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James Bishop is a young psychology resident, excited about his new job at St. Andrews Mental Hospital and the chance to help severely ill patients. The excitement changes to puzzlement, concern and finally terror as some of those patients mysteriously die and James' efforts to find the cause results in increasingly strange behavior from the St. Andrews staff. Things begin to clarify when James finally encounters the Harvester...

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Release : 2003
Rating : 3.4
Studio : Paragon Film Group, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Bruce Payne Tracy Scoggins Tom 'Tiny' Lister Jr. Gregory Wagrowski Joe Sabatino
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Good concept, poorly executed.


Amateur movie with Big budget

Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.


Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.


This is the Halloween season, and I like to watch horror movies when I can. Sometimes I like to watch movies I haven't seen before, or even heard of, so "Hellborn/Asylum of the Damned" fell into that category.It cost me seventy cents on VHS at a thrift store and made me lament that the money could have been better spent on a snack out of the machine at work, or a can of Dr. Pepper. Like one of the other reviewers said, the movie could make a good basis for a drinking game, where you take a shot or a swig every time "Resident Bishop" shakes his head while he's delivering a line. And yes, drunk 15 minutes into the movie.The production team gave away the scary character in the opening scene of the movie. He looked like someone wearing a cheap discount store Halloween costume. It might have worked better had they obscured him with shadows and quick cuts, then revealed him in the second half. Then I might have watched more than half of the movie!Forgive me for failing to get the character and actor names before starting this review but the only decent performance came from the guy playing the Superintendent Doctor. He was coherent but creepy with his speech patterns and piercing eyes and I felt sad for him that he didn't have a better movie to work in.Two thumbs way down.


After finishing this movie, I cried. That's it; I actually cried. I was in physical pain.It's like watching "A Serbian Film," not for the gauntlet of its obscenity, but its sheer badness.Bruce Payne is at least competent as usual in his role as the smarmy villain. Besides that, there are literally no redeeming qualities. The acting is terrible. The plotting is painful. There is no climax; there is no real tension; there is no movie. Philip J Jones has succeeded in creating the anti-movie. In this otherwise auspicious of nights, I have suffered far worse than any man should. Save yourself; do not watch this movie.

José Luis Rivera Mendoza (jluis1984)

In theory, films should be a form of entertainment. While this excludes documentaries and other experimental forms of film-making; most movies, specially genre films, must not only tell it's story or message, they must entertain their target audience in some way. All this just to say that in my opinion a bad movie is not a movie with low production values or low-budget, a bad movie is one that is boring."Hellborn" or "Asylum of the Damned" as is known in the U.S., is a bad movie simply because it is just not involving, and irremediably boring and tiresome. While it has a very good premise, it is just poorly developed and the mediocre acting doesn't make things better. On another hands the film probably could had been a fine or even classic B-movie, but here it is just a bad attempt at film-making.Director Philip J. Jones tells the tale of James Bishop (Matt Stasi), a young psychiatry resident, who just got his dream job at St. Andrew Mental Hospital; but the old asylum seems to hide a secret. After the mysterious death of some patients and the constant rumors of satanic practices, James decides to find out what is going on; only to find the incredulity of his boss, Dr. McCort (Bruce Payne), who believes that Bishop is going as insane as his patients.While the premise is quite interesting, the execution of the film leaves a lot to be desired. In an attempt of making a supernatural psychological thriller, Jones goes for the easy way out and makes a movie filled with every cliché of the genre. Of course, there are lots of great movies that are also filled with clichés; but in "Hellborn" every single one is wasted and turned into a cheap jump scare to keep things moving, resulting in a boring and predictable storyline.The acting is quite mediocre for the most part, with one big exception: Bruce Payne gives a top-notch performance that makes the movie look unworthy of such good acting. Matt Stasi is very weak as the lead character and the rest of the cast make forgettable performances.Despite all this flaws, one thing has to be written about "Hellborn"; it has a visual look very good for the budget and very similar to modern day big-budget Hollywod "horror" productions. Also, the make-up and prosthetics are done very nicely and the designs for the main antagonist are quite good. Sadly, the rest of the Special Effects are awful and outdated, making a huge contrast with the make-up & prosthetics."Hellborn" is a movie with a few good things outnumbered by its serious flaws with terrible results. Hardcore horror or b-movie fans may be interested by its premise but it is a boring and tiresome experience. 3/10


I was fooled to rent this movie by its impressive cover. Alas. It is easily one of the worst movies ever made. Judging by the acting of the film characters, it's more a comedy than a horror film. No surprise why no one else has written comments on the imdb. Avoid it.

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