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A Brush With Death

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A Brush With Death

Five high school cheerleaders drive out to a rural mansion to spend the weekend. They hear a thirty year-old urban legend about a young boy who killed his family and used their blood in his juvenile artwork. While exploring an old farmhouse on the property they discover that the boy never left his home and has grown into a sick and twisted man.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 2.4
Studio : Stainless Reel Productions, 
Crew : Director,  Editor, 
Cast : Charles Hoyes
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Please don't spend money on this.


Best movie ever!


A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.


The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful


I actually like low budget, usually low rated movies. There is something about them.... sometimes its a mess and laughable. BUT I don't feel like I completely wasted my time viewing this movie. Maybe I would feel different if I paid to see in a movie theater where I was a captive audience. I multi-tasked while viewing. Nothing too important that can be "missed". Not too bad a movie. Now they expect reviews to be ten lines, and although I summed up my feelings about this movie in less, I will take the time to try and balance out the negative reviews just a tad. So I will again say the movie was not to bad in hopes of making enough lines to meet the criteria for a review.

Robert Thorpe

THe box says 5 girls go out to a rural farm house to get away and then learn a terrible secret about a house next door. Well, after learning the secret they of course decide to go stay in it. Which never unfolds really. You got 5 hot girls that end up swimming half the film and just talking about nothing really. Im not convinced that they even died in the movie at the end. There is no nudity, I don't know why it is R rated, a couple bad words I think. The blood is only thrown against a wall and implying that something bad happens. The worst part is, in the beginning there is some crazy gas station dude that has during one of the MANY flashback scenes that just have no bearing on the movie, anyway, this old guy kills a dude and them starts taking photos of the girl with a stuttering young man who is the only cool character in the film. They take photos of her, with the guy kissing her and sorta leading to a perversion that would be cool in itself if the real story didn't have to happen. Over all, the writers need to go to school and learn how to write something entertaining because nothing ever happens in this film. Absolutely boring. The only bright spot is the stuttering guy who actually did a pretty good job. This film makes ED WOOD films look like masterpieces. Horrendous.


The case quoted one plot while the movie was well barely similar.Case" Five cheerleaders spend the night in an abandoned farmhouse and find themselves up against a vengeful ghost.They soon find out the spirit is from a dead boy who painted a portrait of the brother he killed forty years earlier." OK now while there are 5 girls that come off as sluts it is never really clear that they are cheerleaders. The first 2/3 of the film is spent watching them swim and party. This has an R rating but comes off like middle school porn! There is an occasional flashback of a demented older brother making the younger one kill a cat and play some awful how much do you love me game and than suggesting that the younger brother kill their father.You do see paintings, that appear to be made with blood, of what we can only assume are other victims. BUT lets make things very clear, there is no GHOST the killing brother is alive and well killing more people and evidently has a couple of sons.If this movie had delivered the plot the case claims it had, perhaps it would have been worth watching.


OK so I went out to the videoshop one night and decided to get a b movie cause i hadn't seen one in a while. I thought the name of this had a nice ring to it and i the blurb at the back was a good movie idea. i didn't expect a lot as it was a b movie. boy im surprised i was hoping for a stinker but this should be playing in cinemas around the world. from start which is sick itself to finish which still makes me shudder dear god that concept freakyness evil evil. I now own a copy of this movie i bought one the next day after renting. There is no nudity or on screen brutal gore but who cares the only bit you need to care about is that ending. people have been giving it bad reviews? wtf im shocked this wasn't at the movies. a must for all. if you don't like it than tough for you. to finish off the acting was great, script was great and the direction was great and the score was great i cant find a flaw in this movie after 3 times watching it. enjoy this beautiful movie. the only flaw i can find is that the movie description isn't correct but who cares once you get into the film you don't care

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