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Eden Lodge

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Eden Lodge

A young couple arrive at a retreat in the English countryside in the hope of saving their failing marriage. But when the people around them start to be picked off by a vicious killer, the weekend becomes a matter of saving their lives.

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Release : 2015
Rating : 3.3
Studio : Lost Boy Pictures, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Georgina Blackledge Ben Gardner Gray Aggy K. Adams
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List



Simply Perfect


Just perfect...


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


I found most of the characters in the film pretty unlikeable. Mawky girls, quiet, simmering men, a horrible local but a very nice old lady. Much is unexpected and it takes a good while for the plot themes to start coming together. Some don't seem to have any logical connection to the plot resolution at the end, frankly. The gore is not too much for the faint-hearted, though very effective and realistic. The music is well used and has a nice depth and presence. I've seen a lot worse that this. It's a decent enough horror film and worth a watch.

Tony Cook

If the acting was any more wooden, the cast would be crapping out MFI wardrobes.... ! It would of been better if the director had said "perform your lines, but if you want to add anything in do so as it would appear more realistic"This didn't happen and what would of been a better film was ruined because everyone was waiting to deliver their lines.What it does tell you is that anyone can become an actor and get work, regardless of if you have any talent.The premise was good but poorly delivered. It's a shame as I thought it was going to be good.


EDEN LODGE is one of those low budget British horror films where nothing really happens apart from a halfway-decent sense of mood and place. It reminded me a lot of the film shown the previous night on the Horror Channel, SIREN, which had more exotic locales but was similarly light on plot and incident.The story is about a sinister bed and breakfast where the guests go missing. There's no more to it than that, and fans looking for slasher horror in the form of death and gore will be disappointed as this is very tame. Instead the viewer has to put up with the tiresome acting of unknown cast members and a major plot point that seems to have been borrowed from that '70s horror classic FRIGHTMARE. The most interesting thing about EDEN LODGE is the way the title and box art blatantly copy the earlier British horror EDEN LAKE, which was about ten times more powerful and compelling than this rip-off.

Nigel P

Adam Michaels (Ben Gardner Grey) and his determined-to-be-miserable wife Rachel (Cyd Casados), along with baby Alfie (Georgio Costa Houtris) stay the night at Eden Lodge, unaware of the slate of carnage that erupts around the place. A rambler is killed, her friend is imprisoned and tortured – and shortly after this everyone the couple meet are either dismembered or killed. The only two other survivors appear to be lovely landlady Mrs Wilkes (Ellie Dickens) and her reserved son David (James Killeen).From the offset, Wilkes is represented as deeply religious, which appears to earmark her for suspicion. David is an awkward, ungainly fellow, and so he, too, should be considered a suspect.Although highly likely to be red herrings, it materialises toward the end that they must be guilty, because everyone else has been killed. Except there is a twist – David committed suicide ten years ago, and his mother is the only one who sees him. Rachel discovers the real David is a long-dead cadaver safely tucked up in clean sheets, in the top bedroom of Eden Lodge.As is often the way with these things, there are plot questions. It is ten years since David's death – are we to suppose that his mother has only now decided to carry out her twisted revenge – and if so, why the wait? If not, and she has been making these seemingly arbitrary killings, what has happened to the various corpses - at least five people die within the few days in which 'Eden Lodge's' events take place, so by that reckoning, a large amount of corpses would have built up?Presented as a slightly more-grisly-than-usual television horror drama, some of the acting is occasionally stilted. What gore there is, is effectively conveyed and, although it never intends to stray too far from standard horror, this is nevertheless a competent and enjoyable film. One online reviewer has compared it favourably to the films of Pete Walker, with Mrs Wilkes being an ideal part for Sheila Keith. It hadn't occurred to me, but it's a convincing point of view.

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