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A family descends into a vortex of denial and paranoia after the death of the oldest son. Though labeled a suicide, the bizarre circumstances lead the mother, Helen, to believe there are darker forces at work

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Release : 2009
Rating : 3.4
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List



While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.


It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

Loui Blair

It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.


Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

Brian Erzen

*Spolier Free Review* I saw Finale last night and I felt this was an enjoyable low budget horror film, that had some really creative cinematography, and used a dark, and creepy visual effect technique that I haven't seen in too many movies. According the the behind the scene featurette, the producer of the film mentions the movie was shot was a small team of 8 people. It's truly and "indie movie" and it's a solid effort. The films strong points, are the look and style (Mise en scène) with some thought out and creative shots, as well as some damn good cinematography. Finale is work checking out, it's an interesting story that doesn't spoon feed you the answers, something I'll watch again to see what I missed the first time. his movie is worth checking out.


Made it about 30 minutes before turning off. Just not good.Poor acting.Trite imagery which at the same time tries too hard - how is that even possible???Is there no end to the scraps of papers littering the entire movie? Seriously, a constant mess of scraps of papers. Boring.The walls which are splattered with black goop, or was it supposed to be blood? But I really don't care enough to figure out which it is.After 30 minutes I should care about something, but I don't.oh well.


Things get off on the wrong sort of footing with this one it has to be said. Visuals painted in sickly green palette and a tad tricky to make out, it doesn't work for more than a minute or so but the film takes a good deal more than that before settling down into a regular color scheme. If you can get past this, Finale settles into a decent groove, a tense and smartly paced cult themed offering. It follows the Michaels family, devastated by the suicide of their eldest son, but getting into further trouble of a paranoid and possibly supernatural kind. As grieving mother Helen, Carolyn Hauck hits the right fraught and fragile notes, obsession and rising paranoia that comes off nicely and is well reflected in the films obsessive use of close ups. As daughter Kathryn, Suthi Picotte exudes fresh and likable natural star power and makes for a good grounded contrast to the mounting of strange goings on in the film. Other roles are solidly filled by an array of mostly newcomers, actors aren't always sparkling but no one comes off as a grinding dud, baddies have the right quiet menace, the teen casting is realistic enough and so on. Director John Michael Ehlers shows his inexperience with the aforementioned green lit opening debacle and also overuses the color red in the final block, as well as some other stylistic infelicities, mostly in the form of visually incoherent moments. Luckily he uses close ups well, makes some fun creepy visuals with clocks and mirrors and other everyday objects granted sinister significance and is quite good at conjuring a cramped, dangerous atmosphere. Which goes a long way towards helping out some of the more frustrating sequences. Some of the scenes of action do particularly well, a fine seat edge nervous intensity to them that really pushes the film a few notches. The film ends too abruptly and has a slightly sketchy feel to the writing, but its overall a pretty worthy and pleasing little offering. Probably won't please those who don't already have a taste for this level of production, but those who do its recommended.

Alan Bannacheck

In the beginning of the movie we see Sean and his girlfriend presumably trying to halt a satanic ritual. When the dynamite fails to ignite, Sean is greeted with death through being hung by barbed wire. The rest of the film is directed at his family’s torment afterwords.First off, there is the mother Helen, who suffers from sleepwalking. After discovering some Satanical scrapbooks in her dead son’s room, she starts experiencing waking nightmares which we assume are of the past and what her son was uncovering. Granted there is some chilling sequences and good lighting effects, but the CGI here can be somewhat cheap too.Secondly, we have the daughter Kate, who is encouraged to join theater at her high school. Kate wins the leading role and is paired up with the theater hunk and seems to be optimistic. Unfortunately her mother discovers the director of the play named “Miss Bliss” is the one responsible for conjuring up the demon known as “The Collector of souls.” You can guess where the film goes from here.Overall the movie deserves a 6/10. There are a few good twists and the plot isn’t as cliché as one would expect. The filmography is above par for a B-grade film. The acting wasn’t flawless, but the cast did a convincing job, the left is up to willing suspense of disbelief. I would recommend this for die-hard horror fans into movies about cults.Alan "Skip" Bannacheck -The Horror Encyclopedia

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