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Chainsaw Sally star Suzi Lorraine plays a recently released psychiatric hospital patient who heads for an isolated river cottage in order to re-adjust to the outside world, only to be stalked by a psychotic clown with a sick sense of humor. All Laura Wiggington wanted was to be normal again, but after years of living with some of the craziest mental patients ever committed that's a pretty tall order. Thankfully Laura's husband Ray (Tom Stedham) knows just what the doctor ordered - a peaceful getaway far removed from the stress and chaos of the big city. But now Dissecto the clown has arrived at Ray and Laura's cottage in order to perform some seriously sick party tricks, and Laura can't help but wondering if he is in fact for real, or a disturbing delusion conjured by her scarred psyche

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Release : 2008
Rating : 2.7
Studio : Brain Damage Films, 
Crew : Makeup Effects,  Director, 
Cast : Suzi Lorraine Ted Alderman Lucien Eisenach
Genre : Horror

Cast List



A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.


Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.


The movie really just wants to entertain people.


Suzie Lorraine plays Lauren and Tom Stedham plays Ray a couple that have rented a holiday house in the country. Lauren has had a breakdown and Sam appears to be an alcoholic. They are trying to rebuild their marriage after a bit of a rocky time. It is not long before Lauren starts to see a clown lurking in the garden or at the window, but of course no one believes a mad woman would they?This film is directed by Steve Sessions. Four years before this he made Dead clowns, so maybe clowns is a personal fear for him. I have not seen that film so cannot comment as to how this compares.If you have a fear of clowns then I would not worry as the clown here is not that scary. I found this film to be quite a struggle to sit through as nothing really happens and when it does it is not that interesting. The concept could have been quite scary (clown captures people and tortures them) but when people are tortured and all they can do is let out a gentle moan or have a hand cut off and not make a single sound, then this lacks some credibility. At the end of the movie it states that this was shot in six days, which, when you think of it, could it have been any better?


The "clown" sub-genre of horror is mostly left untapped. I think the hardest part about doing a clown horror film is coming up with an explanation of why a clown; in full costume/makeup should be in a story stalking and killing characters. If you take a look at a film like "It" the clown is representation of all the child's fears combined into a single image. The reason behind the characters initial fear of clowns is never given but it works because a clown's true face is hidden so what is lurking behind the makeup is limitless. Then you take a film like Clownhouse. The clowns are in fact escaped mental patients who steal the guise of the clowns they murdered. The main character is terrified of clowns so his fear of them which is imparted to the audience works. Enter "Torment" a low budget flick which gives neither a back-story of our killer clown or using the clown image as a representation of any of our characters fears. No explanation of "why" the clown is ever given. His/hers methods of killing are given and that's why this movie works. The clown is killing people because the clown is killing people. The characters are lovable but lack some acting ability. The score is great. The camera quite good for a film of this caliber. It's a fun watch. Check it out, I put this in my top 10 of micro-budget horror


Saying Torment is bad is putting it's bad bad bad.Showcased here is some of the worst acting I have ever seen. It is not laughably bad it is just irritating and makes you angry to have to watch such incredibly stupid characters, put forth some really really horrible acting.The dialogue was terrible and then being delivered with zero talent made it unbearable. The psychotic clown/murderer was okay in his acting role which had no dialogue at all.We're way out here in the boonies to get some rest, but there is a supermarket 6 miles away. Even more ridiculous is that the crazy clown lives 100' away, right next door.One of the most irritating problems with Torment was that there was absolutely no screaming allowed. I'm not kidding, no one screams, not even while they are being tortured or dismembered. These people have no real desire to live since they hardly fight and say nothing.The place of torture is a garage in a house; like no one will hear what is going on in there, right? The victims seem to be taped to a chair with a bit of electrical tape, anyone with an adrenalin rush or simply a will to live could break right out of the "restraints" or even hobble out of there chair and all, but no, no one has any strength or will to get away. They even try to be quiet while they are being tortured.Lauren is the only one who did a bit of yelling and spitting but it was so unmotivated. Break my fingers, shhh, remember no screaming allowed in this movie.Another problem with Torment was basic continuity, I just lost count of all the anomalies, errors and mistakes.It is sad to see a crew who want to make horror film but just aren't talented, experienced, professional or even good enough to make that happen. Torment is the result, and it couldn't even approach mediocrity.


The Plot: A mentally unstable woman who, along with her husband, takes a weekend retreat to a cabin deep in the woods. Soon, the woman begins seeing a mass murderer dressed in a clown suit prowling around the area. Her husband, thinking it is caused by stress, doesn't believe her until the body count begins to pile up. But the maniac is all too real and the woman is plunged into a nightmare which there may be no escape from.My Thoughts: Steve Sessions takes a micro-budget stab at the whole "torture-porn" phenomenon started by Eli Roth's "Hostel". While certainly not a brutal as that film, "Torment" actually doesn't focus primarily on grossing the audience out. Don't get me wrong, there are pretty gruesome tongue ripping and hand dismemberment scenes, the story is pretty much standard slasher material.The performances from the cast are convincing, the pacing is pretty tight, and the special effects are very good.Final Thoughts: Rent it whenever it comes out. Slasher and micro-budget horror fans will not be disappointed.

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