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Die You Zombie Bastards!

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Die You Zombie Bastards!

Red Toole is an average good-hearted serial killer who enjoys killing hippies almost as much as he loves his wife Violet. But when Violet is kidnapped Toole sets out to reclaim the woman he loves, with unusual and often hilarious results.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 4.2
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Jamie Gillis Lloyd Kaufman
Genre : Horror Comedy

Cast List



That was an excellent one.


Excellent, a Must See


everything you have heard about this movie is true.

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one


"Die you Zombie bastards," is a film that attempts to tell a humorous tale about world domination via a zombie making machine. The main conflict is between a cannibalistic hero an alien mad scientist. While this is an enjoyable film, the end product contains almost no redeemable film making. In essence, the film is a lengthy inside joke told very poorly.The main problems with the film lie in the assumptions that it presumes. First, odd and sociopathic behavior are used as the driving force of humor. This assumption is not in and of itself flawed. However, use of socially taboo behavior as a joke does require some finesse and context to be effective. "DYZB," provides the bare minimum of context. The audience is made aware that the story takes place on earth and is conducted by people best described as stupid. Such a stark and simplistic context causes all attempts at humor to appear as puerile silliness and shock rather than comedy with any depth. A second assumption is that taboo characters are something that people want to see. To be fair, the idea of a cannibalistic hero was a drawing point. Yet, the utter lack of any development leads a viewer to disconnect the character from the actor. Essentially, one sees a person moving around and one knows that the character is a cannibal, yet, one does not necessarily care. The attempt to bolster a shockingly low budget film with quirky characters is a complete failure. A last assumption is that stringing a series of sketches together will lead to a full story and film. This is only half correct. "DYZB," is technically a film; however, it is quite fairly critiqued as being devoid of story. Basically, the film is summarized as: A man searches for his wife and also saves the world from a zombie machine. While it is true that many great ideas begin small, this is neither great nor an idea really. "DYZB," is a fragmented set of scenes loosely tied together by an incoherent idea and characterless characters.The above critique is purposefully harsh. The film is actually objectively bad. The production qualities are nil. The camera and camera work are sub-par. The acting ranges from wooden to overdone. The editing and story pacing is amateur at its best moments. The sound and special effects are all clearly purchased at a dollar store. In essence, this is a terrible film. With all of the above said, the film is actually enjoyable. The bad of this film is humorous. "DYZB," is clearly a stupid idea loved into existence by film students who are probably slightly behind the curve. The point that shines through is that fun was had during the making of this film. Despite being a technical and storytelling failure, the film has brief moments that are both fun and humorous. Basically, this is a film made more for the people in it than for an audience; yet, sometimes the audience is included in the joke.On a personal note, I will recommend this film to exactly one friend. It is technically a zombie film and thus part of the full zombie experience. The only other advice I have is: 1) Watch this with a group of people. 2) Be drunk or somehow intoxicated. 3) Expect nothing of value.


...and perhaps a direct insult to garbage itself, "DYZB" is the sort of haphazard visual and storytelling mess that no one in their right mind would ever leave on their resume. You know just by the title that it's going to be lo-fi trash, but this one gives a bad name to lo-fi AND trash. "DYZB" is just about as unwatchable as anything I've seen in recent memory, and that includes some pretty wretched material. Of course, as soon as I saw the name of master thespian, Jamie ("Mine's bigger than yours!") Gillis, in the credits, I knew expectations had to be kept low. Unfortunately, I didn't realize quite HOW low.This film needs no recitation of names involved, as I just mentioned the only name you'd ever recognize in a million years, and absolutely no one involved in this sad affair will ever--also in a million years--ever go on to achieve anything worth mentioning.Just take it on faith: this is crap without a single redeeming feature; even the bare boobies can't redeem it. It's the sort of film that cheapens the term, "film," and makes hacks like Rob Zombie seem like an Oscar-winner by comparison. Every single minute you spend with this one will be a minute you will regret having wasted for the rest of your life. You have been warned.


Sure, it's got it's faults, but this movie was pretty farking great. Totally original which is more than you can say for most movies. Funny, silly and while the subject matter and jokes are not taken seriously the film making is. It looks good, it moves...a lot of care went in. Too bad this movie seems to get lumped in with a lot of no budget shot on camcorder garbage. 10 years from now people will still be watching this movie (I know I will). It's a great DVD too...good commentary, funny behind the scenes featurette and some weird music videos. Sure, a lot of people will not like this movie. Movies that everyone likes usually have one major problem: they're bland. If there's on this this movie is NOT is bland.


Die You Zombie Bastards! is a wonderful slice of trash cinema for anyone who is a fan of troma films or just good films in general. The dialogue, casting, special effects and plot are all far better than one would expect a troma film (toxic avenger, etc.) to be. It is amazing that this young director could have such a great eye for what makes a good shot. not only is this film incredibly freaky, it is also quite funny in places. Some parts were so stunning that it made me wish i could rewind it just to make sure I saw it right.This film definitely deserves a DVD release, and someday will be seen as a classic in the genre. It is the best film of its kind ever made. An utter masterpeice. I give it 10/10.

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