carving away on a chained up girl. You think this film might be good but then nope. All the energy was put into the beginning and then they burnt out.It turns into a found footage where some friends investigate a cyberbully disappearance. They end up in the lair of the killer getting lost and almost killed but luckily escape. So they decide to go back. Some people never learn.Forget about this one. All you're going to miss are shaky cameras as they are always running and constant screaming.


I really enjoyed this film and for ages after it finished, just sat open-mouthed in front of the TV with my heart banging against my rib cage.The Cutting Room only cost £12,000 to make but nothing about it feels small budget. The cinematography is really impressive and you get this constant feeling that the characters are being watched. Many of the scenes are filmed underground in the disused army barracks yet the viewers is treated to all the gruesome bits in gory, vivid detail.A lot of the film is "found footage" but the quality is so much better, in my opinion, than The Blair Witch Project. In that film, I found it pretty unwatchable but in this film it was of a quality good enough to enjoy the film while still getting the pants scared off you.I really enjoyed the plot and the characters, who seemed believable in terms of English students. I'd definitely like to keep an eye on Lucy- Jane Quinlan and Lydia Orange in the future.Definitely pay attention when watching the film and look out for the clues. If you don't, the finale is going to terrify you, as it did me. The final scenes take place over 15 terrifying minutes where the viewer is kept firmly on the edge of your seat. Watch out for the final, horrifying reveal in the last 15 seconds of the film.

Splatter Effect

It's an understanding that most horror films that pop up here, and there nowadays lacking in most needed elements, and that's completely understandable. But when you offer the audience a film of which seems to be given little - to no emphasis what so ever, it becomes frustrating, and even aggravating. This film angers myself, and possibly others that have given this film a chance, as I did.The acting in this film is an atrocity, something that's extremely hard to put up with. Each - to all actors in this film seem as if they were each collected from the streets, and offered a roll in this movie. It's as if nothing at all was given to execute this movie! As if they had minutes to read they're scripts, leading to trash acting! And to topple that to the ground, there would be no point to begin with, each character is sickly clichéd, and have nothing unique in they're executions at all! Overall, there was absolutely nothing given here! The acting was terrible, and so were the characters, making this entire film hard to stomach.The idea, and or plot of this movie, as well was terrible. I personally didn't like the way the writers wanted this entire film to play out. From start, to finish this entire film seemed as if it was going absolutely nowhere, and proves itself from the middle, to last portions of this movie. Even when they "tried" to perhaps offer something in this film, they fell flat, and started more trash once again. In conclusion, the plot of this film, tying with the characters was utterly poor, and managed to lead nowhere.Honestly, I credit most films of what they stand for, but I can't hold back. This movie offered little.. to nothing. I honestly wonder to myself on why I wasted my time, hoping the movie would perhaps turn into something greater - but no. The movie is simply pointless, and frustrating. Please, do not waste your time with this movie. Your better off giving other blind films chances, rather then this. I truly don't want to go any further, or in depth of the atrocious attempts of which this movie displayed, so I'll leave it to the small; tip of the iceberg information above of why this movie should NOT be seen, and or given any chances.


Film students choose the case of a missing girl for their project, and find they've bitten off more than they can chew.Brit horror. Sigh. Overloaded with soap opera dialogue, where nobody opens their mouth except to deliver an insult or utter the f-word. The characters are deeply irritating from the start and the plotting is just juvenile. Only 73 mins, but it feels like hours.This does have an interesting opening sequence, but instantly heads into botched student banality. After lots of shaky cam and badly lit scenes we end up in a dark labyrinth, hoping that someone will smother it in concrete and seal these idiots inside forever.I've watched some crap horror out of Britain, and this isn't even the worst. But you know what? They get external reviewers to pass it off as quality. If it's not heritage ghostery, the Brits really don't know how to do horror, and even the ghostery is boring. And of course they're so small minded they can't even address sex. Thatcherite pillocks.American indie horrors are like Oscar nominees compared to this.

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