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The Forest

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The Forest

By taking her own life in the infamous Suicide Forest of Mount Fuji, a sexy American cover-girl supernaturally transforms into a demonic spirit to wreak a violent revenge, one by one, upon those who helped her ex-boyfriend leave her. .

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Release : 2011
Rating : 3.1
Studio :
Crew : Makeup Artist,  Cinematography, 
Cast : Michael Madsen Johnny Young Sonny Saito
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List



Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast

Hayden Kane

There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.


Tomoyuki's Jyukai and Naiishi's Shadow Woods are not on par with The Forest. This movie is the best look there is on the topic of the Fuji forest, especially cinematically which is well shot and a gripping plot. Serafim kept the creepy images at play without being heavyhanded about their social ramfications. All in all the characters aren't memorable as in hey you're about to watch the Godfather and see Michael Corleone confront his inner demons, but they're very realistic especially as an ensemble. The blonde, main brunette, cop, photographer are good. I heard the crew had a number of problems with reshoots but they did a seamless job of suturing together a mindbending story which never feel out of its own flow. The pace is excellent. I could have apprecaited more blood and gore otherwise I don't think this movie qualifies as a slasher film. It's more of a Japanese horror piece slash supernatural thriller with a consummate first person shooter style procession ending that is pretty chilling and active at the same time.


I've always been a fan of older horror movies, the kind that require some thought and the viewer to be paying attention. I'm talking black and white, early 70's, gritty stories that let the imagination fun wild instead of seeing dismembered limbs and gory nasty crap all thrown in your face. That's why I never take the time to watch them.Enter "The Visible Dark." (I'm gonna do my best to not spoil the movie) Right from the first scenes, you're taken places that make you believe connections between events without being able to explain them. There are no obvious fixes and no easy answers. But the whole time you're wondering what the hell is going on. No one is safe, and everyone becomes suspect after a while. Also, trust and belief in people starts to diminish. You want to see the people prevail, but start to wonder if they can. Before you realize it, time is running out, and you're wondering if and when the evil will strike.The coolest thing is that the story is addicting without the horror aspect. The scary stuff comes along and disrupts everything, which to me is even creepier. Most horror movies I just sit back and stay guarded, covering part of my eyes the whole time. I stay disconnected the whole movie, and then after I forget about it. I near cared about the subjects anyways. This movie pulls you in and then drops the ax, kidney punching you with terror whenever you've lifted your guard just a little too long.This film leaves you effectively creeped out without being nauseous. I hope to see more like this again.


After seeing this, I'm dying to go see the forest in person. Did some googling and its 100% real. Search at your own risk- I had a hard time sleeping the night I did. Actually, if you're looking for a good scare, do it by yourself at like 1am. You're welcome.I totally wasn't expecting what I saw with this movie. The characters are much more fleshed-out than some of the horror films I've seen in the past 5 years, and there's actually an interesting and ENGAGING plot.Some excellent scares throughout, especially the last 30 minutes. The whole audience was reacting to the screen, and one guy even said exactly what I was feeling: "Oh, shhhhi-."


This is one of the better ghost stories I've seen in a while! And the ending is creepsville. Not to give away too much but the final scenes totally will have you on edge!! You could say this is sort of like a Japanese Horror flick but, having seen "The Audition" and "Ringu," I'd say that this film isn't exactly of the same odd J-horror ilk. This is more like "The Ring" or "The Grudge." It's a more thoughtful movie, almost like a police story at first and then becomes a nightmare in the end. There is one shot that is insanely creepy. Actually a lot.The shots of the Fuji forest are probably the real deal. Which helps. I got a little confused in the middle but the ending pretty much sums up the loose ends. It's not quite as well done as The Ring but it's in the same vane. Michael Madsen is good. And the hacker is great! If you want a good scare, this film will do it.

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