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Angus Lynch, a psycho, escapes from prison and hooks up with his stripper sister named Kascha. Some death ensues eventually leading Angus to cross paths with a police captain named David who has a daughter named Jackie and whose wife was murdered when she was a child.

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Release : 1995
Rating : 4.7
Studio : Twisted Illusions, 
Crew : Camera Operator,  Cinematography, 
Cast : Kathy Willets Joel D. Wynkoop Cameo John Quinn
Genre : Horror Mystery

Cast List



Simply A Masterpiece


I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

Aubrey Hackett

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

D. Ceased

I expected a little out of this; I love Tim Ritter's Killing Spree, and kinda liked Truth or Dare. But this is such a stinker it deserves a courtesy flush.The movie starts off with Angus fleeing from a crashed police car. He gets chased a little by a cop, but gets away pretty easily. We get introduced to a female cop who constantly has flashbacks of her mother being attacked. She gets assigned to catching Angus. Angus makes his way to a couple in a car out in the woods. The girl leaves to go relieve herself, and Angus kills the guy and steals his clothes. He then kills the girl and hangs her in a crucifixion type pose. He steals the car and goes to find his sister, Kascha (or something like that). Kascha has an abusive "boyfriend", and Angus wants him done with. He meets the fat slob, and stabs him in the stomach. The FBI takes over the case, saying that Angus is the most prolific serial killer in history, with over 300 murders. Angus goes to his mother's grave site, digs her up and curses her for dying before he could kill her. Him and his sister have sex and then he kills her too. He goes to a pawn shop and robs it, and after burns the owner's face. The FBI gets closer to catching him; meanwhile, the female cop finally realizes that the person who attacked and killed her mom was her own father, who for some reason has teamed up with Angus. Angus kills the father but gets stopped by the female police officer.This movie is absolutely abysmal, I am a lover of bad movies but this is just flat out terrible. There really isn't gore, just bad looking blood and a Papier-mâché head. As expected there really isn't any acting in this, Kathy Willets seems bored and probably hates every scene she's in. Joel Wynkoop does a better job, but still can't act at all. This movie just exists, as a big, stinking pile on Tim Ritter's name. There's nothing good in it, and it's too bad to be funny. Watch this if you want to waste some of your life.

Dr. Gore

*SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*I bought this one from a video store in Jupiter, Florida. The store was having an inventory reduction sale. I bought "Creep" along with a handful of other movies for about thirty bucks. The guy behind the counter looked at "Creep" and then looked at me and said, "You know the story behind this movie?" No, I said, what's the scoop? "You see the lady on the cover with the huge knockers? She was busted for prostitution back in the 90's. It was a famous case in Florida. Somehow [director] Tim Ritter got her to be in his movie. Yeah, Ritter lives around here. He's from Jupiter." Wow, I said, I didn't know that this was a locally made movie. I looked at the video box cover again and saw a bleached blonde with huge knockers getting strangled from behind by some drooling lunatic. As if that image wasn't enough to get me excited, now I had the full back story on this B-flick to get my heart pumping. I was ready for some "Creep".So my brother pops over the other day and we decide to give "Creep" a whirl. "Creep" is the story of Angus the nutbag and his desire to kill people. Angus goes to visit his sister who happens to be a stripper. She was the woman on the cover, (Kathy Willets), that the guy in the video store was talking about. She looked good to me although my brother was less impressed. "Oh God, she's hideous! Don't fall for the fake breasts! Any of the other women in the movie were better looking!"So Angus kills people while Willets and her large, fantastic, fake breasts bounce in your face. Some other women get naked as well. "Creep" is truly for the die hard B-sleaze lover. Any normal moviegoer would have a heart attack watching it. It was shot on video and looks cheap and tacky. I would give it a 4/10 only because of plentiful fake breasts and blood. If you're a B-fiend, you should check it out.


Man, this movie isn't for everybody, but if you like low-budget, gore-exploitaion flicks, this is classic. It has gore, moves pretty fast, but to me it is a dark tale so it isn't super fast-fun filled flick. But if you like this kinda stuff, check it out.


All hail to the Prince of low-budget video, the Duke of twisted storytelling and the King of gore-on-a-budget! Tim Ritter's outrageous horror-fest CREEP delivers! Kathy Willets and Joel D. Wynkoop play savage killers in this sexually twisted and graphically shocking story. Patricia Paul plays a convincing role as the stressed-out cop drawn into this sick affair. CREEP is filled with some of the most innovative twists and shocking turns of events. The story flows smoothly with each passing scene, until the climactic and STUNNING finale. Skillfully written and masterfully shot, Tim Ritter continues to prove that he is one of the better young directors in the no-budget industry. CREEP is sure to be considered one of the all-time favorites at this level! ***

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