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Brain Twisters

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Brain Twisters

Employees of a software company discover a conspiracy to use the games made by the company to control the thoughts of its customers.

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Release : 1991
Rating : 3.5
Studio : Crown International Pictures, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast : Farrah Forke
Genre : Horror Thriller Science Fiction

Cast List





Just perfect...

Matylda Swan

It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.


A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


Dr. Phillip Rothman (Terry Londeree) is a biophysicist who teaches at an unnamed college. With funding from a software-development company, Dr. Rothman conducts auditory-stimulation experiments on student volunteers. Problem is, once they're back in the outside world and encounter a light pattern similar to the experiments, it turns them into violent serial killers. Not a bad idea for a sci-fi chiller, but BRAIN TWISTERS landed far short of its potential.The stereotyped characters include the heartless CEO (Robert T. Hughes), the mad scientist (Dr. Rothman), the good girl (Farrah Forke), the shameless floozy (Donna Bostany), the no-nonsense police detective (Joe Lombardo), the creepy custodian (Charles Lopresto), and the big bad government agent (Warren Cox?).Londeree rarely changes facial expressions, and delivers his lines in a monochromatic drone. When Rothman tells his work-study student, "I'm a little on edge today," he does so because we never would have guessed otherwise. While Londeree stands out as even more wooden than Kevin Costner, the other cast members do no better. But how can they, with a script that doesn't give them characters so much as stick people they have to flesh out themselves?The custodian is superfluous. He spends all his time alone and does not contribute to the plot in any way. The character must have been tacked on to stretch the film's length to an acceptable 90 minutes for release to theaters.The camera work is nothing special, though I liked the close-up shots of the bubbles in a female student's bathtub scene moments before she suddenly becomes a double murderer. This petite young woman takes out a pair of football players with her scissors. Sounds plausible, huh?Finally, the synthesized score is repetitive and irritating. And let's not even talk about the film's original pop songs! Thankfully, BRAIN TWISTERS never produced a soundtrack CD.I gave the film two stars because at least it wasn't boring.

kai ringler

This isn't as bad as most people say it is,, sure I rated it a 3 because it deserves it,, but I have at least 50 movies that I think are worse than this one . No major actors in this,, kinda can see why.. a College Professor has a class he teaches and he uses his students as actual lab experiments,, something to do with the brain , and mind control,, it seems that after going thru these mind control experiments his patients feel the need to go out in public and go on a murderous rampage. in the meantime we have one of our female characters falling for our cop friend, typical , but not what happens after she eats his home cooking. I found the movie to be hilarious at times,, I actually sat thru this one , without much pain to be honest.. I wouldn't say it's a classic,, but not too bad by any stretch of the imagination,, decent "b" movie. maybe slightly below average. but definitely watchable.

Michael O'Keefe

A university research psychologist, Dr. Phillip Rothman(Terry Londeree) convinces a group of college friends in taking part in an experiment to see if changing colors and patterns of a computer game changes behavior. The software company providing the games figures to use the experiment's results in recouping and making money with expectations the games will become popular among colleges students and would eventually control them. But bad thing is... the students in the experiment are already becoming very violent. A pretty tame thriller. Nothing redeeming. The cast includes: Farrah Forke, Donna Bostany, Heather Ann Barclay, Shura McComb and Joe Lombardo.


An experiment in computer-generated mind control goes berserk... and the body count is rising! Who is behind this and what are they trying to accomplish? The film has an interesting lecture with props on lobotomy, awesome early 90s metal and dance music, but that's the only good things I can say about it.The video game shown is really, really poor for 1991. As another reviewer said, it looks like a Commodore 64. (This same reviewer said the professor is more wooden than Keanu Reeves and that could not be more true.)I cannot recommend this to you or anyone. By this point, even bad films should at least look good, but this one just does not. I wish it had never been made at all.

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