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The town of Shady Grove holds many dark secrets. Amongst those secrets is the sadistic tale of "Shane", a boy who was tortured and chained to a tree as a youngster. Legend has it that for years he survived in the woods all alone until one day he managed to escape. Now, damaged and broken, he wanders those woods in search of blood, with his trademark chains fused to his wrists. Despite years of tales and urban myths, no proof of his existence has ever been discovered, until five unsuspecting teens reveal the truth on an ill-fated trip.

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Release : 2010
Rating : 3.8
Studio :
Crew : Thanks,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List



The Worst Film Ever


Simply Perfect


Fresh and Exciting


Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

Michael Ledo

The film is the typical mistreated boy grows up feral in the woods and becomes a local legendary killer...with a slight twist. It is a slasher film, with blood, guts, and a head roll. Hispanic cast made for a nice change. The music sound track was by Cinder Road which sounds similar to NIN. The film attempted to add some humor, but it didn't come off too well. The lines were not that well written. Pretty much everything you expect in a slasher film plus Guitar Hero.PARENTAL GUIDE: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Vivi Pineda, Christine Curran, porn star Michelle McLaren)


I caught this film on Showtime last night for the first time, and was fairly impressed. Considering the shoe-string budget this film featured some very convincing gore effects. OK, the acting was very uneven,though there were a few good performances, but overall this was a pretty satisfying time killer. The maniacal killer, an abused child called "Shane", could possibly become the next Jason if the creators of the film play it smart. He has all the necessary qualifications: abusive childhood, driven to hatred by his years of being chained to a tree like an animal, and very cool weapons of choice! A sleepy small town in southern Florida where creepy legends abound, is the setting for this gory slasher flick. It also features an all Latino cast as the 'victims" of Shane's wrath. I recommend this for at least one watch, and you might get hooked 'literally". You might even start dreaming of the emergence of a brand new "slasher" killer franchise!


Five Latino teens celebrating what could be their last weekend together, fall prey to a fabled killer by the name of Shane, after running out of gas and hitching a ride from a local to a peculiar little backwoods Florida town in the middle of nowhere Not much new here and it doesn't reinvent the (slasher) wheel in the least, but still manages to become better than average thanks to some pretty good practical special effects and a modicum of suspense. The film does falter a tad in the beginning (the sheriff and especially the two 'comedic' hicks are simply awful) and the movie takes a while for the real action to start, but once it does all my gripes about the film disappeared


before i go any further let me just explain a couple or so reasons why i gave this a 5 instead of a lower rating like many will probably give this. OK, the sheriff and the 2 rednecks out in the woods. they were a riot. now don't get me wrong, they were pretty bad. but bad in a way that they were funny. lol.1st redneck - sheriff, there is a killer out there! sheriff to both rednecks - im sure there is son! got any evidence? what about you shaggy? how bout a clue scooby doo?! ahahaha. shakes head...and that is just one of the few bad comical moments that you will laugh at just out of sheer insanity. and to be honest, if this movie was listed as a comedy-horror i might have even bumped it up to a 6. maybe. but since it wasn't listed as the such.. well im being generous here with the solid 5.and sorry to skip ahead but if/when you watch this then you'll see why i almost totally forgot to mention the main 4 in the car a few minutes into the movie. boy were they bad. especially Alex Livinalli. lord i hope and pray i never watch anything with him in it again. that guy is.. never mind, i'll bite my tongue. and i don't like to be harsh! but if you could combine all 4 of them into one person you'd still be just as bad off as before. except maybe better! you'd just be dealing with one disaster instead of 4 at once! yes, they were that bad. they are definitely what hurts this movie the most. now. were there decent/good moments in this movie? yes. like i said, the sheriff and the 2 rednecks. also the owner of the mechanic shop {Joe} was good as well. he was funny when asked if he spoke Spanish. lol.also i seriously can't give the production-film crew enough credit for the budget they were working with. the camera work and the effects look way beyond the budget. you won't think so at the very start but it is meant to look that way; so keep watching because it doesn't stay like that. so yes, an amazing job in that dept. i for one was very impressed. i seriously think a lot of film makers {especially horror} should hire this crew or least find out the secret because i've seen movies with much higher budgets that have not even came close to, onto the killer. "Shane" im just going to say the killer looked awesome! not to mention he is pretty damn brutal and creepy! and it also had a twisted ending! no spoilers. you'll just have to watch and see for yourself! so would i recommend this movie? sure. but probably only to the true hardcore horror fans. i definitely think it is worth a one time watch. if you can look past some of the god-awful acting then there are quite a few nice sick/gory moments and a few random funny moments. not to mention a pretty decent storyline. one other good thing about this movie, unlike with so many other low budget horror movies; is that the acting isn't bad with every one. just half the cast this time! so it's tolerable! lol. and i also feel you will be very impressed with what they did with the money they had to work with. so hey, give it a shot! if you are a true horror fiend then you got nothing to lose. hey, i promise you have seen much worst!

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