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Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat

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Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat

Fuad Ramses III (J.P. Delahoussaye) returns to Miami to reopen his grandfather's defunct catering company. This arouses the interest of the local sheriff (Mark McLachlan), who holds Fuad's family reputation in ill favor. Fuad is soon, however, asked to cater the sheriff's wedding by his mother-in-law, Mrs. Lamply (Melissa Morgan), and fiancee, Tiffani (Toni Winne). After finding his grandfather's statue of Ishtar, an Egyptian goddess, in a utility closet, he becomes possessed by her evil spirit. He then goes on to create the 'blood feast' his grandfather failed to do, by killing young women in the area and making them into party food for the wedding.

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Release : 2002
Rating : 5.5
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Executive Producer, 
Cast : John McConnell John Waters
Genre : Horror Comedy

Cast List



Surprisingly incoherent and boring


Don't Believe the Hype


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

Derrick Gibbons

An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


I wanted to put my two cents in on this film, since most of the reviews are glowing and this is far from a good film, but what would you expect from Herschell Gordon Lewis. When I was 13 I didn't like roller coasters, if I wanted a stomach churning experience I watched splatter films. Sometimes they were funny like Peter Jackson's Bad taste (still a favorite), and sometimes they were lurid but entertaining like H.G. Lewis' 2000 Maniacs (well the theme song is still fun). But, as I've gotten older most of these films don't really stand the test of time and the only thing they have going for them are the gore. And in most cases not even that can save them.In Blood Feast 2 the gore is repetitive, the writing and acting are crap, and the jokes are old and unfunny. I'm not sure what I expected from Lewis, though his other films were interesting to watch for their lurid, sometimes inventive, gore this movie is just boring. I gave it 2 stars for one reason.John McConnellHe is the only thing worth watching in this movie, and his character carries the only spark of genius in the entire show. It's so genius that I have a feeling it wasn't in the original script, nor did the director or writer have anything to do with it. At one crime scene he makes the requisite "boy I sure am hungry" joke, of course I rolled my eyes "haven't heard that one before", but as the movie goes on it gets so over the top that he starts every scene with "I sure am hungry" and ends every scene with "I sure am hungry". John McConnell you have found a fan.


Pull up a seat, this buffet is a "Blood Feast (2)" and it's "All you can Eat"!!"Blood Feast 2 "-All You can Eat39 years after the original "Blood Feast" was released Herschell Gordon Lewis, the pioneer 'Godfather of Gore" is back with his next installment..."Blood Feast 2"!This time the grandson of the infamous Fuad Ramses, Fuad Ramses III has inherited the catering business and wants to make a bid at making the business a success. His first day in the shop he is visited by a police detective, who makes him very aware of Fuad's family history in his small town. Soon Fuad will inherit more than just the family business, revisiting the same path his Grandfather Fuad Ramses discovered 39 years earlier.Let's skip all the formalities and get right to it. "BF2" pulls no punches and from the start hits you right between the eyes, with exactly what you were hoping for- a blood Induced visual overload!Two homeless freeloaders digging through trashcans are introduced in the opening sequence. They find a dead cat in the trash and say that it will make for a good dinner, as they prepare the fire to cook with, a mysterious red light appears beyond a nearby back door. Upon seeing the light the derelicts appear to be possessed, one approaches the other with a large knife and cuts into his stomach and begins removing organs. The other possessed fool breaks a bottle and slashes the throat of his trash can friend. This opening scene really sets the tome for the remainder of the film and reassures the audience that "HGL" has got you covered and you are in for a wild ride."BF2" and it's grainy appearance , poor sound, constant overacting, strange Batlord type music, homage to B-movie splatter films of the 80's was hard to handle. One example was Fuad's (J.P. Delahoussaye) over the top characterization of the possessed caterer. The writing had some miscue's too,like the constant denial early on of who the obvious killer was.What "BF2" really did have going for it was the horrifically graphic GORE, explicit nudity, fantastic supporting acting by Detective Dave Loomis(John Mconnell) and the campy humor that at times was quite funny.OK, back to the gore! 1)Full view of a corkscrew into the ear, screwed around until a lot of brains is exposed. 2) Both arms of a human into a meat grinder, ground up to the elbows. 3) Mini ice cream scooper removes two eyes, then tongue is pulled out. Explicit Nudity "BF2" is loaded with beautiful women with incredible bodies running around waiting to be killed in gruesome, bloody fashion, throughout the film.Serious Comedy One scene in particular is where Detective Myers is mentioning the weather, when Detective Loomis does an entire scene of weather reporting, with map in the background. Really a very clever well done scene."BF2" with a running time of 99 min is very well paced, with the perfect amount of splatter to keep you in the mood. I will say that 10-15min could have been shaved off of the beginning of the third act to save from dragging on. Not having high expectations, to being pleasantly surprised with the quality of the FX and a plot twist too, make this film a real treat! Considering the subject matter, the film lacks the typical excessive swearing you might come to expect from the genre.Herschell Gordon Lewis' techniques and artistic representation are communicated well and are apparent in a few scenes. Like the all white backgrounds with blood saturating the foreground and protagonist, representing purity corrupted.His framing of shots and low angles which induce confusion and powerlessness in the viewer are textbook. Adding height with his opaque shots inspires fear and insecurity along with imbalance."BF2" was pretty good! If "HGL" wanted to venture out of the B-Movie security blanket, I'm confident he would make a great film. Not bad for a 73 yr old man back in 2002, 81 yrs old now! When i think of "Blood Feast 2"-"All You Can Eat", only one word comes to mind.....Evisceration!BruceVain


H.G. Lewis (the wizard of gore) made this film as a sequel to his classic "Blood Feast." Before this film came out, I though good old H.G. was in retirement somewhere just biding his time. I'm glad that I was wrong. Most of H.G.'s older films were pretty shocking in their day, but are merely campy by today's standards. Blood Feast 2 plays off of the campiness of his films, but doesn't become annoying like so many other films would.The plot is that Fuad Ramses III opens up a catering business in his grandfather's old shop (the villain in Blood Feast). He becomes possessed by the evil goddess Ishtar. He is hired by a bitchy socialite to cater her daughters wedding. Ramses begins butchering the bride's maids to fulfill his contract.Most of the humor is tongue in cheek and a little juvenile, but it fits the overall mood of the film rather well.For H.G. Lewis fans (those who haven't seen it) it is well worth the price of renting it.


I had waited and waited for this movie to come out, back when it was being hyped up in '99 (then as Blood Feast 2000), and heard absolutely nothing about this movie. Then on Halloween eve, I saw the double dvd in the video shop for $30, and I snatched it off of the shelf like a 5 year old snatches a lollypop out of his little brother's hand. I was so excited to see a new H.G. Lewis film (who has been one of my admitted "heroes"). All in all, I wasn't disappointed...but I do agree with the other reviewers that say it does tend to drag on a little long. But the blood and gore effects...oh man! I was in absolute gorehound heaven! I think Joe Castro needed to work on a movie like this to up his fx career a little bit, because usually his effects are pretty decent, but I talk about him to other horror fanatics, and they say, "who's that?". But he REALLY outdid himself on this movie, because there's a couple scenes that would make Dahmer himself a little queasy, including one of THE best throat-slashing scenes I have ever witnessed on film. I honestly think that after this movie, Joe Castro could very well become the new Tom Savini (if you will) of the blood'n'guts video scene.And another thing...alot of reviewers have said that this is very cheap, exploitive, bad, and somewhat grueling to sit through...but come on, people! this is Herschell Gordon Lewis! that's what the man is KNOWN for, for crying out loud! The overall sleaziness and exploitive nature of this film are his M.O.! And this definately has all the sleazy overtones and feel of his past films from the 60's and 70's.But anyway, you can tell that the killing scenes are the primary focus of this movie. Each one goes on for an excessive amount of time, until you find yourself saying "Come on, dude! she's dead already!" But then again, that's the point of exploitive horror. And H.G. Lewis has definately proven that he is still "the man" when it comes to his style of film-making. If you're looking for an over-the-top gorefest, then you should really check this one out...

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