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A Secret Handshake

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A Secret Handshake

Jacob is an ordinary man living an ordinary life with his beautiful wife, until the day he wakes up in an eerie hotel room to find himself being brutally tortured by a mysterious woman. He succumbs to the unbearable pain and loses consciousness; only to awake safely back in his own home the next morning to discover that he has been missing for days. At first, Jacob believes his experience was just

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Release : 2007
Rating : 3.6
Studio :
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Genre : Drama Horror Thriller

Cast List



Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful


Alright, first of all this is no Memento or similar types. Its an ambitious little film and its low budget. This combination usually results in a disaster and this one maybe an exception, just about. I came across this film at an underground cinema screener in West Mumbai, India and the little audience in attendance was completely intrigued throughout the film and continued to discuss the story after the end credits. It's an unusual film in the sense that it's very restricted (characters, locations, production value etc.) and very incessant (It's ambition to not veer off the one man's story). The film starts slow and draws us into Jacob's troubled married life and then takes a turn, shifts, turns again, spins, catches breath and repeats until it reaches the climax where its a free fall before the resolution. There is no point in going into the actual story as this one is the kind where you must experience and/or feel it. I am truly frustrated by this little film as there is unarguably "something" about this film that touches/disturbs the viewer but it feels not entirely realized at the same time. It's rare that so much emotion is shown between a married couple within the thriller genre in American films and maybe that's why this feels like a "foreign film". It's a very David Lynchish in its approach and while it manages this very well, little bit more budget and production design would have made it more accessible to a much wider audience. I would watch out for this Writer-Director future work.Ultimately if movies like Memento, The Machinist, Primer and such movies are your cup of tea (reference to a great add on in the film ), you'll enjoy this in spite of all its flaws. A generous 7 out of 10 for the brilliant effort.


I did not understand this movie at all. While I was watching, I was trying to explain what is happening. I reached a point while watching that I thought there is just no explanation at all. Is it voodoo magic? then played by who and why. Split personality, drugs etc..I said to myself if this movie is the type of movie that can show you anything and at the end, it leaves you with no explanations and so open ended, then this is a bad movie and is a complete waste of time to watch.It has a single scary moment that made my hair stand, which gives the movie some credit, otherwise, avoid this movie if you like logical movies that make sense.


This a strange little film. Every aspect screams "amateur" - the acting quality is a tiny notch above porn, the script trips into cliché at the worst moments, the direction is clumsy, the lighting (when they use any) veers between daylight or an 80s soft-rock ballad video. However, the story is great. I didn't see what was coming (truth be told it would be hard to predict) but there were clues planted along the way when you look back on it.Whether this all makes sense is another matter, but maybe that's the point. I enjoyed watching it - it was wanting to know what happened at the end that kept me going, even though all through it I kept thinking "This is so bad..." The last 60 seconds of the film, however, should have been cut, as they ultimately spoil it.Give this story to some new writers, director and cast, and it could have been a hit.


This movie was t e r r i b l e! The acting was...*shudder*. And that's a shudder in a bad way FYI. The receptionist at Jacob's workplace was probably the best act in the entire film. Jacob's relationship with his hot, young wife is far from believable, and the "scary, suspenseful" scenes made me laugh out loud. The love scenes looked like something from a softcore porn channel (oh yes, I know)Better acting can be found in the Incident in Lake County.If I could bash this movie any more, I would. I just lack the vocabulary, grammar, and time*shakes head*

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