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Home Sick

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Home Sick

A maniac with a suitcase full of razorblades unleashes a super human killer upon a group of kids in a small Alabama town. They must take up arms with a insane Chili enthusiast if they want to survive.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 4.6
Studio : Population 1280 Films, 
Crew : Cinematography,  Cinematography, 
Cast : Bill Moseley Tom Towles Tiffany Shepis Brandon Carroll Jeff Dylan Graham
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Undescribable Perfection


Pretty Good


Absolutely the worst movie.

Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.


HOME SICK is about a party where this weird man in a blue suit shows up(walking in an extremely creepy way in which he seems to be on a skateboard or some type of cart) with a suitcase filled with thousands of razor blades. He asks the people at the party who each of them hate, and for every answer he slices his wrist with a different razor blade. After he has finished asking everyone, he stands up sings a song and then leaves. Soon after he leaves, everyone who was named begins dying in very bizarre and horrific ways. The characters quickly come to the rather unbelievable conclusion that is is all because of the man in the blue suit, and since one of the people at the party listed off everyone that was in the house, the fates of all the characters are at stake. This may sound like a weird premise for a horror film, but trust me. It works.What I loved most about this film is that it didn't feel like a modern horror film. This film is probably about as close as a modern day horror film can ever come to replicating the style, atmosphere, music, characters, and gore of a 70s horror film. It comes off so impressively and so beautifully that you feel nostalgic just watching it. I wish that more horror films these days could be more like HOME SICK. The opening scene in the bathroom is a perfect example of a scene right out of something like I DRINK YOUR BLOOD or a Dario Argento film. It comes off so effectively and with such imagination. There's no CGI gore. It's all practical visual effects. They work absolutely perfect.The performances come off good in a realistic way. The characters in this film are all completely psychotic and insane and their psychosis comes off all too real at times, particularly toward the end when certain events are depicted in such a gritty and guerrilla-style way about them. The music in this is absolutely perfect in setting a dark tone, completely with a sense of eerie detachment and weirdness that feels entirely appropriate. Again, it's just like something Tobe Hooper would have done. The intense atmosphere just fits perfect with the film's style.In terms of complaints I had for the film, I did find the middle of the film to be a bit slow and moody in a way that came off slightly awkward. I liked it, but I can imagine many horror fans feeling a little bored. I also didn't really particularly like any of the characters, but considering how they are all insane I suppose that was the point. I don't know, it's difficult to really complain about this film since everything is done so deliberately. If you love the bizarre and cheap horror films of the early 70s like the ones I mentioned above, I am really confident that you will love this film. It's a must-see for horror fans for sure. Check it out.


Bill Moseley portrays the Suitcase Man, who crashes a party of twenty somethings and asks each of them, who is one person they hate and would like to see dead. His suitcase is full of razor blades, btw. Pretty upset that old Suitcase stopped in and a little scared, they all give him a name, but one guy makes the mistake of naming the whole bunch at the party should die (the guy is an idiot, and was just being a dick). Soooooooo, not only do the people they named start to end up in ultra gory deaths, but the whole group is now under siege from a creepy superhuman death machine. This is a film that could have been made by Herschell Gordon Lewis, and would be a gore classic. The gore effects are pretty cheap, but effective, and the story is pretty original. After several deaths have all ready occurred, the head goofball, decides the best place for the survivors to go to fight off the killer, is with Uncle Johnny (Tom Towles) who is a chili connoisseur, and also has a house full of many many weapons. This is a seventies style slasher movie, but with a real attitude, and way over the top on just about every level. All I can say, is "Home Sick" could have been a Masters of Horror 2-part episode, and might have been the best one. Very very gross, extremely and I mean extremely gory, and a good sense of humour that gives a wink and a nod to gorehounds. Take a look at the reviews at IMDb, and they all pretty much agree with me, that this is a must-have. Although Moseley's role is pretty small, he is highly effective in his usually creepy self. But most of the kudos go to Tom Towles, in one of his best and funniest roles ever. If you don't like small independent productions operating on a shoestring, but making the most out of every nickel, you should probably stay away, because this is for the fans that consider H G Lewis, the Godfather of Gore, and would love see more of his brand of gore films. "Home Sick" is his brand of gore, and mine too.The DVD is great, and has a commentary which I expect to watch tonight. It should be a hoot.


The first time I saw this film, I was a bit confused. Then someone explained to me that the movie was dream-like intentionally, kinda like a David Lynch in hell type of thing. Upon re-watching the movie, I enjoyed it much, much more. Everything made much more sense, when you understand that you are gazing into someones death-dream. I was blown away by it the second time around, although I still had to watch many scenes thru my fingers. The gore was very convincing, almost too convincing. Beware everybody, this film is for those with strong stomachs. I thought the parts that were supposed to be funny, were VERY funny. I laughed out loud a few times. The ending, unlike Eli Roth's claim for Hostel 2, that it was something no one ever saw before (yeah right) actually IS something no one ever saw before, although no one connected to the film has said that. I guess when you deliver the goods, the way the filmmakers have done with Home Sick, you don't need to self promote. This may be Bill Mosely's best roll. He was absolutely perfect as the Razorblade man. And naked Tiffany.....


I really enjoyed this movie. I thought the cinematography was pretty stunning as well. I didn't understand the whole movie at a few parts,so I think editing could have been a little better, but it was still a great film. I was really impressed with Mosley's performance, as always, as well as Lindley Evans who appears to be a newbie. Hope we see more of her. I'll finish in saying that I saw it at a film festival, but I haven't heard much about it since, which is somewhat of a disappointment. I'd like to know when and where it will be available. Does anyone know?Edited for length

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