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Christy Dawson is a conduit between the worlds of the living and the dead. Unable to control or understand her ghostly visions, she's increasingly witness to disturbing glimpses into the future. Someone is killing everyone around her and she's running out of people who she can trust. Can Christy uncover the truth behind a decades-old mystery before ending up the next victim?

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Release : 2007
Rating : 2.7
Studio : Ruthless Pictures,  30 Something Productions, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List



That was an excellent one.


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.


The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.


I think I haven't rated a movie so low in years. It is badly written, badly acted, badly edited, has bad sound, even the song at the end is horrible and played out of tune, no direction that I could discern, yet it is not in any way so terrible that it would be funny. It doesn't even have scantly dressed teens in it.Indeed, this is the biggest movie sin that one can think of: it is completely boring! It brings nothing to the table. After seeing this you can be certain you will regret wasting the time you spent fast forwarding to look for any scene that has any emotional or intellectual impact on you (and found none). This movie is the blandest film I have ever seen in my life.Bottom line: Avoid it like the Aberration it is.


Powerful horror film imaginatively penned by screenwriter Wendy Douglas- Argent offers a fresh twist to oft told classic ghost stories. Director Elford Douglas-Argent uses his camera expertly as he creates an atmosphere of fear and dread so intense it's almost unendurable. The scares and thrills come fast and furiously and unrelentingly. While this film provides its share of blood and gore, it is the intelligent and insightful story that makes this far superior to most genre movies. The acting is first-rate and the cast give some truly superb performances. The characters are true to life and extremely well developed so we actually come to care about their fate. It is indeed a credit to the script and director that the story stays on target and never loses its plausibility. Disturbing, thrilling, and downright terrifying at times, Aberration will keep audiences on the edge of their seats as they feverishly bite their nails.


RLJ and Image Entertainment are known for giving independent filmmakers an avenue to get their movies out to the masses. They continue this trend with the supernatural thriller "Aberration." While not as bad as it could be, it comes across as a TV-movie-of-the-week designed for Lifetime to show during the Halloween season.Christy Dawson sees dead people. Lately, she's been catching glimpses of the ghost of a boy. He's warning her where certain students in her high school are going to turn up murdered. It becomes obvious that someone close to Christy is taking out her childhood friends. Can she figure out what the specter of the boy is warning her about before she meets her own end?"Aberration" looks good visually. It's just that nothing out of the ordinary happens in it as far as the story or scare tactics are concerned. Audiences are beyond the thrills provided to them here. "The Conjuring," "The Grudge," and other films like them have ruined the child ghost sub-genre as we know it. Filmmakers have a tough road ahead of them from here on out when it comes to these types movies.Although the movie isn't rated, I would give it at least a PG-13. There's no nudity, but some sexual content is seen and insinuated. There's bad language, violence, and mild gore as well.The only people who will be frightened by "Aberration" are those that don't watch horror movies or supernatural thrillers on a regular basis. If they occasionally take in one while sitting around on a Sunday evening watching Lifetime, this will provide them with ample moments to jump out of their seats in terror. Hardcore horror fans need to scroll past this one when adding items to their IMDb Watchlist.


Although this movie could have been great, the director and acting skills are just not there, To me it was just a sloppy job from each angle, both in the execution and the director ability to focus. From the start the acting is quite flat the main character named Chrissy is very slow and miserable, not to mention the bits and pieces missing as the story move along. At one point i asked myself have these folks seen a horror/thriller before? For the exception of a couple of people, they all looked amateurs taken from a kindergarten play, even this last has more life in it, than this, everyone is slow and aloof to what is happening around them, like it does not affect them. I felt like all the staff/ crew and even the director, were that catatonic not to notice how flat and apathetic.this movie was. A huge disappointment to see a good story suffer for lack of commitment, i love movies and i get angry when i see good material gone to waste. What was the point to even duing it? The only part I enjoy was about the little kid, but even there something was missing, I had to get to the end to find out about him, when he could have been introduced progressively; i just didn't know about these people and their story to make sense about them, why the girl Chrissy was involved, they did not even made it like she was concerned or intrigued by this little boy and a background story was merely revealed,she just went along with this vision and then a lousy explanation about her being a dreamer, like he father..The worst part was who the killer was and why he did it > to get a girl? Pleaase!!!Anyway by the end of the movie I just still don't get why anyone would be more upset with Kyle and break a friendship for an accident of hockey a year before, than over a little boy "murder" 5/6 years earlier committed by the same guy who was making Kyle to be this bad guy with no redemption, absolutely exaggerated IMHO. Overall i just cannot give more than 3 stars, because this movie does not deserve it for a long a shot! What a pity!

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