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Watch GhostWatcher For Free


Laura Kove is an agoraphobic young woman whose world turns upside down when she discovers that the apartment she's locked herself into is haunted. Turning to the internet for help, she enlists the aid of Elizabeth Dean, a scam artist who passes herself off as a ghost hunter. At first, Elizabeth doesn't buy Laura's story but she soon becomes a true believer.

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Release : 2002
Rating : 4.1
Studio : All American Pictures, 
Crew : Production Design,  Production Design, 
Cast : Kevin Quinn Dan Poole
Genre : Horror Science Fiction Mystery

Cast List



Undescribable Perfection


Thanks for the memories!


Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.


This is a fair to reasonable movie about a recluse experiencing strange sights and phenomenon in her apartment. How can she leave when she's more terrified of going out? Claustrophobic in its execution, it turns into a ghost story instead of delving into whether the things happening or just illusions are just in her mind, but therein is the motivation of the script. Where it falls apart for me is the introduction of the pseudo-intellectual ghost-hunter more interested in selling gear and a lot of paranormal mishmash, none of which makes sense or is close to the real thing, but then for the sake of story-telling, film-makers rarely care about keeping it real. Cute and attractive, Jillian Byrnes gives a very good performance, and the directing style keeps in atmosphere throughout, but like I said, it is only in the plot and how believable it is that I find fault. Does the movie have its scares? Yes, but they are from the talent of the director working with the material given him by the writer.

Justin West

Why anyone would be at all willing to defend this piece of tripe is beyond me. Is that a rude statement, designed to evoke a defensive response in people with poor taste in films - or no taste at all? No. It is, quite simply, the statement of a fact: I do not understand why anyone would enjoy this film.I've no idea what the film was shot on, but the video quality is equivalent to that of 1.5 hours worth of America's Funniest Home Videos. The music was god-awful, repetitive and annoying. Who would actually LISTEN to this stuff? And, the acting. Here is where this pile truly shines. Every line seems forced and awkward, read or poorly memorized instead of being acted. Any casting director who worked on this film would be forced into suicide after viewing it, so I can agree with another poster who took the opinion that these actors are the director's friends, or friends of friends.What about the story? Well... what about it? There's really nothing to talk about here. Only the first 20 minutes or so of the film have anything at all to do with ghosts or "ghost watching." After that it's all exposition involving characters we know nothing about due to extremely poor characterization. Then again, I guess good characterization isn't really possible when the film is acted by people who would merely call that a "big word," and not attempt to understand its meaning.Do not waste your time with this piece of dreck. The music, story, filming, acting, lighting, sound... it's all absolutely terrible. $4 for a rental was, quite simply, the worst $4 I have ever spent.J

Craig McPherson

Ghostwatcher is, essentially, a great film trapped in a bad body. The acting is, at it's best points, wooden. At it's worst, well, let's just say I've seen better dialog delivery in adult movies. The plot, however, is where this film really gels. In fact, with a little re-work of the ending and a bigger budget, not to mention the use of some actual actors, this movie would be a serious Hollywood contender for fright-fest of the year. To be fair, not everything on screen in this production was bad. Given the limited budget, the director managed to come up with some pretty decent special effects, for what they were, and some decent makeup. If there's any justice in the world somebody in Hollywood will take notice and make an overture to have this film remade.


I rented this movie from the corner variety store, I love anything to do with ghosts so i was happy to rent it. I liked this movie cause i didn't have to wait 1 hr into the movie for things to start happening; the best part was the kitchen scene where she's huddling in the corner on the floor and you see the 'ghost' sitting beside her as the lightning outside illuminates the kitchen in flashes. I also liked the knife scene where she's looking at her camera that she set up in her bedroom to see a startling image. I'm glad I have no closet in my room where the door opens easily, cause if mine did what hers did; i would be freaked out agoraphobic or not, i'd be out the door. This movie will end up on my personal movie shelf if i get the chance to buy it. It's not Amityville; but pretty close! Good job for a low budget flick.. 9/10

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