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Lost Things

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Lost Things

Four teenagers; Gary (Leon Ford), Brad (Chalie Garber), Emily (Lenka Kripac) and Tracey (Alex Vaughan) travel to a desert paradisiacal beach and spend the weekend together. When they arrive, they meet the older Zippo (Steve Le Marquand), and experience a sense of Déjà vu with weird events, feeling that they had previously been in that place. That Saturday, they start to realize that they are actually trapped in a nightmare.

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Release : 2004
Rating : 5.2
Studio : Agenda Film Productions,  ISM Films, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Leon Ford Charlie Garber Steve Le Marquand
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List



Thanks for the memories!


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.


This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one


I agree with most of the things the other positive reviews say here, so I won't repeat them all. Primarily I thought the film had a good, strong mood and a VERY pensive atmosphere created quite effectively by good cinematography and excellent sound design. I mean, when a director can cause suspense and tension just by showing the tide swirling back over someone's feet, that IS indeed quite a feat! (yeah, yeah, I know... : )Seriously though, this is a PRIME example of how to make a very effective Horror film with clearly VERY little money and simply using technique and composition in putting the film together. The overall concept is actually quite simple and has indeed been done many, MANY times before. BUT... it is quite difficult to pull off a film like this (unless you happen to be David Lynch) To me personally, mood is all important and this one creates a powerful and mysterious one. I'm tempted to mention similar films like this one that were also made well, but I hesitate because I do not wish to spoil the story...Watching this, I really enjoyed the director's simple but effective style. It reminded me very much of Ti West's films. It takes real skill to build such a story with this kind of mood and tension with so little, which Ti West is quite rightly famous for doing. Sure, it could have been a bit more polished, but I'll trade a little roughness for the tangible, raw mood created here.Now, very importantly... And you can clearly tell this by the very polarized reviews here. This film will appeal primarily to ones who like vague and mysterious films. People who don't easily get caught up in nebulous mysteries and who may want things explained more clearly, will probably not care for this movie. So if you like vague, moody films that have a David Lynch type Surrealistic vibe to them, then you should really like this one.


A bunch of teens go out to an isolated beach for the weekend and find a bit more than the "good times!" they had planned. I was expecting this film, which was marketed as an Aussie teen slasher, to be bottom-of-the-barrel junk. Well, it wasn't a slasher and it was one of the better creepy films of the past few years. Taking its cue from 70s Aussie gems "Long Weekend" and "Picnic at Hanging Rock," (as well as several other low-budget American hits that will go unnamed here), this is a fresh and frightening little movie. It is well-acted (better than US teen horrors, anyway) and the middle half-hour of the film is actually quite frightening and doesn't skimp on the scares and eerie imagery. Unfortunately, the movie is a bit too ambitious for it's own good and leaves you thinking "huh?" in certain parts, but overall, I'd recommend this to anyone who likes psychological horror.


I saw Martin Murphy's film "lost thing's" last night because I love thriller's and horror and have been wanting to see some from other countries.I was impressed and watched it twice to understand it better.The beach was beautiful and the soundtrack eerie with the background sounds.The fact that the beach was empty with no other people except an older guy who was preaching doom, and only had snakes and sinister looking birds on it was unsettling. Some people wrote that the 2 leading young men looked too much alike,well I disagree! They played cousins who were like brothers so I liked it that they resembled each other.Brad's mom near the beginning of the movie made a reference to this and I thought it was a nice change having 2 of them being related other then having your typical 4 friends. I thought all the actors were believable and the movie was very well acted.It was such a nice change to see an Australian film.It was a disturbing film but in a different way then wolf creek was.It really got me thinking a lot.It makes you wonder if this scenario does or could happen if you are in limbo.Their souls all ended up back at the creepy beach and only Emily seemed to have figured out what had happened.It was tense watching her convince the other's what had happened to them. I am not fully clear about what the scenes of each of them standing on the beach alone was all about.The beginning was a bit rushed and the scenes with Emily and Zippo were not very clear.Otherwise I loved it and give this movie an 8 out of 10.


I just caught Lost Things on Showtime a couple of days ago. Its bad when an Australian film comes out and people haven't even heard of it. Not sure about many of you but I had no idea about Lost Things at all. It all starts with four teens on a surfing holiday. Two men and two woman. Everything thing seems to be going fine till they meet a man called Zippo.This film had me in all the way I was confused and scared at the same time. It takes you a while work out what is going on. Then at the end I think It's up to you yourself to decide what really happened. Which I found to be quiet a good thing.The only few things I didn't like about this film was. I think just a few to many flashbacks of people just staring out to sea. The other was to cast two leading men that look nearly the same.I think this film was shot a very low budget so my hat goes off to the filmmakers. If you haven't got foxtel check it out on DVD a good little Aussie film.

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