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Spirit in the Woods

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Spirit in the Woods

Fate of five local college students who went missing in the infamous Spiritual Woods is finally unraveled as previously unreleased footage is made public.

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Release : 2014
Rating : 3.1
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Taylor Patterson Robb Stech
Genre : Horror Mystery

Cast List


Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

Lucia Ayala

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

Bloodmarsh Krackoon

When it comes to 'The Blair witch Project,' you either love it or you hate it - there's no middle ground, even if you claim 'it was okay.' You're lying.Personally, I love the film, and I'll go as far as calling it one of my favorite horror films - unfortunately, Anthony Daniel more than likely agrees with me. Unlike Anthony Daniel, I don't feel the need to 'cash in' on the whole found footage trend that's been going around for quite a while now, by tossing out complete and utter garbage like 'Spirit in the Woods.' As I've said many times, the whole found footage deal is a bad director's wet dream. 'Spirit in the Woods' follows the Blair Witch pattern by using the actors real names, for, you know, realism. The lead actress, and I use this term as loosely as possible - Kinsley Funari, spends her time, much like the Heather character in 'Blair Witch' whining and complaining throughout the film, at many levels of annoyance, since the sound is just one of many reasons this film stinks. The difference is, Heather had some decent, and funny characters around her, to keep her annoyance in check. Well, the characters in 'Spirit in the Woods,' are just as worthless as the lead. I did, however, get a chuckle when one of the characters tossed something into the small lake (Hmm, Blair Witch, anyone?) Long story short, this film is just a cash in, and the only compliment I can give any person connected to this trash is - nothing I just saw was done in a serious manner (If it was, God have mercy on your souls.)Random Ramblings of a Madman: 'Spirit in the Woods' is literally one full hour of a group of people wandering through the woods, trying to look lost - and when the climax finally arrives, not only won't you care, but you'll probably have to do a quick rewind, to see what the hell even happened. I'm not even sure a script was involved, since the dialogue is so bad, the actors mess up numerous lines, such as my favorite: 'He probably has no time on his hands,' in a situation where 'He probably has too much time on his hands,' would have made more sense. The film is just all around badly made, with some of the most useless ''actors'' ever put on film. I did follow Kinsley Funari on twitter - maybe she won't read this review?


Right from the trailer, I knew I was being subjected to garbage. This movie is complete bilge. I have seen YouTube videos made by teenagers and college students that were less amateur than this movie. The acting is terrible, it looks like it was edited on iMovie by an 8 year old and it looks like it was shot on a freaking cellphone camera. I'd be less than surprised if Anthony Daniel just pocketed the money, got a few people who were willing to work for free, shot it on an iPhone and edited it half-assedly on Windows Movie Maker, because the funding I know for a fact that he secured should have at least paid for a good camera and good editing software if he was using it right. That amber alert poster looks like it was made on Paint. The improv is so unnatural that it makes me want to set myself on fire. The pacing is god awful. Nothing happens until the very freaking end and even still, I don't know what in god's name I'm looking at.There's really not much else to say. The movie is garbage and that's all there is to it.

Nelson Matos

This is a pretty amazing pointless movie, like the others reviewers stated, that's nothing going on for most of the time, and when it's happening something, it's like it wasn't, since it's so incredibly boring.The acting, the script, the woods, they're beyond terrible, and the story is completely uninteresting or scary at all. There isn't any moment in the movie that scares you or make you chill.They're supposed to be deep in the woods, but for at least for a couple of times, you can clearly listen the cars passing by in a road very close.If you wan't a good night sleep, you shouldn't hesitate on watching this, or if you're still afraid to fall asleep because of Freddy Kruger, then this is the cure, because you will sleep safe and sound in the woods for sure.It couldn't be more static even if it was broadcast by radio.So, stay away from the nap! Best regards

Sarah C

Let me preface this by saying I created an account on IMDb for the sole purpose of reviewing this movie. I was so angry after finishing it, that I immediately popped over to this IMDb page just so I could get some validation and see that other viewers shared the same opinion that I did about this movie. And then I saw the 6.2 rating... So am I to assume that the entire cast and crew created IMDb accounts so they could give this piece of tripe a 10? Because really, there's no other explanation for this movie getting a 6.2. Really. I really think this is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It was like watching a project for a high school drama class where a group had to write their own skit and film it, but none of the students were really into it and just wanted to slap something together to get a passing grade. As a previous reviewer stated, pretty much the entire first hour of the movie is comprised of 5 obnoxious college students wandering around the woods, complaining about one thing or another. Literally nothing else happens for that first hour. They wander around and whine random, poorly acted ad-libbed lines that don't have any meaning to the "plot". I can't remember the last time I was so bored watching a movie. Then we see some random figure in the woods, film gets grainy, some random blood is thrown in there, and then...we're done. Some random narrative and credits role. What did I just watch? Is this a joke? Are these real actors? Is this real life? WHO IS QUICKY VICKI? So I guess I'll conclude my first and last IMDb review by saying, please skip this piece of garbage. This poor man's Blair Witch Project knockoff is not worth your time.

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