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They say squatting is dead - a term that takes on a sinister double meaning when four homeless art students decide to take up residence in an abandoned London House where a hidden terror lurks.

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Release : 2010
Rating : 4.2
Studio : Spiderhole Productions, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Amy Noble Emma Griffiths Malin George Maguire Moya Farrelly
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Fresh and Exciting


Excellent, Without a doubt!!

Adeel Hail

Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.


Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.


The director and writer are one in the same - Daniel Simpson, shame on you! You borrowed clichés from other bad horror movies and put them the worst of them in this pile of #$%^ that would be alright as a student project in high school. You are presumably not a teenager. This particular scene ticked me off to no end : antagonist beat the heck out of the maniac only to find out that it is their friend they kill. I mean they beat the living bejesus out of him with a nail studded 2X4 and about 50 blows. When the antagonist does finally manage to immobilize the maniac, she gingerly pops him over the head and runs off like an silly cow, despite her friends lying in pieces all over the joint. She of course gets caught and killed. This kind of lame writing is physically painful and just insulting to the viewer, as it shows the writer/director is either uninspired and lazy or contemptuous of the viewer, or both. What sense does it make for the maniac to mutilate people simply because his father was killed in some horrible event in WW11? Who the hell wasn't involved in a horrible event then? The entire bloody war was horrible. This was just a lousy excuse for a movie and it all falls on Simpson's head; the actors weren't bad but what could they do with this script?


Four London Art Students squat in a derelict house to save money with the intention to live-free in a meaningful, creative and partying student lifestyle environment. However, they find themselves trapped inside a large house and their unlawful entry may come at a price, possibly their lives.Daniel Simpson's director / writer feature film debut is an exciting offering of a well-crafted film with an effective and expensive looking production design. The lighting is excellent, creating a dark and ominous atmosphere in the confinement of the empty building. He throws in enough camera angles, movement and cuts though-out to prevent events ever becoming static.Spiderhole begins customary enough with a carefree student Molly having a check-up at the doctors on a sunny London's day, but once she meets her three friends to go on a squatting adventure of free spirited living things take a turn for the worse and it becomes a claustrophobic nightmare.Simpson sets-up the perfect intro for a haunted house thriller, shadowy corridors, locked doors, complete with bangs and bumps. You almost feel you're in for a rework of 1962 The Haunting. Nevertheless, as the supernatural element is dispensed with and the 'torture porn' element begins with plenty of blood, mind-games and grime to get Saw-esque fans jumping in their seats. Executed with some excellent practical and realistic looking effects and blood.Although the characters are thrust into the horror very quickly the Brit slang dialogue is naturalistic enough to keep the tension on track. George Maguire's performance as the edgy sculpture lover is notable and Molly character is written logically and cleverer than most heroines of this genre and is wonderfully played by Emma Griffiths Malin. Both Amy Noble and Reuben-Henry Biggs are more than adequate in the supporting roles and a nod goes to John Regan's subtle performance as The Captor.Jason Cooper & Oliver Krauss score and the sound design is pounding, nauseating which fittingly adds to the on screen action, touching nerves and senses, evocative of the feelings stirred by Marco Beltrami & Marilyn Manson's RE (2002) score.Some plot and style elements are reminiscent of Creep, The Collector, Severance, REC, Catacombs, Hostel and Saw 2 to name a few, however, there's enough originality, mystery, twists and a surprise ending to satisfy the casual horror viewer. Overall, if you enjoy blood, torture and captivity Spiderhole is made for you.


Though the beginning seems very strong and I kinda hoped it would try and stay as focused throughout its course. Unfortunately it lost a bit of its drive. Which had not only to do with the fact, that it became predictable, but was also short on original ideas. And no one does not necessarily come hand in hand with the other. A movie can be predictable, but still have good ideas at hand.This seemed to have lost its way after the first 10-15 minutes. The characters are drawn strong enough to at least care for them. But they are not really portrayed that good enough, to elevate the movie above its central idea. Good intentions, but the script could have done with a bit of re-work ...


I'm not much of a horror film fan, as they tend not to frighten me in the least (is it wrong to expect to be frightened?). But this was a disaster. After convincing (dragging, may be a more appropriate word) my extremely scare-able friend to watch a horror film in the independent cinema with me, I was devastated when to find her laughing more at the film than I was. That film was Spiderhole.Of course I have taken into account the low budget, the inexperienced cast, etc.. But that is not where the problems lie in this film. I had no problem with the actors (save one), the cinematography was fine, good, in fact. The problem was that it just plain wasn't scary. Problem number two was that the script was poor. And number three; the plot was AWFUL. It was like it took random excerpts from umpteen horror films and just stuck them together in one big incomprehensible mess.I try not to slate films as I ask myself, with my inexperience, could I do better? Well... this time the answer is a crystal clear yes.

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