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Spring Break Massacre

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Spring Break Massacre

When six sorority sex kittens hook up for a night of carefree indulgence during spring break, they have no idea that maniacal serial killer Stanley Peterson (Curtis Taylor) has escaped from a nearby prison and is now on the prowl for fresh blood. Can they stop the madman before he notches up another half-dozen deadly conquests?

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Release : 2008
Rating : 3.1
Studio :
Crew : Makeup Artist,  Director, 
Cast : Reggie Bannister Linnea Quigley Christian Anderson Rick Federman John Shumski
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Best movie ever!


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

Bluebell Alcock

Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies


The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;


The cover art for "Spring Break Massacre" tells you everything you need to know about the film; yes, it's a homage to "The Slumber Party Massacre." Anyone expecting anything but a slasher film featuring a killer murdering topless co-eds will be sadly, sadly disappointed. At least you can say the DVD cover was deceiving.Plot wise, the film is very similar to the original "The Slumber Party Massacre." A group of female friends decide to have a sleepover where "no boys are allowed" by order of our heroine's father. Needles to say, an escaped psychopath known as the slumber party killer has just escaped prison and happens upon the little gathering. Meanwhile, the local sheriff (Robby Bannister) and his deputy (Linnea Quigley) are alerted to the psychopath's escape and must try to keep the town safe.Fans of 80's slasher films will undoubtedly enjoy this film because it does possess a nostalgic feel with its simple, straight-forward premise and tongue-in-cheek reference. Though the pacing lags in the second act, enough happens to keep us interested. The kills come fast in the last act and seem a tad rushed. Additionally, they aren't all that gory or bloody, and for a homage to an 80's slasher classic, I'd expect the kills to be better thought out, a tad gorier, with much more suspense leading to them. Along those same lines, there is no final "chase scene" with our heroine that is a staple of 80's slasher films. Still, the film is technically well done and, again, does enough to keep the viewer interested.Unlike "The Slumber Party Massacre," this film does attempt to be different and set itself apart. Much like his other unknown-killer-stalks-group-of-friends-having-a-sleepover film "Reunion of Terror," screenwriter Michael Hoffman, employs a mega-twist ending and motive that is clever, unexpected, and disturbing. I can see this being his trademark as a writer simply because he is so good at it.Overall, "Spring Break Massacre" is a nicely done homage that doesn't really offer anything new to the genre, but succeeds in taking us genre fans back to the simpler days of horror.Fright Meter Grade: C+

Ted Brown

A spring-break sleepover takes a turn for the worse for six sorority co-eds, after Stanley Peterson, convicted serial killer, escapes from maximum security prison. It's up to the college ladies to survive the night, and at the same time figure out who is behind all of the grizzly blood-soaked antics. No you have not stumbled onto your very own Hot tub time machine, although this film does an excellent job at reenacting the feel of a classic 80's who did it slasher, "Spring break Massacre" is actually from 2008, and a great example at how a homage film is done.Recently I have watched a lot of homage films mostly paying tribute to the 70's exploitation film or the 80's slasher with only a handful managing to pull it off to their advantage, "Spring Break Massacre" happens to be one of these mentioned movies. This movie feels so retro that it should be sold on both VHS and DVD in my opinion and any fan of the era will come away from "Spring Break Massacre" more than pleased with their viewing experience.Story wise "Spring Break Massacre" is your classic who did it slasher, constantly confusing you around each turn as to who the killer is and why they are eliminating college guys and girls at an alarming rate. All the 80's clichés are here and often done in a very humorous way everything from good old fashion 80's style gore, to your typical dose of T&A, it can all be found within the running time of "Spring Break Massacre" causing it become a must see film for any old school horror fans looking for a fix of pure popcorn fun you'll feel like your back at the drive-in minutes into this film.The special effects are your basic 80's style practical effects, nothing but latex and buckets of blood the way such a film should be created. There are some very fun kills that reminded me of the early "Friday The 13th" franchise during its hay day, one involving a coat hanger you should keep an eye open for when viewing "Spring Break Massacre".Overall I enjoyed this movie, but I warn you it is geared towards the fans of cheesy gore loaded 80's horror so if you find yourself not liking most of the era's offerings your best bet is to skip this one, but for your fans this is a hidden gem you will absolutely love and I highly recommend you give this one a watch. On behalf of The Liberal Dead I give "Spring Break Massacre" a 6.5 out of 10.6.5/10 - Ted "Ritualistic" Brown


Let me start off by saying if you're the type of person who only likes serious movies full of A-List stars, then this is probably not for you. But if you like fun, cheesy slasher films then I'm sure you'll enjoy this. 'Spring Break Massacre' is about a group of girls who are having an overnight party, and suddenly become the target of a madman. Sound familiar? Thats because 'Spring Break' is mostly a homage to the 80's slasher series 'Slumber Party Massacre'. The Queen of B Films, Linnea Quigley stars in this, and even though her part is kinda short, its always nice to see her. While its not as gory as it could've been, there's still a decent amount of blood, and a high body count, so gore hounds shouldn't be too disappointed. The bottom line is if you enjoy trashy, brainless slasher flicks, then I suggest you give 'Spring Break Massacre' a shot.


For fans of the Slumber Party Massacre/Sorority House Massacre series this one definitely deserves a viewing. In the tradition of those films we have a group of kids, on spring break, partying it up while someone is lurking around and killing them one by one. Who could it be? The escaped killer? The sheriff? One of the kids? The creepy next door neighbor? (who bears quite the resemblance to Orville Ketchum from Sorority House Massacre fame). For 74 minutes you will find yourself caught up in not only the storyline which is both interesting and simplistic, but also the characters who have some of the funniest bad dialogue in any recent slasher movie. This movie knows exactly what it is and it executes that perfectly, a loving tribute/homage/"re-imagining" of the classic Slumber Party Massacre series, complete with many obvious references to that series along the way. While many modern day slashers become borderline boring and get to the point where you just want to get to the end, Spring Break Massacre never stops once it starts and there are no scenes where you are thinking "well this was just included to make the movie longer". I would highly recommend this movie if you have a group of friends, a case of beer, and whatever else you may enjoy while viewing this fun slasher flick.

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