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Rabid Grannies

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Rabid Grannies

A large family gathers in the country side for their two Grannies birthday. It's too bad one of the gifts happens to be from their devil-worshipping nephew, and upon opening it, the two loveable grannies turn into rabid, flesh-eating monsters.

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Release : 1989
Rating : 4.8
Studio : Troma Entertainment,  Stardust Pictures Nr.1, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Catherine Aymerie Elie Lison
Genre : Horror Comedy

Cast List



Nice effects though.


I'll tell you why so serious

Derrick Gibbons

An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.


RABID GRANNIES is a very low budget gross-out comedy from Belgium, unless you happen to watch the American version put out by Troma, in which case it's merely a comedy as all of the gore has been excised, weirdly, from their version. The story is set in one of those old dark houses where a couple of grannies receive a cursed present and transform into demons which then proceed to slaughter the assembled relatives. As a film it feels a little like Peter Jackson's BRAINDEAD albeit not as good, but without the rubbery gore effects this is merely incoherent nonsense, and completely pointless to watch.


There is great fun to be had here. Please, do not watch this film and expect ANYTHING redeeming because you will not find one single thing. This is Troma, expect bad acting, plenty of gore, random sex and nudity and an insanely ridiculous and nonsensical plot.Two Aunts (yeah, I know it is called Rabid Grannies.....) are holding are birthday party and they invite the family to their huge mansion. All the family arrive (a lesbian couple, a gun maniac, a horny cousin, a family and another couple) for dinner to be held at night. When dinner is finished and present time comes the two aunts open a package that was delivered by an old lady earlier that night. It is from the black sheep of the family, a satanist. The present turns the two aunts into big, ugly demon creatures who proceed to eat everyone they see (including a poor little girl).After half an hour of stupid dialogue, awful dubbing (and acting for that matter) and random stupidity the gore kicks in. There isn't a whole lot of it but there's a good amount and it's usually extremely funny and gruesome. Most of the movie is pure comedy though, with such scenes as one of the grannies wearing a suit of armour (dunno why), a fat man getting his arse eaten and a little boy saying, "That's smashing!" while watching a guest being eaten.3½/5


"They Love their grandchildren...well done!" This is the tag-line for the bizarre foreign horror flick "Rabid Grannies". This film is distributed by Troma films and despite the negative reviews it has received, I found it to be a lot of fun! Yes the acting is bad...the effects aren't terrible for a B movie but they aren't great either but that's not the point here. There are several horribly offensive scenes such as the one where the child is murdered or the one where the overweight gentleman literally has his ass eaten out. The murder of the priest is also religiously offensive but if you're a religious person, I doubt you'd be watching a film titled "Rabid Grannies". This film is just plain fun to has just the right amount of blood, guts, gore, murder, madness, mayhem with a little lesbianism and demonology thrown in for good measure!


This movie is really only good to watch and laugh at how ridiculous it is. So many ridiculous things that it will take a lifetime to count. The spfx are humorous, in one part where one of the grannies throws up an egg. The acting in this movie is also hilarious, as it seems no one can act. If I was in the movie, I probably would not put my all in acting. OK, now be scared because your grandma has become an demon/alien thing. The deaths of the people are the funniest! It is more slapstick than gruesome. They will have you laughing out of your seat. So if you are looking for a good horror movie, walk past this movie. But if you are looking for a movie to do a good MST3K to, then this is the movie for you.

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