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The Raven

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The Raven

As a child, Lenore was tormented by nightmares and obsessed with the dark poems and stories of Edgar Allan Poe. As the lead singer in a Los Angeles band, the adult Lenore (Jillian Swanson) finds herself, friends and colleagues haunted by a murderer from beyond the grave. Only in her dreams -- in which she's visited by Poe's ghost -- will Lenore find the key to defeat her supernatural stalker and finally escape the spirits battling for her soul.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 1.5
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List



the audience applauded


This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

Derrick Gibbons

An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


Many things in life don't make sense. That's what such movies remind us of.The director should at least be applauded for making us realize that many things in life don't make sense, they just happen. Like mistakes happen, but a mistake like making such a movie? This mistake should be punished severely. However on a serious note, if you have watched this movie then you should kill yourself or the director at least! And if you watch this movie after reading all these reviews and don't die of shame, I would kill you myself! :p


Just one thing.I am German. And I feel ashamed by movies like this, by Lommel, by Boll, and all those other German directors, that recently entered Hollywood to produce the worst movies, that an human mind can ever imagine. This movie right here actually is even worse than anything I could imagine before.So... Just understand: it's not our fault... Nobody in Germany knows these guys, nobody knows, where they are coming from and who pays them money to produce this. We like good movies, too, and yes, we hate these guys, too.I honestly feel ashamed. As a German, I apologize for this. Thank you for your attention.


I love low budget horror films as much as anyone else but this is the 3rd Ulli Lommel film that I attempted to watch and found it just as bad as all his other films. I've seen student movies that looked like they had higher production values than any of Lommel's films. Everything in these movies: acting, writing, lighting, story, sound, etc. really could not be any worse than they are. To ask someone to pay to watch one of these movies is criminal. Do NOT waste your time watching anything by Ulli Lommel; every movie of his that I've seen is just as bad if not worse.Other Ulli Lommel films I've tortured myself to watch: Diary of a Cannibal and Zombie Nation. Both of these films were pathetic to say the least.


I realize he's dead since quite some time now, but I sincerely hope that the spirit of Edgar Allen Poe still has enough strength and energy left to rise from the depths of eternal darkness and HAUNT Ulli Lommel (as well as everyone else involved in this blasphemous turkey) until he opts for premature burial. Yes, I do realize that sounds cruel, but … have you seen this movie?!? "The Raven" is the type of film of which you initially think: "Hey, how bad can it possibly be?" The film is inspired by the writings of the legendary Edgar Allen Poe, so as long as the script remains faithful to its source, very few things can go wrong. Clearly a lot of things can go wrong when Ulli Lommel is in charge! The plot is a seemingly endless bunch of retarded nonsense that has NOTHING to do with the original poem, the cast members are a gathering of insufferable losers that don't even deserve to star in an amateurish YouTube video, the digital camera-work and editing appear to be the work of toddlers and the arrogant wannabe-artistic atmosphere nearly causes you to vomit. Lenore is a twenty-something untalented singer whose mind is inexplicably linked to Poe's and he even appears to her in nightmares. There's a killer (the penis-munching freak from "Cannibal") on the loose and Edgar commands her to go after him. Or something like that, whatever, nobody cares anyway, because it's all pure rubbish. Lommel himself makes a brief appearance as the girl's grandfather when she's five. He wears a ridiculous eye-patch and a sea captain's hat, which pretty much states that he hasn't got the slightest bit of self-dignity left. Once upon a time the promising director of the video-nasty classic "The Bogey Man", Ulli Lommel now just appears to be on a mission to become the world's record holder of repugnant films linked to his name. The amount of crap this guy unleashed upon the world is literally incredible. "B.T.K Killer", "Zombie Nation", "Green River Killer" … You better just avoid everything he did.Enough about this piece of junk! Back in the 1960's, director/producer Roger Corman made a cycle of films based on the writings of Edgar Allen Poe; all starring the magnificent Vincent Price and all close to brilliant. Corman's reputation is questionable and his nickname is "King of the B's", but he surely had (and probably still has) more sense of class and finesse in his smallest toe than Ulli Lommel in his entire body.

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