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Detective Mike Jericho is changing. He stops showing up for work and shuts out the people once important to him. Now, he spends all his time hanging out with his new friends, having fun, and learning how to hunt and kill innocent people. Mike is changing; and his new friends aren't quite human. Detective Jimi Cannon is searching. He's hitting the streets, fiercely looking for his best friend, Mike. Now, Jimi must enter a world of shadows and face off - guns blazing - against an enemy that won't die. He'll do everything he can to save Mike, but it will take more than courage for Jimi to survive the NIGHT! Featuring a soundtrack of world-renowned goth/industrial artists, NIGHT violently takes you on a journey into seductive darkness. Written by B Miller

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Release : 2006
Rating : 2.8
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Music, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Simply A Masterpiece


Highly Overrated But Still Good


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


Take a time proved (or time-worn) genre, vampires, and attempt to give it a slightly different slant. Treat vampirism more as an alternate life-style that seems to suggest there is a difference between murder and killing for survival. Pretty ambitious stuff on a $7000 budget.Mike is introduced as he interrupts a burglary in progress. He accidentally shoots a young woman in the chest but amazingly she doesn't die. Needless to say it piques his curiosity and he looks for her. He must be an excellent detective because he finds her quickly. She is a vampire and she turns him. In the meantime Mike's friend is trying to find out what's up with his best friend.Most of my complaints are on the technology side. Obvious video with what appears to be a camcorder, poor audio, bad lighting. Of course, many of those problems would not be issues today due to improved camera choices. Even in SD, a DVX at 24 or 30FPS, would give us a better quality image. Spend $1000 of your budget on a decent set of lights (that you can use in your next movie) and adjust your on camera's white balance. Use an off camera mic and hopefully and a sound guy.The acting was hit or miss though I have definitely seen much worse even with higher budgets. The sets looked cheap. Surely if you can find actresses to do sex scenes and partial nudity you can find friends with access to better sets.The directing was competent though I would suggest being more conservative with the use of the skewed angles. Sometimes less is more. There is a lot of nitpicking that we could do but it wouldn't contribute anything to the review. Give the director a better camera, use quality lighting and sound, and tone down the "tricks." I am interested in seeing his later efforts.


'Night' is the result of watching too much Buffy and listening to too much Combichrist.The most striking feature of this film is the poor quality of it. The picture is harshly contrasted leaving key characters totally obscured in darkness or eroded away by bright white. The sound is muffled throughout and sounds like you're listening to people talking through the wall in the next room. Naturally, a lot of the dialogue is hard to hear coherently. Many low(er) budget films have overcome this; budget is not an excuse.The plot synopsis is weak yet not totally unoriginal but its execution is embarrassing. I never got the feeling that Jimi actually possessed long-term friendship with Mike and when Mike turned, it seemed random that Jimi would all of a sudden chase after Mike. They should have spent more time showing the viewer an intense bond between the pair rather than one work related bust. Convincing dialogue would have been a good start at this. I could not feel sympathetic towards Jimi because I could not believe his bond with Mike. Some of the characters had no personality whatsoever and were introduced into the storyline so suddenly it crippled the plot. The characters with personalities were impossible to like (poor an unemphatic acting) and impossible to identify with. They were more like pre-programmed robots than humans (or vampires).The interconnected sex scenes seem painstakingly pointless and I question why they were there. They failed to reveal more about the characters or move the plot forward. Jimi's sex scene just seems like an excuse to have him rant at the girl about Mike's disappearance which, again, is a weak non-attempt to contribute towards the storyline. Who most of the other people who were having sex are is not clear to myself; poor lighting is one reason and made-up characters seems to be the other. Other scenes were down-right laughable, such as Mike 'turning' into a vampire with his convulsions on the floor. This was hilarious predominantly because of the awful camera handling which accidentally had Mike out of the frame's centre numerous times. Returning to the plot, it was incoherent and challenging to follow. Unnecessary characters literally appear out of thin air for no commendable reason, as if someone were making the story up on the spot. Perhaps they would work better in a plot that is not so linear or one-dimensional.The fight scenes are in drastic need of work. It is obvious that the actors are not hitting each other and this will make the audience laugh unintentionally. Fight scenes are easier to choreograph if you have intelligent cinematography which obviously Night was lacking in. Industrial music and EBM are enjoyable to listen to in other circumstances but much of the time, it failed to corroborate the scenes they were underscoring here. Why the soundtrack welds itself to electronic music exclusively is beyond me.The only reason Night could be considered worth watching is to mock the script. It would not hurt to have some quirky one-liners. "Damn you"/"Damn yourself" is not funny nor clever. Just plain weak. Too much of the plot was left unexplored and unexplained. There is nothing compelling that drives you forth to finish watching the film. The attempt at enrolling an inclusive cast for a film aimed at alternative markets is ridiculous (why would a 'goth' girl go for Jimi in a club looking like some kind of business guy without a blazer? Surely a fishnet top or leather-clad male would be more her thing, particularly in an alternative club. Embarrassing mistake.) and should be avoided. This film should be used in film schools internationally as a 'How Not To Make A Film' example. Even fans of vampire films would detest this. It's not even close to art. Stay away.


That last guy was a jack ass.Miller is God!!! I say Night is destined for cult classic status.Keep on keepin on with your Bad Self Mr Miller.The world is full of nay sayers and ne'r-do-wellers.Some people just can not be pleased.So why try.Just keep making movies for people who can appreciate your art.Again I say all Miller touches turns to gold.And at the very least Night is WAY better than any of the Matrix sequels. Even the last reviewer must concede that much.Buy/rent it and see what I mean.

Paul Andrews

Night starts late one night as a cop (I think) named Mike Jericho (John Hardy) finds himself in the middle of a robbery, as he tackles the robber (Will Green) a woman named Tonia (Melanie Ginnett) is shot in the chest & survives. Wondering why Mike sets about tracking her down & once he does she reveals herself to be a Vampire & bites his wrist which turns him into one, Mike seems pretty happy about it so all's well with the world except Mike's best mate & partner Jimi Cannon (Shawn LeTang) is determined to find Mike & save him from his newly found Vampire friends whether he likes it or not...Edited, photographed, written, produced & directed by Byron C. Miller I thought Night was one of the worst films I have ever seen & believe me I've seen some crap films. The so called script isn't worthy of the name, this has no discernible storyline, nothing drives the film forward, it's incredibly dull & boring plus the characterisation is some of the worst I've had the displeasure to see. The dialogue is awful, there's no action, there's next to no gore & it took me four attempts over three days to get through to the end of this piece of crap. Now I realise this had the sort of budget which probably wouldn't stretch to a round of drinks but that is no excuse, I'm sorry but when I have spend good money & 90 odd minutes of my life to watch this utter crap I find it difficult to have any sympathy & I genuinely struggle to see how anyone could gain any sort of entertainment or pleasure from such a poor film. Night is the sort of film which makes you lose the will to live, Night is the sort of film which makes you feel like poking your eyes out & Night is the sort of film which I personally think is killing the horror genre.Director Byron quite obviously hasn't made a film before & quite obviously has no experience in doing so, this is basically a home movie shot on a digital camcorder using friends & family as cast & crew & edited on a cheap software package on a PC. This is one of the worst looking amateurish films I've seen since Swamp Zombies (2005). Forget about any gore as it's strictly of the plastic axes stuck to peoples foreheads type variety, there's a bit of nudity & some fight scenes which are absolutely pathetic. I'm sorry but I just don't have anything positive to say about this crap.With a supposed budget of about $7,000 which is maybe the second lowest budgeted film I've seen Night looks horrible in every regard from cheap lighting, poor special effects, bland locations which amount to a warehouse, a few street corners, a car park & a roof, rubbish acting & awful muffled hard to understand shot on set dialogue.Night is an absolutely terrible film, I hated every single second of it & the fact it's low budget is simply no excuse for such crap. My advice is to avoid this celluloid turd at all costs & do something fun instead like having your fingernails pulled out with pliers.Edit, to the guy who did the make-up effects & posted a comment referring to mine. Firstly I didn't say I could do better & I know for a fact that I couldn't which I freely & openly admit because I don't want to make a film & have absolutely zero interest in doing so, I simply want to be entertained by them & frankly Night fell someway short for me. Secondly I'm sorry but if I pay good money & spend 90 minutes of my life watching Night then I can say whatever I want about it, period. Thirdly for what it's worth I genuinely hope the film finds an audience & is successful for you, at the end of the day I didn't it like but so what? I'm just but one person on a planet of 6 billion...

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