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Release : 2011
Rating : 5.1
Studio :
Crew : Costume Designer,  Director, 
Cast : Debbie Rochon Evalena Marie Nathaniel Sylva
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Such a frustrating disappointment


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.


A story that's too fascinating to pass by...

Verity Robins

Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.


I fell victim to the obviously fake reviews singing the praises of this movie. Yes, the film had a noir feel to it and its throwback nature was seemingly intriguing (at first). I can't say anything else positive about it. The repetitive musical theme was horrendous. Much of the acting was wooden or grossly exaggerated. The characters were not sympathetic. The plot ... wait, what plot? I kept waiting .... and waiting ... and waiting for some kind of payoff, explanation, resolution, ANYTHING. But nothing happened. I was more confused at the end than at the beginning. If you are going to keep the viewer in the dark the entire time, you need to provide SOMETHING - some reason or revelation that made it all worthwhile. This movie makes any previously disconnected, choppy, ambiguous, or otherwise non- cohesive film seem Oscar-worthy. Heck, I'd take a shallow, bloody, gratuitous B-grade horror flick over this. At least with those crappy movies you know what is going on - even if you wish you didn't. If each of the elements had been woven together to form create a meaningful whole, this movie might have been redeemable. Even an ugly, poorly knitted afghan is better than no afghan at all. But as it stands, we are left with these disparate strands of yarn that no even tried to combine


Richard Griffin's best. Writer Guy Beniot hit a home run with a very haunting script. I really hope griffin will stay with this style of movie.Amazing cast. Evelena Marie is mesmerizing. The usual griffin cast backs her up to the hilt. Sarah Nicklin, Michael reed, Michael Thurber and the rest of the cast can be proud.I would encourage anyone that enjoys horror to check this flick out. It's a low budget movie without a low budget feel. Guy Benoit is a writer to watch. in the future. And Evelena Marie is the actress to watch!


Director Richard Griffin's film EXHUMED is a dark, low-budget horror flick that succeeds on many levels. Shot entirely in RI (or at least entirely in Southern New England for sure), the movie is grim, nihilistic, and full of nice doses of black humor. To describe it best, it's almost like a "haunted house" movie about a dysfunctional family.However, the film's greatest strength lies in its ability to feel fresh (though it does gain part of this edge simply from being made in a time suffering from a cesspool of banal films and an over-saturated film-market). Oddly enough, the film's freshness seems to come out in a weird (if seemingly contradictory) way by capturing the look and atmosphere of horror films of old. The micro-budget, black and white (often shot on one location), character centered horror films of the 60s. Director Jack Hill's 1968 flick SPIDER BABY comes off as the closest example of the type to EXHUMED and may have even influenced it. Despite being (welcomely) old fashioned, the film is set entirely in the present. EXHUMED is that kind of movie (sort of like say, PULP FICTION) that even though set in the present day for when it was filmed, feels strangely like it belongs in another time frame or even firmly in the film's own uniquely created world. EXHUHMED definitely has a timeless quality to it.While Richard Griffin and screenwriter Guy Benoit deserve a lot of credit for crafting this great flick, cinematographer Ken Willinger and his crew deserve a huge shout out for providing some beautiful cinematography. The stark, low-key film-noir look to the film is pitch perfect and creates quite the atmospheric little horror flick.EXHUMED isn't a perfect film by any means, but it easily stands as one of the finest films (and possibly best horror flick) of 2011.


Every once and a while you get someone who takes a chance and does something different with a genre that is either out of favor or is just plain tired. Exhumed is a great example of the use of minimalistic sets and scenery but it gets the maximum value from them. Almost the entire film is shot in this big creepy house. The house is populated by a truly diverse cast of characters each bringing their own subtle and sometimes not so subtle nuances to the story. The film revolves around the extremely weird dynamic of the residents of this particular house. Starting with the Butler and the Governess played to the nines by Debbie Rochon and Michael Thurber. For me this was my first experience getting to see Michael work on such a substantial character and I have to say that he and Debbie are the anchor that keeps the story in place. The rest of the cast is played brilliantly by Sarah Nicklin as Laura a somewhat off kilter person that isn't necessarily grounded in reality. Next is Evalena Marie who plays Rocki, who is a little rebellious, uninhibited and is the boundless energy of the group. Next is Richard Tretheway as Lance who may have been something else at one time but is now just burned out on life. Finally the group is rounded off by Michael Reed as Chris, a college kid renting the room to get off campus. His character is the most normal of the group and he hits it off with Laura, who is smitten with him. This puts him in direct conflict with the Governess who has a love/hate relationship with Laura. As the film progresses the group falls deeper and deeper into darkness. This film is a treat to see as it was a beautiful character study and at the same time so compelling. For Michael and Sarah it was probably my favorite performances of both actors and it also introduced me to Evalena's skills. One of the best parts of the film is that it is shot entirely in black and white and I can not emphasize enough on how great this sets the mood of the entire film. This is something other film makers would be advised to take a look at since this can take and change the tone of your film instantly. Well shot and again an excellent directing job by Richard Griffin along with Guy Benoit's top notch script this film is worth seeing in the theater if you are lucky enough to get to a screening or at least definitely worth buying when it comes out on DVD.

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