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A hip-hop, ex-con returns to his former neighborhood and must team up with a group of vampire hunter-killers to rid the area of vampires whom have taken over the area.

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Release : 2004
Rating : 1.9
Studio : Purgatory Blues, 
Crew : Director,  Music Supervisor, 
Cast : Richard Carroll Jr. Lila Blake Palmer Randy Clark Debbie Rochon A.J. Khan
Genre : Horror Crime

Cast List

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i must have seen a different film!!


Expected more


Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.


"Vampiyaz" is a moderately entertaining, but ultimately dull and dreary vampire tale.**SPOILERS**Years after a failed robbery, Jakeem, (Richard Carroll Jr.) is released from jail and decides to hook up with friend Stacey, (Lila Blake Palmer) an old friend of his. Running into Khalil, (Malik Burke) and Ray, (Randy Clarke) old colleagues of his before he got sent to prison who have become vampires and who tell him of another score still out there that they need him for. Managing to pull it off, he realizes that he has stolen a valuable amulet that can allow a vampire to retain their instincts but become entirely invincible to anything and sneaks off with it still in his possession. Running into Nicole, (Jenicia Garcia) and Cedric, (Jakeem Sellers) vampire slayers who he stole the amulet from who have a gang of slayers ready to take them out, leading to a war between the two sides for control of the amulet.The Good News: This one did have some good parts to it. One of the main things to this is that there's several action scenes which are pretty good. The foot chase through the park is really nice, coming across as pretty intense and actually interesting with the elements present during the course of it all is fun to watch. This includes the bizarre bit of humor where, attempting to flee from the commandos hot on his heels, he stops to fight with a guy over the man's bicycle. Eventually wining and ripping the bike from the guy's hands, he hops on, begins to pedal, is unable to figure out how to work the gears and throws the bicycle in anger. It's very bizarre and unexpected but also quite funny. That is's mixed in with the rest of the solid action allows for a nice divergence, and makes it a little more fun and enjoyable. There's also the great shootout during the robbery, which is always fun and there's also the introduction of the main comedic scene in the film, a deaf riff that produces some good lines in here and it's also really fast-paced. The main one, though, is the big raid on the hideout at the end, which is really the big action set-piece in the film. From the wipe-out of the hunters to the confrontation with the main one and the dealings between the two, it's really fun and actually ends the film on a high. The only other part to this that's worthwhile is the film's pretty enjoyable premise, which isn't exactly new but does feel somewhat entertaining in a weird sense and actually has something to it. There's not much else to this one.The Bad News: There was very little to like about it, and there's a couple of big flaws in this one. One of the main ones is that the film decides on telling the back-story to this is told in twenty minutes. Following the crime and seeing what's happened to them to put them into their current situation takes up twenty minutes of time, forcing the remaining hour of time into the proper story. It has one hour to tell the story, which is pretty interesting on it's own, in the amount of time it has, which is pretty hard to do, and that could've been done in easily half the amount of time. Trim the mansion break-in and lose some of the cutaways and it's certainly a much more workable time slot, but that opening back-story is really hard to get over. The fact that there's pretty much a whole bunch of useless scenes afterward, from the prostitute meeting, that generates no nudity at all in a really-long sequence, to the first meet-up and all the scenes in the motel room that serve to just spread the time out even more are even harder, and make the film's pace in this quite hard to get over, proving to be a major flaw in this. There's also the really bad special effects on display. The blood is just colored water, whenever we get gore as there's very little on-screen deaths or even violence in this one, the prop-guns are visibly store-bought, and the CGI used to simulate the guns being fired is laughable every time it's done, which is really bad in a film with as many gunfights as this one. Less intimidating vampires have rarely been seen on screen, as they're just dudes with fake teeth that look really bad. These all pretty much peg the film as ultra-cheap and not really all that exciting or interesting, as it's hard to stay interested when it rarely makes an effort to force the viewer into paying attention to the film. These here are the film's main flaws, although the pacing of it is the main thing.The Final Verdict: With a couple of really damaging flaws and a couple of parts that are somewhat interesting, this one is pretty hard to recommend. Worth a look for urban-horror aficionados or find the concept interesting, though those look for more complete vampire fare should look elsewhere.Rated R: Extreme Graphic Language, Violence and drug use


OK, this movie is horrible from start to finish. Even in the credits they spell performed "perfromed". Like the last comment stated, why in the world was the girl walking on the dirt road late at night when she lives in the inner city? They never explained why there are vampires, the history of the amulet, and I can go on forever. I mean the cover box art is so photoshoped I couldn't even tell who the guy was in the movie. There were bullets shot at walls that left no holes, blood as thin as red kool-aid, gun fire that was blue and to top it off, when the handi-capped girl explodes, we hear an explosion, then 3 seconds later her chair rises slowly (at a real-time frame rate) and then some kool-aid is thrown against the wall (not to mention our protagonist is only 6 feet away and not wounded). So to sum up the movie. It sucks...


I rented this because the title and box art just screamed "bad movie" and I was not disappointed. For blood effects, I noticed a wide variety of food products, including strawberry jam, red kool aid, and katsup. Gun shot effects, as the previous user put it, look as though they were made by poking holes through the film. Vampire are people with plastic vampire teeth. This movie looks like it was made with a camcorder, they can't keep the camera from wobbling and it's enough to make you feel sick.Acting is absolutely horrible. Dialogue probably wasn't scripted, but improved... badly. People screw up their lines and the camera keeps rolling as they repeat them two or three times until they get it right. In dialogue scenes outside where they cut back and forth between two people's faces while they talk, the background noise is different each time and there is a delay before each person talks so you can tell the conversation is segmented.There is a lot of completely random crap throw in, a guy eating a fly, a guy stirring up a bowl of blood (katsup) with a rubber severed hand and licking the blood (katsup) off the rubber fingers. There is a Deus ex machina every five minutes. Amulet that makes vampires invincible. Vampire killing task force. The main character is really good at cracking safes, and it just so happens that everyone in town uses the same exact safe. I can't list everything that was wrong with this film, because the entire film was just a complete disaster. If you love the art of bad film as much as I do, you'll love this one; rent it with friends. No nudity though, which is a shame because there were a couple really cute girls. This was in my top 5 list of the worst movies I've ever seen. I hope they make a sequel.


*spoilers galore*What atrainwreck of a movie. Surprisingly, the acting was actually pretty good. But everything else sucked. First scene they go to rob a house and a guy inside is sleeping in a bunny suit...? and then they kill him. OK. There are bombs attached to safes and the bombs consist of a kitchen timer and a printer cable (I recognized the LPT1 ports). SOmetimes the background sound is so loud (cars, etc) you can't hear the dialogue. All the main characters get killed within the first 15 minutes of the movie- WTF! People literally are laughing when they are being"eaten" by the vampires... huh? Some chick in a wheel chair gets spun around in circles by the mean vampires. A random guy on the street gets off his own bike and throws it on the ground. It's almost like they got some odd footage during the movie and decided they had to add it in... it made no sense. The vampire hideout is an old house with black garbage bags for curtains (I kid you not). Driving in the car at night they leave the dome light on to help with lighting. You can tell the "car" they are in is just a fake contraption that is bouncing up and down. All punches in the movie are accompanied by the old school He-man sound effect of "thwack". Yet believe it or not, the acting is actually good. I mean, very passable. The blood is horrible... it looks like pink water. Worst blood I have ever seen in my life. Halfway through the movie the main bad vampire is getting burned by sunlight and writhing on the ground and then in the VERY NEXT SHOT he is downstairs telling someone to go get an amulet- WTF!!!? ***ALL*** of the props look like stuff they got from Halloween Boo-tique in the mall.... all the amulets and treasures are made of plastic. It's hard to understand because stuff keeps happening for no reason. Like the thing with the guy just throwing his bike on the ground.... what? Hotel rooms have doorbell ringers on them...? And the weirdest part of all was that a guy reached behind his back to pull a gun out of the back of his pants and it was covered in poop, because I guess he got scared and crapped on it. WTF-ever!!!

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